As we mentioned in previous articles we know that the American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables. These types of harmful substances are toxic. Our body's detoxifying functions try to get rid of them everyday, when they fail it causes a disruption of hormone production, damaging our body's detoxification organs and weakening our immune system resulting in hormone imbalance and many chronic illness consequently. By the time you read this article, I hope that you already have followed the the first step and replaced your daily intake of food with healthier ones. Here is the second step, you might want to understand the most common diseases associated with an unhealthy diet.
We will discuss the treatment in the third step of this article series of detoxification
1. High blood cholesterol level and triglyceride
Consuming a high amount of saturated fat and trans fat (a typical American diet) with less fruits and vegetables causes bad cholesterol building up in the arteries and triglyceride in the blood stream causing less oxygen in the blood and interfering with circulation of the blood as well as transportation of nutrients to our body's cells causing a variety of chronic illness.
2. High blood Pressure
The accumulation of bad cholesterol in the arteries and triglyceride in the bloodstream as well as deficiency of minerals causing calcium building up in the arterial wall resulting in arterial wall hardening and less elasticity. These types of problems cause the blockage of circulation of the blood. In order to provide more nutrients to our body's cells, our heart must work harder which results in high blood pressure and heart diseases.
3. Heart diseases
Heart diseases are caused by high blood pressure and other chronic diseases, mineral and nutritional deficiency such as diabetes, and magnesium, iron, and, zinc deficiencies. In this case, the heart has to work harder to provide oxygen and nutrients to the body's cells. If any go wrong in this process, we have coronary heart diseases.
3. Weakened Immune system
With poor diet that is high in fat, protein, less in fluids and vegetable, causes the clot up of arteries making the circulation of blood difficult for absorption of oxygen and nutrition to our body. Without enough nutrition, our body becomes weaker and easier to be infected by bacteria and virus as well as causing inflammation to our vital organs.
4. Mini Stroke
Not all mini stroke cause damage to our body, but thousand of mini strokes will. Mini stroke is a symptom of poor diet caused by arteries and blood vessels being clogged up by cholesterol and triglyceride. If any part of our brain's cells can not get enough oxygen the cells will die off and never come back, then we have stroke. Stroke might also be caused by a rupture of small blood vessels in the brain resulting in a hardened and less elastic brain vessels. This causes cells being covered by blood and unable receive oxygen provided.
5. Obesity
Over 60% of the North American population are considered to be overweight according to the BMI index because of unhealthy diet with foods high in saturated fat and trans fat, less fruits and vegetables, and excessive drinking causing fat building in the abdominal area resulting in obesity and other forms of chronic diseases.
6. Diabetes
Diabetes is caused by receptors being clotted up by fat and cholesterol due to typical American diet with high saturated fat, trans fat, deficiency of minerals and vitamin, and becoming insensitive to insulin making it unable to enter the cells, resulting in high amounts of glucose remaining in the bloodstream and we have diabetes.
I hope this information will help to rejuvenate your health and detoxify your body. If you need more information, please follow my article series of the above subject at my home page at: