Addiction to Anger
Think for a moment about the last time you got angry with someone. At that moment, what was most important to you - getting what you wanted or being caring?
Obviously, at the moment that you get really angry at someone, it is more important to you to get what you want than it is to be caring. Why is this? What is happening on the inner level that leads you to be more interested in what you get from the other person than to be a caring person?
One of my client's, Jake, has an anger problem. Jake is a good guy who enjoys doing things for other people. The problem is that Jake never checks inside to see whether or not he really wants to be doing whatever he is doing for someone.
Jakes tends to ignore his own feelings and needs. He doesn't speak up for himself with his wife Karen, saying yes when he means yes or no when he means no. Instead, he stuffs his feelings and goes along with things that he really doesn't want to do. But underneath his giving himself up, Jake has expectations of Karen. He tells himself that because he is doing so much for her and so much of what he thinks she wants him to do, she should respond in a particular way - such as being very appreciative, affectionate, or turned on to him. When Karen doesn't give Jake the attention he is expecting and wanting, he explodes at her.
What is really going on here? What is going on is that Jake is not giving himself the attention that he needs. He is ignoring his own feelings and needs and instead doing what he thinks Karen wants him to do. And because he is not aware of his own feelings, he is not aware that his inner child is angry with him for not taking care of him. He then projects his anger onto Karen, making her responsible for his feelings of abandonment.
Jessica is a tiny woman with a big energy and a back problem. Jessica has been told by her doctor not to lift heavy things. But instead of asking her husband or adolescent sons to lift heavy things for her, such as the heavy trash bags from her gardening work, she lifts them herself. She then gets furious at her husband and sons for not noticing that she needed help, and for not being concerned about her when she comes in the house in pain from her gardening work.
Jessica is not caring about herself, and is then projecting her own lack of caring onto her family. When asked why she continues to do things that are hurting her, she states, %26quot;They have to be done and no one else will do them.%26quot; Jessica makes taking care of the house more important than taking care of her body, and then gets angry with her family when she perceives them as not caring about her.
Blaming anger at others is generally a projection of ways you might not be taking care of yourself. If you find yourself getting angry with others for their lack of attention or caring about you, you might want to look inside and see how you might not be attending to and caring about yourself. Others' behavior is often a mirror of how we are treating ourselves, so if you feel uncared about from others, this may be reflecting your own lack of self-care.
You will find that the more you practice the Inner Bonding process that we teach and take loving care of yourself - staying tuned inside to your own feelings, staying connected with the love and wisdom of your spiritual Guidance, and taking loving action in your own behalf - the less you will be angry with others.
Grandparents VS Grandparents
OnClick="window.open('article_show_image.php?img=user_files%2F2996%2FImage%2Fgrandparents+with+child.jpg','','left=10,top=10,width=657,height=445,menubar=no,directories=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=no')" alt="" />It is the parents that have a major role in modeling the young children%26rsquo;s minds. The children look up to their parents, so the parents%26rsquo; behavior should be presentable at least in front of their children.
When it comes to emotions, parents are influential in this area too. In this article we speak of the fine line between the grandparents on the mother%26rsquo;s and grandparents on the father%26rsquo;s side.
A grandchild is certainly equally adored by both grandparents on the mother%26rsquo;s and on the father%26rsquo;s side. But what about the grandchild? Will s/he requite with the same amount of love or will some other factors get in the way?
Grandparents on both sides with certainly fight for the grandchild%26rsquo;s affection and this little person will often become a subject of jealousy and rivalry between the two. This is where parents come into the picture %26ndash; to create and preserve harmony in the family and teach the child to equally love the grandparents.
Today grandparents play bigger roles in the grandchildren%26rsquo;s lives, in comparison to about three decades ago, simply because there are more grandparents now. A child used to be quite lucky if he or she had at least one grandparent some time ago. Today, most of the kids enjoy attention of all four. Also called %26ldquo;the second parents%26rdquo;, the young grandparents are vital, full of energy, they drive and travel and are just waiting to fulfill their grandchildren%26rsquo;s each wish and challenge. It used to be the grandmother%26rsquo;s role. However, the times have changed and the grandfathers have included themselves into the grandchildren%26rsquo;s lives. Today, they are as equally capable of babysitting and even doing the house choirs.
Grandparents are vitally important for the kids%26rsquo; development and should not be excluded from their lives. Even if there are disagreements between the parents and grandparents, the children should not feel and know about them because this kind of behaviour will certainly lead to emotional detachment on the children%26rsquo;s side.
Grandparents on mother%26rsquo;s side seem to be more involved in the kids%26rsquo; lives; at least this is what the statistics say. Twenty-five to thirty percent of them meet the grandchildren every day in comparison to fifteen percent of the fathers%26rsquo; parents. It is said that psychological factors are to blame and that these factors have been passed for centuries.
Mothers family offers security for belonging somewhere while there%26rsquo;s always suspicion on the fathers side.
Interestingly, it is the young parents who support the rivalry between the grandparents. The reasons are numerous and they range from the working hours, job types and age to unregulated relationships in the families and disagreements.
These disagreements between the parents and grandparents should be put aside when it comes to children. No grandparents should be shut down from the children%26rsquo;s lives because they too are crucial for the kids%26rsquo; development and happiness.
There are ways to bring grandparents into the children%26rsquo;s lives and create a healthy environment for everyone.
%26bull; Virtues and qualities of both sides should be praised so that children could develop more interests and realize that both fishing and crafts are useful and fun to do.
%26bull; Families should gather together if not on regular basis then certainly during birthday and other celebrations. Grandparents on both sides should socialize during these events.
%26bull; Don%26rsquo;t be one-sided just because you trust your parents more or know their habits and methods. Children should not know about your preferences as they are very likely to accept them even though they are based on prejudices.
%26bull; If you disagree on the grandparents%26rsquo; ways and rules, you should say it loud and clear instead of denying them the children%26rsquo;s visits.
If other grandparents live far away, the grandchildren should visit them during the holidays and cherish these moments. It is certain that those who spend more time with the kids will be more appreciated and this should be avoided.
If one side is better situated and can provided more and better presents, children should be taught to value the nonmaterial aspects of the other relationship.
So, parents, put aside your differences and help your children be better people.
Say goodbye to winter moodiness!!!
Are you feeling moody, weary and not up to anything? Yes, winter does that to a person.
Here are some tips to wake you up from that winter sleep and help you enter the spring in a super shape!
Don%26rsquo;t overeat!
It is important not to overeat in the winter time. Choosing light and easy digestible foods will not upset your stomach and having regular physical activity will help you get into shape. So start running or at least walking every day.
Get outside!
You should be spending as much time as possible out of the house.
Day light will definitely boost your mood. Otherwise, spending time in closed and dark places will only make you chronically tired.
Shower in the mornings!
Showering alternately with warm water for 2 minutes and then 30 seconds with cold water for three times will wake you up and get your blood going. This will help you regulate your body temperature more easily.
Warm up your feet!
In the winter time, circulation gets sluggish, especially to the extremities. Blood vessels constrict and disable blood and oxygen flow and the extremities get cold. You should warm them up! A foot massage or even leg-warmers will certainly stimulate circulation. Make sure you avoid coffee and other caffeinated drinks as they additionally shrink the blood vessels.
Go to the sauna!
Sauna gets toxins out of the body, speeds up circulation and elevates the mood. You should shower with moderately warm water and put some hydrate cream to moisten the skin and keep it from getting dry.
Jog in the winter time too!
It is not true that jogging in the cold weather is unhealthy. Dress warmly and just go for a run. Put a scarf over your mouth so you don%26rsquo;t breath in cold winter air! Wear more clothes so you don%26rsquo;t sweat a lot and catch a cold.
Don%26rsquo;t forget the vitamins!
Help your immunity get stronger by regular vitamin intake. You should concentrate on fruits with high loads of vitamin C such as grapefruit and kiwi and make sure you get enough of vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B6 and B12.
Ventilate your home!
Many of people hate venting as it took them ages to warm up the place. The air dries up in the heated rooms and irritates mucous membranes of the throat and nose. This further makes an excellent ground for bacteria reproduction. To prevent this from happening, just open the windows wide and let that air circulate.
Go shopping!
To break the winter blues, go shopping! Studies have shown that shopping helps with the apathy, even in men!
Getting started is hard but as soon as you adopt these couple of lifestyle changes, you will feel a whole lot better!
Help your children grow into a strong and stable person – build their self-esteem
Parents are the most important people in their children%26rsquo;s lives. It is the parents that provide their children with the first definitions of themselves. How children see themselves is often built on the basis of the parents%26rsquo; and the other close people%26rsquo;s words.
Parents%26rsquo; every action, including words and gestures, shows the children who they are, how important they are and how they are perceived by the others.
The main goal of every parent should be to help their children develop a solid and stable sense of themselves. This starts in infancy by appropriate responding to a child%26rsquo;s signals. Having a solid foundation of self-esteem will allow them to perceive their talents and abilities accurately, look at their goals realistically, have an optimistic view of their lives and deal with the life%26rsquo;s ups and downs with flexibility.
What does a good self-esteem include?
1. a healthy view of yourself and a sense of self-worth
2. a positive outlook
3. feeling satisfied with yourself most of the time
How do you help your children build a good self-esteem?
Children are so inherently different from one another and that what is right for one child may be wrong for another.
Each child should be looked at individually instead of searching for the %26ldquo;right%26rdquo; way to parent.
However, there are some general rules that a parent must not get around.
Paying attention
Foundation for good self-esteem starts from the first days of your children%26rsquo;s lives. It is crucial to respond appropriately to the children%26rsquo;s signals for both fun and help. You need to relate to their need for interest and enjoyment as well as their feelings of distress and anger.
Appreciate your child, tell them, show them you love them, and spend a lot of quality time with them. If you spend time together you must enjoy it or there is no point. Show appreciation at all times. Thanking them when they do something good is reward enough because children like to please.
Another important building block of self-esteem is a child%26rsquo;s feeling of competence. If they can%26rsquo;t accomplish something; they will seek your help. If you fail to see and respond to these calls, the children may begin to think that their problems don%26rsquo;t matter and their feelings don%26rsquo;t count. If you, on the other hand, respond to their distress, you will help them build the needed confidence.
Reward and praise
Reward and praise are excellent motivators, much healthier than fear and shame.
Children need to hear how much you approve of them and their actions. They see the world of you and want to be like you. They need your looks of approval and love.
But do not exaggerate. They can only get confused by excessive and especially by false praise. Further more, they have a way of knowing if they have truly earned your acclaim or if you are manipulating them. Self-esteem is built by realistic praise.
Do not praise them if they made a mistake or haven%26rsquo;t accomplished their goal. Instead, explain that they have done well and can do even better next time. Acknowledge their feelings of dissatisfaction and help them perform better next time instead of praising their dissatisfaction statements.
Criticizing is good. It can be uncomfortable but it could also motivate changes. However, you should never criticize your child%26rsquo;s traits, only their actions. Be specific with explaining what they did wrong, the pros and cons and the reasons and rationales for whatever issue may be at stake.
Offer Protection
Nothing helps a helpless child more than knowing they can depend on you to protect them from danger and distress. If they perceive the world as threatening, they will never be able to feel courageous and make their way through the ups and downs. You should let them express their signals of distress and remove the triggers and set them free but make them know they always have a safe place to return to. This will definitely boost their confidence.
You should also
%26bull; Encouraging your children to make choices
%26bull; Foster independence
%26bull; Give importance to their opinions
%26bull; Feed them with positive encouragement and encourage them to try new and challenging activities
%26bull; Help them deal with failure
to boost their esteem. After all, this is how we all would like to be treated, isn%26rsquo;t it?
Make sure your children don%26rsquo;t feel a failure. Teach them that there are no failures, only temporary setbacks. Your child should never be told that they have failed, that they have let you down and that they cannot succeed. Instead, show them you believe in them and their success.
Last but not least: discipline and setting limits
Children who are not disciplined tend to feel more dependent and out of control and can not grow up with high self-esteem.
You should practice positive discipline. Using only negative consequences and negative talk (constant no%26rsquo;s) with your children will teach them to behave but may develop little internal self-esteem.
It is crucial to remember not to get across more than three discipline points at the time. Constant hearing of the %26ldquo;NO%26rdquo; word may be interfering with the growing self-esteem and you also need to be consistent with discipline and it%26rsquo;s hard to be consistent with more than three discipline situations.
Remember that responding to your child signals will prevent the cycles of frustration, hurt, and anger threatening to interfere with the parent-child relationship and erode the child%26rsquo;s internal world.
The child who fails to develop a solid sense of self may become an angry, intolerant, defensive, withdrawn, self-destructive and fearful individual. Lack of self-esteem may also lead to other less pleasing personality traits and leave the person depressed, depleted, and drained.
The so called positive parenting will help your child to grow into a unique and self-confident person and enable you to fully enjoy each other%26rsquo;s company and deepen your friendship.
Self-Medicating with Food
What does food mean to you?
- Is it a way to nourish and support your body in excellent health?
- Is it a way to satisfy your physical hunger?
- Is it an experience that you relish and enjoy?
- Is it a way to fill your emotional emptiness, to numb out and suppress your feelings?
If you identify with the latter - if you use food to avoid responsibility for your feelings, then you are self-medicating with food. You are using food addictively - as someone else might use a drug or alcohol.
It is easy to self-medicate with food because it is so available for most people. The chances are that if you are reading this article, you have a computer and enough money to buy food. You don't need a prescription for it and it is not illegal. Therefore, it is readily available.
What is the underlying issue here? Why are you devoted to self-medicating? You are devoted to self-medicating when you are NOT devoted to taking responsibility for your feelings.
When your primary intention is to avoid responsibility for your feelings, then you will likely find numerous addictive ways of doing this - from blaming others and feeling like a victim, to numbing out with substance and process addictions. The bottom line is that until you decide that you want to take full 100% responsibility for your own feelings, you will continue to self-medicate.
What is so scary about taking responsibility for your feelings? Why will you do almost anything to avoid this responsibility, including ending up sick or obese from self-medicating with food? What do you tell yourself will happen if you take responsibility for your feelings?
%26bull; Are you telling yourself that there is too much pain to manage - that you have to numb it out to survive?
%26bull; Are you telling yourself that you don't deserve to take responsibility for your feelings?
%26bull; Are you telling yourself that it is selfish to take care of your own feelings - that a caring person takes care of others' feelings?
%26bull; Are you telling yourself that it is too much work and you don't have the time?
%26bull; Do you tell yourself that if you open to your feelings and to taking responsibility for them, you will become too vulnerable and end up being controlled and taken advantage of by others?
%26bull; Are you telling yourself that your inner child is too needy and demanding and you can't possibly meet your needs?
%26bull; Are you telling yourself that if you take responsibility for yourself you will end up alone - that others' will be too upset by your self-care and leave and you will be more unhappy than you are now?
%26bull; Do you tell yourself that if you take loving care of yourself, then you will outgrow your relationship or not want to be in this relationship?
%26bull; Do you tell yourself that you are taking care of your feelings and you don't understand why you have a food issue, or that eating the way you eat is taking care of your feelings?
All of these things you might be telling yourself are coming from your wounded self and are lies that you tell yourself.
This is not an exhaustive list regarding what you tell yourself that causes you to fear taking responsibility for your feelings.
You might want to take a moment to look inside and see what you tell yourself that causes you to self-medicate rather than take responsibility for your feelings.
Taking responsibility for your feelings means that you are devoted to the practice of Inner Bonding - that instead of self-medicating you are doing Inner Bonding whenever there are distressing feelings.
You will know the joy and fulfillment of taking responsibility for your own feelings only when you do it! Start today with bringing Inner Bonding into your life throughout the day.
Do You Know The Way Your Man Is Thinking?
Before getting frustrated with your man and his actions (or lets better say non-actions), make sure you think his way first.
Women and men do think differently and what may be important for you ladies may not even cross your man%26rsquo;s mind.
Is he not interested in talking about an important problem (from your point of view)? Does he feel like talking about an important issue at the same time you do? Will he clean the house on his own? Is he not talking about his feelings? Does he ever apologize?
While women like to think about their problems out loud and discuss every little aspect of an issue as well as all possible options, men, on the other hand, like to think through about the problem on their own, think of a concrete solution or an answer and then approach to you in their own time.
You should give them some space and let them do it their own way.
If your man doesn%26rsquo;t talk about his feelings, it doesn%26rsquo;t mean he doesn%26rsquo;t have any. He just may not know how to share. While women pronounce 25000 words a day, men pronounce only 12000. A link between the center of emotions and speech center are 40% less developed in men than in women. This is why men don%26rsquo;t have this need to express their every thought. Instead, they only talk about what they think matters.
No matter how much women need for their men to apologize to them, their men somehow always find it hard to do so. Psychologists say this is because of high load of testosterone and the role men have in society. They need to stand as strong figures and not apologizing whiners. Don%26rsquo;t think they are not aware of their mistakes; they certainly are but will not say it. They will show it by the body language and act more insecure than usual.
How come he never realizes that your home needs immediate vacuuming or cleaning? It%26rsquo;s because he doesn%26rsquo;t notice things around the house to clean. It doesn%26rsquo;t mean he is not willing to help %26ndash; it%26rsquo;s just that he doesn%26rsquo;t think the house is dirty. All you have to do is ask for some help around.
I%26rsquo;m sure that you had picked up a fight with your man over at least one of these issues. Think again next time and enjoy a cozy evening instead of spending the night angry and alone.
Having Lump In The Throat Sensation
The complaint of a lump sensation in the throat is very common. Most commonly, lump sensations are harmless while visible lumps in the throat should not be taken lightly. An exam of the neck and throat is extremely important to eliminate serious problems.
Visible lumps in the throat are less common though.
The sensation of a lump in the throat would often cause a lot of anxiety although anxiety may be the culprit in the first place. However, there are many other possible causes of this annoying disorder. Patients are naturally worried and frequently fear that the lump sensation may be cancer. Fortunately throat cancer is extremely uncommon. The bad thing about throat cancer, as well as most of the other cancers in their initial stage, is that it would rarely show any symptoms
You should know that it is an ENT surgeon, who should look into the problem and differentiate a benign from a malignant cause.
The following are the possible causes of lump in the throat.
Cricopharyngeal spasm %26ndash; a self-limiting disorder that resolves on its own. It occurs when the cricopharyngeus muscle (also known as the upper esophageal sphincter) starts to spasm instead of contract and relax.
It is the most common cause of the lump throat sensation. These spasms are often made worse by stress and anxiety. Additional symptoms that would prove Cricopharyngeal spasms are:
%26bull; Feels like a golf or a tennis ball is stuck in the throat
%26bull; The lump comes and goes depending on the day
%26bull; Symptoms are usually gone in the mornings and present later in the day
%26bull; Stress aggravates the symptoms
%26bull; Swallowing saliva is hard while eating is not the problem
%26bull; Improvement occurs several weeks or a few months after, but almost immediately if the person know what the problem is.
%26bull; Warm fluids comfort the throat.
%26bull; When stress lets up, the symptoms improve.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, is the recurring movement of stomach acid from the stomach back up into the esophagus. It causes heartburn, regurgitation, chest sensations and pain. If the stomach contents reflux up to the level of the larynx, the disorder is called Larygopharrngeal reflux (LPR or 'silent reflux'). LPR is very likely to cause symptoms such as chronic throat clearing, throat phlegm, changes in the voice and the notorious lump in the throat sensation.
Thyroid disorders. The thyroid is a small but crucial gland situated below the skin and muscles at the front of the neck, just at the spot where a bow tie would go. This gland regulates the production of many hormones and controls metabolism and growth. An underactive thyroid gland, a disorder called hypothyroidism, would cause a sensation of lump in the throat.
General enlargement, nodules and inflammation in the thyroid gland can be caused by both hypo as well as hyperthyroidism. These nodules can cause a feeling of lump in the throat. Diagnosis usually rests on physical examination, blood tests, a needle biopsy and possibly an ultra sound examination.
Lump in the throat is very common for people who have no physical problems but are under a lot of emotional stress and who are unable to express their feelings.
People who have psychological problems like generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), depression and panic attacks often experience a lump in the throat sensation.
Generalized anxiety disorder can be defined as chronic and exaggerated worry and tension with constant anticipation of a disaster and excessive worry about health, money, family, or work. The cause is often hard to find. The most common symptoms of GAD are anxiety, trouble concentrating, irritability , depression, troubles with sleeping, lightheadedness, racing and pounding heartbeat, muscle tension and aches, problems swallowing, lump in the throat feeling, sweating, nausea, etc
Patients suffering from arthritis in the neck, also known as Cervical Spondylitis may feel a lump in the throat due to increased muscle tension in the neck and around the larynx.
Also medications, antihypertensives such as diuretics and ACE inhibitors as well as antimuscarinics used in treatment of irritable bowel, urinary problems and psychiatric conditions can have a drying effect on the throat and contribute to the lump sensation.
Not so frequent conditions such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, and certain tongue disorders may contain throat lump in their symptoms list.
Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx (voice box) that can be viral or bacterial in origin; its most common symptoms include hoarseness, loss of voice, constant need to cough, sore throat, difficulty swallowing and lump in throat feeling although the lump feeling could be felt as a tingling sensation in the back of the throat.
Pharyngitis is inflammation of the pharynx that can be viral or bacterial. Its main symptoms are similar to those of a cold %26ndash;a runny nose, fever, red throat headache and of course lump in the throat.
Tongue disorders that could be blamed for your lump sensation are glossitis, oral thrush and tongue cancer.
Emotional explanations for the throat lump sensation should not be accepted until other causes have been ruled out.
Possible causes of eyelid swelling
Swelling of the eyelids appears to be a quite common symptom many people complain about. Naturally, it gets them worried but most people do nothing and wait for the swelling to go down on its own. A few may apply a warm cloth over the swelling, other take an over-the-counter antihistamine like Benadryl or Claritin but those more anxious may start picking and squeezing and even aggravate the condition.
You may be surprised to hear that there are over 70 causes of swollen eyelids. Some quite common, others quite rare. In order to avoid any complications, you should see a doctor and abstain from self-diagnosis and especially picking or applying any over-the-counter or so-called home-made treatments.
Depending on the severity of the onset of eyelid swelling, you may decide to consult some of the following medical professionals. You will not make a mistake by choosing a general practitioner, emergency physician, ophthalmologist or dermatologist.
You should remember that diagnosis is dependable on the additional symptoms. Paying attention to additional symptoms will significantly narrow the options.
If you do notice any additional symptoms, do not hold them back. It is essential you reported them to the specialist you had previously chosen to visit. This action will lead to an accurate diagnosis and successful treatment.
A doctor will probably want to know some additional things such as duration and severity of the eyelid swelling (to figure out if acute or chronic), a brief family and your own medical history (to see if any inherited disorders may be to blame), if you had taken any medication, if you had any allergic or adverse reactions before, if you had a cold or a runny nose recently (to see if it could be viral), if you had redness or some kind of eye discharge (to see if it could be bacterial) to get a better picture.
Possible causes of eyelid swelling are:
1. Allergic reactions.
Swelling of the eyelids could be caused by hair spray, nail polish, make-up allergy, chemical allergy, animal and plant allergy. Animal allergies are most commonly caused by the household pets.
2. Blepharitis and chronic blepharitis.
Blepharitis is an annoying reoccurring condition that causes inflammation of the eyelids. There are underlying conditions that provoke blepharitis. They are acne rosacea, dry eyes, scalp dandruff, and different infections such as staphylococcus bacteria. Symptoms indicating possible blepharitis include burning in the eye feeling, foreign body feeling, excessive tearing and itching of the eye.
3. Conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis is a contagious infection of the eye. The infection could be viral or bacterial in origin but also triggered by an allergy, environmental irritants, contact lenses and eye - drops and ointments. It usually causes swelling, itching, burning, and redness of the eye protective membrane. Conjunctivitis easily spreads from one person to another.
4. Styes
Styes are enflamed sebaceous glands located near the base of the eyelashes. Most commonly caused by staphylococcus bacteria, they remind of pimples. It is important not to squeeze or pierce them so that bacteria wouldn%26rsquo;t spread over the entire eyelid. Washing hands is essential when applying any type of treatment on the stye because dirty hands will spread the infection.
5. Chalazion
Chalazion is caused by oil glands blockage. In return, swelling of the upper or lower eyelid occurs. Additional symptoms that may appear are redness, pain, itchiness and lumpiness of the eyelid. Your doc may suggest you to wait or apply hot compress, receiving corticosteroid injection or even a surgery depending on severity.
Some less common causes include:
Cellulitis - inflammation of skin or subcutaneous tissues.
Orbital Cellulitis - a bacterial infection of the around-eyes tissue. It causes redness and swelling around eyes and is usually a result of an underlying condition such as conjunctivitis, sinusitis or even diabetes.
Herpes - either herpes simplex or herpes zoster virus.
Kidney disorders such as
Nephrotic syndrome %26ndash; characterized by high levels of protein in the urine; low levels of protein in the blood; swelling of the extremities and around the eyes. The syndrome occurs due to the damage of the small blood vessels that filter waste and excess water.
Glomerulonephritis %26ndash; inflammation of these small blood vessels.
Swelling of the eyelids can also be caused by an unnoticed blunt trauma or an insect bite.
Do not forget to tell your doctor if you had traveled recently. Behavioral changes during traveling increase the risk of some medical conditions related to the eyelid swelling such as conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva) and trachoma (chronic follicular conjunctivitis).
Also, a rare disease called chagas disease could be a cause of eyelid swelling in recent travelers. Chagas, also known as American trypanosomiasis, is an infection caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi and transmitted by insect bites or blood transfusions. Other symptoms related to the chagas disease are chagoma - erythematous nodule at the bite sites, fever, anemia one-sided facial swelling, tiredness, headaches, etc
Procrastination: Doing the Hard Stuff
What do you do when you have stuff to do that in your mind is really hard to do - like studying for an exam, writing a thesis, book, term paper or grant, preparing a presentation or a proposal, doing your taxes, sending in a resume, getting rid of clutter, and so on. How often do you put it off, procrastinating because it seems too hard?
Then, once you procrastinate, what do you do? Do you judge yourself for not getting it done, beating yourself up in the hopes of getting yourself motivated? What happens then?
The wounded self often believes that self-judgment will get you to do what you have to do. But how often does this backfire? You might feel so badly from the self-judgment that now you are afraid to do the hard stuff, fearing that you will not be able to do it, that you are not adequate to the task.
You might find yourself immobilized, watching TV rather than doing what you need to do, until you are really under the gun. Then the anxiety of not getting it done takes over and you finally do what you need to do, but all of this has taken a huge toll and you are exhausted. Not great for your health.
I want to encourage you to try a different approach next time you have hard stuff to do, or anytime you find yourself procrastinating. Instead of judging yourself, see if you can bring in compassion for the part of you that doesn't want to do the hard stuff. See if you can acknowledge that what you have to do is hard, and that even though you may want to do it, you may be anxious about being able to do it. Or you may not want to do but you have to do it. What happens to your willingness to do the hard stuff once you are being kind to yourself?
As you open to your compassion and an intent to learn, you might discover that you are not really worried about being able to do it, but that doing this kind of hard stuff makes you feel alone and lonely. If this is the case, acknowledge this rather than judging yourself for it. Some of my clients who have hard writing to do, such as writing a book or planning for a lecture, find that they do better if they ask someone to sit with them, or they go to a WiFi caf%26eacute; rather than try to do it alone.
When you have a loving Adult present, acknowledging that what you have to do is hard or boring, and moving into compassion and an intent to learn, you might find numerous ways of getting the work done without the agony of procrastination. The wounded self will always want to put things off and says things like:
%26quot;I have enough time. I'll get it done later.%26quot;
%26quot;This is too hard. I don't think I can do this.%26quot;
%26quot;I really don%26rsquo;t want to do this. It's so boring. Maybe it will magically go away.%26quot;
%26quot;I'm going to feel too lonely doing this. I'll just watch TV and have some ice cream and then maybe I'll feel better.%26quot;
When you are operating as a loving Adult, you can address these wounded statements with compassion, as well as bring in the truth: that it is hard or boring, that it might feel lonely, but that you are capable of doing it, that it won't magically go away, that you don't want to be under the gun with all the anxiety that goes with that, and that you will likely feel really great once it is finished.
Even if you continue to procrastinate, showing up as a compassionate loving Adult will always feel better than self-judgment, and will eventually lead to loving action.
What Are The Best Appetite Suppressants?
We are all very well aware of the fact that there are no quick fixes, at least not lasting ones.
Numerous weight loss products have been on the market but have you worked of any that worked 100% and on every person? I don%26rsquo;t think so.
Actually, I have heard of one that worked 100%. Duromine, prescription appetite suppressant, is one of the best.
However, Duromine is reserved for the obese only but it can have some serious side effects such as insomnia, arrhythmia, hypertension, chest pain, feeling restless, feelings of extreme happiness followed by depression and tiredness, nervousness, tremor (shaking), headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, stomach cramps, dry mouth or an unpleasant taste in your mouth, difficulty passing urine, skin rashes, impotence and changes in sexual drive, swelling of the face%26hellip;.just to name a few.
With Duromine, the appetite suppressant that works 100% percent and all the possible side effects and negative heart impact%26hellip;%26hellip;%26hellip;%26hellip;..I choose to be chubby.
All is not lost though! What about Appetite Suppressant Foods?
The bare truth when it comes to losing weight is that you have to get hungry once in a while in order to lose the accumulated fat storage. You cannot escape from this fact, no matter how much you wanted it.
Some may decide to accept this fact and read further while others will realize that this article is not about their desired quick fix.
While you are already here why not read the whole story?
Another thing you need to realize is that nothing eliminates the cravings completely. There are a few strategies though to reduce hunger that are not that hard at all; avoiding refined carbohydrates, drinking large amounts of water regularly, getting plenty of fiber in your diet and getting plenty of natural sunlight on your skin.
The biggest problem with the food addicts (this is how I call us who find comfort in food) is that we can%26rsquo;t stand hunger and that we feel some sort of emergency when the stomach starts growling.
What we should do in fact is to get used to it and make it something we can live with. But we should certainly not starve. Starving is one of the secure ways to train our body into holding on to the body fat.
Putting up with the hunger should only get us through the times when our appetite gets intense and when we feel as if we could eat an ox.
The following are the foods and beverages that will make our stomach feel full while adding almost no calories or carbohydrates.
Water is a powerful appetite suppressant.
By drinking an 8-ounce glass of water when you first start feeling hungry and somewhere deep in your stomach find the discipline to wait for 10 minutes, you will find that your appetite is either completely gone or dramatically reduced.
Green vegetables
You may even call them free foods. Any green vegetable will make you feel full. Some you may feel reluctant to eat them raw, and applying some 100 calories worth of salad dressing will do the trick for you.
Green vegetables and drinking water go hand in hand because without drinking water, you may get constipated or cause blockage in the intestines.
Make sure no oil is added to your green leafy vegetables but instead help yourselves with flavoring such as onions, garlic and soy sauce.
By consuming both the fiber and the water before you start eating, you've already significantly turned off your appetite. Then by consuming these extremely low caloric density foods and beverages, you will further suppress your appetite. You can get an entire meal into your stomach for 100 calories or less and you can trick your brain into thinking you consumed an all-you-can-eat buffet.
Apples are also high-fibery foods. Additionally, they require more chewing time, making you less likely to overeat. Apples serve as natural anti-inflammatories too.
Pine nuts
Pine nuts contain a large amount of protein. In Siberia, they are added to meals to create a feeling of fullness. Pine nuts contain pinolenic acid, a naturally occurring polyunsaturated fat that stimulates two powerful hunger suppressing hormones.
Raw flaxseeds
Raw flaxseeds are excellent for appetite control. They are full of omega-3 and fiber. A lot of fiber in the diet add to slower rise in the blood sugar and that way keeps the hunger hormones at bay. Flaxseeds also have cancer preventive and lowering cholesterol properties.
Oatmeal is the synonym for the healthiest carbohydrates. It enters the bloodstream slowly and keeps you full for a long time with its high fiber content. As well as flaxseed, it has cholesterol-lowering properties. Avoid instant oatmeal and try a bowl for breakfast to see if it works as an appetite suppressant.
Eating a small salad before a meal will help you avoid overeating. You can choose from the following: spinach, mesculin, endives and cabbages. Actually, all types of greens will help curb your cravings.
Many people do not know that soup is essential to appetite control and weight loss. Forget about the creamy-rich and focus on the broths and vegetable soups. This is an excellent combination of the high water and low calories.
Whey protein powder
Whey protein powder will not only help you lose weight but it will also aid in building muscles. Whey is known to lower blood pressure and support the immune system.
As you have seen, many of these foods beside appetite lowering effects have a positive impact on the overall health. You don%26rsquo;t need to fear side effects and yet you can feel full.
However, neither these foods nor any other appetite suppressants will keep you full forever. In an hour or so, you will feel hunger again. To get additional hunger delay, you can add some exercising, which releases stored body fat and converts it back into blood sugar, raising the blood sugar level thus suppresses the appetite cravings.
Remember, loosing weight takes time and effort. By adding these simple tricks into your daily routine, you may be looking at the whole new you. Be strong and persistent!
Good luck!
Singulair - prescription allergy and asthma medicine
Singulair is one of the most selling prescription allergy medicines used to treat perennial allergic rhinitis (usually triggered by indoor allergens ) in children as young as six months old and seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever caused by outdoor allergens) in children over age 2. Singulair helps to control all of a children's allergy symptoms such as sneezing, stuffy nose, runny nose, and itchy nose.
Singulair is a leukotriene inhibitor. These are the chemicals that the body releases when we breathe in an allergen. Leukotrienes cause swelling in the lungs and tightening of the muscles around the airways, which often results in asthma symptoms.
Unlike other allergy medications, Clarinex and Zyrtec for example, Singulair is also used as a long-term (maintenance) treatment to prevent or treat asthma in adults and children as young as 12 months old. However, Singulair does not treat an asthma attack that has already begun %26ndash; this is what fast-acting inhalation medications are for.
Singulair simply would not work fast enough to reverse the symptoms. It may take up to a few weeks to notice improvement in your asthma symptoms with this medication.
The latest National Asthma Education and Prevention Program clinical practice guidelines classified leukotriene receptor antagonists (singulair among others) though as an alternative treatment for children with persistent asthma. Inhaled corticosteroids should be the initial and preferred treatment, adding on a long-acting inhaled beta2-agonist for those with moderate or severe symptoms.
Singulair prevents exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (narrowing of the air passages in the lungs) in people who are not already taking this medication for other conditions. If you are already using Singulair to treat allergies and prevent asthmatic attacks, you should not use it for exercise-induced bronchoconstriction.
Make sure you remember that Singular can be taken just once a day. Singulair may be taken with or without food. Children who suffer from allergies can take the drug at any convenient time while the children with asthma should take the drug in the evening. For infants, Singulair Oral Granules can be dissolved in a teaspoon of infant formula or breast milk or mixed with a spoonful of soft baby food (including applesauce, carrots, rice and ice cream) or it can be placed directly into the child's mouth.
Some of the possible side effects of Singulair are tiredness, fever, stomach pain, upset stomach, intestinal upset, heartburn, dizziness, headache, etc
Singulair users additionally added some of the side effects they had experienced after the long-term use. These are allergic reactions like swelling of the face, lips, tongue, and/or throat, hives, and itching as well as some more serious like agitation including aggressive behavior, anxiousness, dream abnormalities and hallucinations, depression, insomnia, irritability and restlessness.
After lowering or stopping oral steroid asthma medications and starting Singulair, patients have reported suffering a rare condition, that includes a combination of certain symptoms which do not go away or get worse, including a flu-like illness, rash, pins and needles or numbness of arms or legs, and severe inflammation of the sinuses
All of these side effects should be reported to your doctor right away.
Lately, there have been speculations that Singulair leads to behavioral changes and suicidal thoughts. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is reviewing the reported incidents of a three or four patients experiencing mood changes that led to suicidal behavior.
Let%26rsquo;s keep in mind that Singulair is the best selling drug at $4.3 billion in sales with millions of users since its release in 1998. Could it be that the three men out of three million who were considering suicide were also taking Singulair?
Just because a few people taking Singulair attempted suicide does not mean this drug caused the behavioral changes.
Anyway, the FDA advises patients to use the drug as prescribed by their physicians until more is revealed.
Different Experiences with Pancreatitis Diet and Life Style Changes
If you have ever experienced a pancreatic attack, I'm sure you have immediately started looking for solutions and ideas about how never to experience it again. Dietary and life-style changes sound like a good idea but no one seems to know what really works and there appear to be no written guidelines. Your doctor mentioned briefly eating a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet and taking enzyme supplements with every meal to help the body digest food but that didn't seem to do you much good.
You are not alone. There are many others pursuing the same goal and some have even left valuable information. I have gathered some of the information and will place them within this article but please be careful when experimenting and listen to what your body is telling you.
It may be a while before you will be able to eat %26quot;normally%26quot;, if ever %26ndash; sorry to say but don't loose hope.
Online information
%26bull; A pancreatitis diet should include smaller and more frequent meals rather than a full meal to minimize the amount of digestive juices your pancreas must produce. Eat at regular intervals.
%26bull; You should limit fat to help reduce loose and oily stools that result from a lack of pancreatic enzymes
%26bull; A diet high in carbohydrates will give you energy to help fight fatigue. Carbohydrates can be found in foods made from starches (complex carbohydrates) or sugars (simple carbohydrates). It would be best to get most of your daily calories from complex carbohydrates found in grains, vegetables and legumes
%26bull; Drink a lot of liquids so you don't become dehydrated. Dehydration could aggravate your pain by further irritating your pancreas.
%26bull; Avoid any alcohol consumption. Decline in pancreatic functioning has been seen in those people who continued to drink alcohol while abstinence from alcohol had a significant long-term beneficial effect on some of the problems associated with pancreatitis.
%26bull; A fiber-rich diet should not be recommended as soluble and insoluble fiber has been found to trap pancreatic enzymes and prevent their action. High-fiber diet was also associated with a small increase in the amount of fat in the stool. There was also increased incidence of flatulence but no increase in the frequency of bowel movements
%26bull; Quitting smoking would be beneficial. Cigarette smoking as well as chewing tobacco decreases pancreatic secretion and increases the risk of pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer.
%26bull; Enzyme supplements prepared from pig pancreas (pancrelipase) or fungi have been shown to reduce steatorrhea and possibly pain but you should consult a qualified healthcare practitioner about the appropriate and safe amount of enzymes to use because large amounts of pancreatic digestive enzymes have been found to damage the large intestine causing pancreatic insufficiency.
%26bull; If your blood glucose has been high, you may need to avoid
concentrated sweets.
%26bull; Limit the amount of caffeine and spicy and gas-forming foods
that you eat. These foods stimulate the pancreas.
%26bull; If you are suffering from a lack of vitamin b12, make sure you discuss it with your doctor and get some supplements.
Information gathered from different pancreatitis suffers:
Letter 1.
no gas producing or spicy foods.
No fat period. no fried foods (don't digest it well)
Lay off all dairy for at least 3 weeks, and introduce it back slowly
I had diabetes during, so I off all sugar and carbs
no soda, diet or otherwise, stick to water as much as possible or decafe
no juices, stick to fruit and veggies in mother natures packaging.
Steam the veggies
No red meat for a month, then stick to no more than 3 times a week.
no heavy starches _baked potato etc, for a couple of weeks and then slowly introduce them back
Say good bye to bacon, and sausage - fatty meat (or go turkey)
Letter 2
Plain bread with sliced turkey and a little mustard (maybe try a little light mayonnaise) seems to be the best food I can eat lately. Also apple juice is wonderful. I can eat about half a sandwich in one day, and a couple glasses of juice.
Letter 3
no bacon, corned meat, sausages or minced beef as these all have fat. I also had no dairy products except for yoghurt. I don't drink alcohol or tea or coffee, so it wasn't hard to drink water with slices of lemon in it which was usual for me.
I have found this diet useful. Wholegrain bread, no margarine or butter (I used pickles, mustard or low fat dressing instead) but you can have salad, tomatoes, gherkins or chicken, turkey, salmon, cucumber etc sandwiches. For potatoes, I put mint sauce on them instead of butter, ate coleslaw (try to drain off the dressing as much as possible). I ate lots of cooked tomatoes and onions, chicken and vegetable soup, kumara (sweet potato) and pumpkin soup, fresh fish and fresh vegetables and most fruit. I also drank a little apple juice and ate low fat yoghurt. I was never hungry as I ate small amounts and often with lots of water. I didn't eat canned food as they have preservatives etc in them, but did add soup mixes to my soups to add flavour.
the secret is to eat very small meals (like half a slice of toast), wait 20 minutes then see if you are still hungry.
Letter 4
Talking with the nurses they have said that sugars like in applesauce may also irritate it but i have found if i eat small portions and often it doesn't hurt so bad.
my diet is kinda like this
toast with jelly or cream of wheat, or instant oatmeals, apple cinnamon is good
morning snack
rice cakes with apple sauce
grapes, or an apple sliced up
bread with mustard, or fat free ranch dressing with turkey and cucumbers
half a can of spagettio's
afternoon snack
rice cakes with apple sauce, or grapes, or an apple sliced up, or these great new dole fruit sorbet's that i found at walmart/target. or popsicles
cooked carrots, or beets or peas or corn, fresh, not from a can a baked chicken breast, or rotisseri chicken, something that cooks the fat off of the chicken, then pat it with paper towel most of the fat is in the skin, so always make sure you remove the skin before cooking.
then of course a snack before bed
one of those sorbets or a popsicle or a rice cake with applesauce.
i have also tried the simply smooth foldgers coffee.. some days it's good, some days it's not.
Letter 5
Had a Gastro doctor tell me to limit my fat intake to 20-30grams per day. The ADA standard recommended diet allowance for fat is 65 grams per day...so it's pretty restrictive.
Use apple butter for toast. You can really drench it. ( I choose bread that's 1 gram of fat per slice or less) I use barbeque sauce, Fat free sour cream or salsa for baked potatoes, I eat chocolate marshmallows or Miss Meringue cookies (which are primarily fat free) for binges.
Letter 6
been hospitalized 9 times in 3 years with chronic pancreatitis. I only get it though when i get my period. NONE of my doctors did anything about it and brushed it away saying it cant be from that b/c they never heard of it. I have been to Boston, Connecticut and have a TON of docs in RI. No one knew anything and my tests were fine. Well the last time I was in the hospital (Feb08) they finally listened and changed my birth control pills-dosage and frequency-and i have been feeling great.
Letter 7
As I'm not sure what will affect your condition or how your pancreas will respond. I've found that my body will tell me what works and what doesn't. Foods I avoid: Alcohol of any kind, very spicy foods, too much mint, any excess fat..dressings, regular mayos, butters, oils, etc., most cheeses, chocolate (has lots of fat)(1 bag of Lindt truffles..the red ones...put me in the hospital last year for a week), caffeine, coffee and carbonated darker sodas (the lighter ones such as Sprite, 7-up didn't bother me as much. The list goes on..but mostly common sense. I read all the labels. If not sure, I'll search the internet for nutritional info for the item....or even restaurants sites. Eating out: If the restaurant doesn't list their fat grams or have it on the internet, just remember to keep the fats low...(20-30gr per day was recommended to me by my Gastro) Most restaurants will accommodate.
Grilled chicken breast....steamed veggies..hold the mayo, etc. I've also found that Wendy's makes a low-fat honey mustard dressing in the pouch that I'll sometimes take with me to a restaurant. Just ask for extra in the drive thru when ordering your dry baked potato or grilled chicken sandwich. Makes a good mayo substitute or sauce for the potato too.
Red Robin has teriyaki grilled chicken sandwich and will sub the fries for side salad with the best Fat Free Ranch dressing anywhere...just have them skip the cheese and mayo on the sandwich (Teriyaki sauce is fat free)Check out the website for Subway sandwiches. Probably 80% of their menu is very low in fat....I keep fat free mayo at work so I can get a sandwich anytime as a takeout (I usually get a veggie, grilled chicken or turkey) I can eat a 12%26quot; sandwich which is virtually fat free and not have any pain. There is very little to eat and McD's or Burger K..so I generally avoid, but they do have grilled chicken on their menu.
Letter 8
I've found that most people think that when I ask for low fat, it's because I'm just large and on a diet. I've found that if I tell people ....%26quot;if I eat too much fat, I'll end up in the hospital%26quot; or %26quot;my body doesn't process fat anymore and if I have too much, I'll end up in the hospital%26quot; they're more likely to give you the lower fat item...rather than give you full fat item and lie about it. I've watched Starbucks make my Non Fat latte with whole milk rather than skim just because they didn't want to do more than 1 batch. They still denied it, so I dumped it in the trash and called their HQ. They want consumers to be diligent and satisfied. After all...for us..it could be the difference of another hospital stay or not...for them....it's about what happens when the bad PR gets out. They were very apologetic
Letter 9
Here's the very general info my nutritionist told me to AVOID:
Products made with added fat (e.g., biscuits, crackers, etc)
Anything breaded or fried
Anything that uses cheese, creme, butter or oil-based sauces.
Regular ground beef (85% lean or fattier)
Hot dogs, bacon, sausage, high-fat lunch meats.
High-fat poultry like duck
Chicken skin
Nuts and seeds
Whole or 2% milk
Creme or half-and-half
Cheese (unless reduced fat)
Dairy or other products made from whole milk, or cheese
Added sodium
Alcohol of any kind
Letter 10
I have been doing OK with coffee, tea and orange juice, so I don't think you need to worry about those. Banana are high in potassium, something they pump into you after an attack, so I think you're good there too. They didn't say anything about acidic drinks to me. Oatmeal is good. Candy is often high in sugar but low fat so it should be good in moderation (unless you have diabetes). The bugaboo with pretzels is salt and if they were browned using butter.
Letter 11
Here are some of my favorites...low fat white bread , toasted, with honey. Low fat yogurt, 1/2 banana, with dry cereal. Broiled chicken breast. Any kind of frozen veggies with a 1/4tsp benecol. I make gelatin squares out of 100% bottled fruit juice, cut it into 1 1/2x1 1/2 inch squares and eat no more than 2 at a time. They make a good between meal snack.
Saltines go down pretty well. I haven't tried it but a nurse friend tells me if you whip liquid tofu into plain soup (don't use canned, too fatty, too salty) it tastes like a cream soup.
Recipe for gelatin squares
8 pkg. plain gelatin
64 oz. bottle of clear juice(eg. cranberry/grape)
1 cup sugar ( or splenda if for wght reduction)
a large pyrex, rectangular dish to hold it all.
Heat the juice to just under boiling, add to gelatin and sugar while stirring to melt. Refrigerate until firm. Cut into squares. Hope this helps!
In short for the next month I cannot take any fat, spices or heavy meat laden meals. No bacon, ground meat, cheese, milk fat, margarine, booze. I am not going through that again so I will very cautiously reintroduce lean meats, bread, esp. flat breads like tortillas, zero fat milk, yoghurt etc. To start the diet the best meals for me were tinned vegetable soups like chicken veg and beef broth. Also it seems necessary to take Pantaloc every day to reduce acid production in the gut. And drink lot's of water.
Letter 12
Anyhow the only things I can seem to eat without too much negative reaction is baby cookies, oatmeal, apple sauce, white rice, fat free yogurt, fruit snacks, cranberry juice, no alcohol of any kind. NO fat from meat products, even fish. Don't dare try any real meats. So sick of feeling sick and so tired of having no choice of food.
Letter 13
Eating Out:
The large family-eating chains (Applebee's, Chili's, etc) have low-fat options. In the Midwest, Green Mill has a great Mediterranean Chicken Sandwich that is 6g fat and I'd order it even if I didn't have to. I found that some %26quot;healthy%26quot; restaurants do not necessarily offer low fat.
The trick is not in the ingredients, but in how they prepare them. I ask that they don't use butter or oil in their food prep. I also check nutrition info for restaurants online--holy cow, most dishes were super-high in fat! Don't think that just because it is grilled it is OK--I found grilled chicken dishes and salads with 80+ g fat! Appetizers with 230g fat. That's before you start on the entree. Some restaurants didn't have single entree with under 50g fat. Eat out 3 or 4 times per week and you too can have pancreatitis!
Eating In:
It is easiest to control your fat intake at home. There are lots of fat-free cookbooks. My favorite is Steve Racihlen's %26quot;High-Flavor Low Fat Cooking.%26quot; Lean Cuisine's Teriyaki Rice Bowl only has 2g fat and is pretty filling.
There are also many prepared foods I've tried: breakfast cereals, frozen waffles and oatmeals. Be careful of fish--some are very high in fat. Sandwiches can be made with fat-free mayo, mustard and other sandwich spreads. We got creative and found I have more options than I thought, even fat-free: stir-frys, chicken cooked in fat-free salad dressing or marinade, rice, noodles, superlean beef, top sirloin kabobs, spaghetti with red sauces...
As I write, I'm making some %26quot;No Pudge%26quot; Fat-Free brownies. I also have low-fat frozen yogurt and light ice cream (which can have even less fat than frozen yogurt if you're careful with portion size). I get Eddy's blended chocolate/vanilla ice cream/yogurt and pour on the Hershey's sauce when I have a sweet craving (about 4 g fat). Angelfood cake is fat free.
I used to drink nothing but Diet Coke but haven't had one since the attack--they taste different to me now and I don't know if they interfere with the Protonix. I live on water, coffee in the AM and iced tea.
Letter 14
he only advice I was given by the doctor was to avoid fat and eat little and often. I have cut out virtually all fat (except for a little skimmed milk and a few low fat cookies). I have stopped eating red meat and just eat lots of fish and a small amount of chicken. Lots of carbs (rice, potatoes). I've had had a bad reaction to raw spinach and salads so stopped eating those. Amazingly, through the whole experience I have lost only a little weight. It seems to be very important to eat small portions frequently rather than big meals. My meals are approx half the size of what they were before I became ill. Good luck everyone
Letter 15
I have been in the dr's office, and er and I even had the stupid scopes. by the way, I dont recommend people get a scope because it triggers your attacks.
Letter 16
I suggest that you consult with a GOOD gastroenterologist. A gastroenterologist well-versed in pancreatic diseases will check for pancreas divisum, autoimmune pancreatitis, allergic pancreatitis, etc. He/she will also take a very close look at any and all medications (prescription or over the counter), including vitamins, minerals, herbal remedies/teas, etc., you may be taking. Sometimes pancreatitis is a common side effect of these. Other times, there are only very rare instances where such substances result in pancreatitis. A savvy and open-minded physician willing to dig and search for possible causes is a must. And there is a distinct difference between acute and chronic pancreatitis. To all those who have made suggestions regarding diet, please DON'T!! Each case is unique and, depending on the cause, may require special dietary considerations. If anyone doesn't know what they should or shouldn't eat, please contact your gastroenterologist (it's his or her job to keep you well-informed and it's your job to demand it).
You don't have an easy task, that is for sure. Trying eating things little by little and see how your body reacts. You will need a lot of patience and especially self-discipline, something I'm sure you've been aiming for before getting sick with pancreatitis. Good luck to all of you guys!!!!
Here are some more links where people have discussed their experience with the disease
Pancreatitis_Diet to be followed after recovery
Diet and Nutrition Good for Pancreatitis
A complete list for pancreatitis diet needed
Dietary considerations in treating chronic pancreatitis
Recent pancreatitis attack__diet_plan
What could be the cause of my distended stomach?
Your stomach has been distended for a while and it's starting to get on your nerves. You wait for a few more days and it's not going down. You start to worry. Do you see a doctor now or wait for a few more days? In between the thoughts you try to remember if you had been eating too much lately, if you had maybe gained some weight recently, if you could have gotten pregnant or going through PMS (if you're a lady)%26hellip;.the more worried types may even think of a gastrointestinal disorder or even cancer. You could all be right.
When it comes to abdominal swelling, the scary thing is that it could be anything.
What are you to do if the swelling is not going away?
One thing is for sure.
You do need to make an appointment with your doctor but before you need to think things through to help yourself and your doctor pinpoint the exact problem. When it comes to symptoms with numerous possible causes, misdiagnoses are more than likely to occur.
The first thing you need to do is to describe the type of your abdominal swelling. Is it an abdominal mass, distention, fullness, ascites, a pulsatile abdominal swelling or a flank mass? Then try to remember if you had been having any additional symptoms at all.
Are these
- digestive symptoms
- pain
- intestinal symptoms
- stool symptoms
- weight-related symptoms
- muscular problems?
Have you been
- vomiting
- feeling nauseous
- felt fatigue
- had any bleeding episodes?
Think hard, any symptom may be relevant, and write it down.
The next thing you need to think about is when any of these symptoms usually appear?
- Does a specific action trigger or aggravate your symptoms?
- Do they appear at a specific time of the day?
- Do the symptoms get worse on a stressful day?
Now you see your doctor.
At the doctor's office, you will be taken anamnesis. Don't you just love those bad words? Taking anamnesis means asking questions about your preliminary medical history as well as your family's, they will like to know your age and your troubles and this is where you come in with all the stuff you had previously thoroughly thought and written down.
According to what you had said and the results of the physical exam (looking, touching, kicking, poking, squeezing, etc) done by the doctor, they will then decide to do one of the following tests:
- A blood test to check for anemia, inflammation, electrolytes, pancreatic enzymes, etc
- A stool examination (following rectal examination) to check for occult blood
- Radiographic examinations including abdominal x-ray, esophagus x-rays, barium enema, abdominal ultrasounds, abdominal and pelvic CT scans
- Endoscopy
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Colonoscopy and maybe even
- Chest X-Ray and echocardiogram - to check for congestive cardiac failure
- Paracentesis
- etc
Yes, you are right, I am beating around the bush and I'm getting straight to the point now.
Those who have thought of overeating, weight gain, PMS or pregnancy were probably right. Abdominal distention appears to be quite common and is mostly likely to be caused by eating too much, or eating fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables as well as legumes, well known of causing intestinal gas. Unconscious air swallowing or being lactose intolerant will get your stomach to bloat.
If you pay attention to what you eat, how and how much you eat, your symptoms will go away. If the problem persists, it's high time to think of other possibilities that include but are not limited to:
- Indigestion %26ndash; additional symptoms include being gaseous, abdominal bloating, pain that gets worse with eating
- Chronic constipation
- Muscle weakness
- Lactose intolerance - abdominal pain, irritability, floating feces, unintentional weight loss
- Irritable bowel syndrome %26ndash; depression, lower abdominal pain, left upper quadrant abdominal pain, right lower quadrant pain,
- Hernia %26ndash; abdominal lump, becoming more apparent when laughing, sneezing or coughing
- Appendicitis %26ndash; constipation, diarrhea, change in bowel habit, pain, it's acute and considered medical emergency
- Gallstones - dark urine, abdominal distension, gaseous, feels hot to touch, fever, pain between shoulder blades and on the right side after eating
- Intestinal obstruction - abdominal pain, fecal incontinence, gas, lower abdominal pain
- Food allergies - skin reactions, such as swelling and itching, eczema and flushing, vomiting and/or diarrhea, coughing, wheezing or a runny nose, swelling of the lips, sore, red and itchy eyes
- Food intolerances - nausea, bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea
- Malabsorption - anemia, weight loss, decreased muscle mass, dry scaly skin, edema, hair that has lost its pigment, brittle and malformed (spooned) nails, chronic diarrhea, bone and joint pain, mental changes such as confusion and irritability
- Pancreatic disease
- Acute pancreatitis - dark urine, indigestion, abnormal heart rhythms, yellow eyes
- Peptic ulcer
- Ascites - rapid weight gain, abdominal discomfort and distention, shortness of breath, swollen ankles. Ascites are considered a symptom of severe (and often undetected) hypothyroidism.
- Diverticular disease - abdominal cramping, constipation, diarrhea and bloating.
- Ulcerative colitis - feeling like you haven't finished on the toilet, nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, tiredness, inflammation (redness or pain) in the eyes, skin or joints.
- Liver conditions including hepatitis -abdominal pain, unintentional weight loss, itching, weakness
- Cirrhosis of the liver - abdominal pain, nausea, confusion, weight loss
Certain types of tumors or cancers:
- Gastrointestinal tumors
- Colon cancer - nausea, tiredness, pain, weight loss
- Ovarian cancer %26ndash; bloating, pelvic or abdominal pain, trouble eating or feeling full quickly, urinary symptoms, such as urgent or frequent feelings of needing to go
- Ovarian cystadenoma - nausea, anorexia, weight loss, abdominal or back pain, vomiting
- Lymphoma - swelling of a lymph node, unintended weight loss, fatigue, night sweats, fevers, feeling itchy without an apparent cause
- Endometrial cancer - abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, pain, painful urination
- Liver cancer - abdominal pain, feels hot to touch, shoulder pain
- Fibroids - abdominal pain, frequent urination, sense of pelvic heaviness, painful menstruations
- Ovarian cysts- abdominal pain, indigestion, abdominal distension, gaseous, weight gain
- Peritonitis %26ndash; vomiting, pain, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, abdominal swelling
- Sickle cell anemia- chest pain, excessive thirst, blood in urine, pain in penis
- Thalassemia - abdominal pain, pain, weakness, itching
- Mononucleosis - abdominal pain, chest pain, nausea, spleen enlarged
- Chlamydia %26ndash; nausea, dark urine, tired, pain in urethra
- Hypertension - visual problems, weight gain, fast heart rate, breathing difficulty
- Celiac disease - sprue- constipation, bruises easily, abdominal cramp, tired
In a normal child, the stomach of a child protrudes more than in adults.
Some causes of abdominal distention of infants or children include:
- Premature delivery
- Colic and crying - bowel sounds loud, abdominal bloating, pain, abdominal swelling, abdominal pain
- Starvation
- Constipation - which may present as runny diarrhea
- Cystic fibrosis
- Celiac disease
- Hirschsprung's disease
Competition vs. Creativity
%26quot;The more men who get rich on the competitive plane, the worse for others; the more who get rich on the creative plane, the better for others.%26quot;
--The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace Wattles
How many people do you know who, having achieved financial wealth through competition, are inwardly peaceful and joyful?
When you are focused on achieving financial success through competition, you are coming from a belief system that centers around the concept of lack. You believe that resources are finite so you must fight for them. Fighting for them means that you might need to take from others to give to yourself. Rather than enhancing others' lives through your work, you might need to use others to achieve your goals. When reaching your goals through competition is your guiding force, the means justifies the end and integrity is lost in the process.
The wounded self generally believes that we can get what we want only through controlling others, rather than through devoted self-control. Through many forms of controlling others, such as being judgmental, righteous, angry, threatening, lying, and so on, the wounded self attempts to achieve its goals. The cost of behaving in these ways is that there is no possibility of love, inner peace, or joy - no possibility of connection with Spirit. People who attempt to achieve through competition are often not able to get their frequency high enough to connect with the love, peace and joy of Spirit. They can bully their way into material success, but true happiness may elude them.
There is another way of achieving financial success. This can occur when you give your wounded self a new job - a new form of control: controlling your thinking, and therefore your feelings, to create what you want in life.
When we choose the intent to learn rather than to control others, we each have access to creative thought. Creative thought is the thought that comes THROUGH us from our spiritual Guidance when we are open to learning about what is most loving to ourselves and others. Creative thought does not originate in the mind - it comes through the mind.
The thoughts that originate in the mind come from the beliefs that have been programmed into us from birth - such as:
%26bull; There isn't enough to go around
%26bull; It's a dog eat dog world
%26bull; First come, first serve
%26bull; Get it while you can
%26bull; Nice guys finish last
%26bull; The means justify the ends
These programmed beliefs might lead you to take advantage of others whenever you can, to take more than you give, and to relinquish caring in business matters.
Shifting from controlling others to true self-control is a shift in thinking. The loving Adult knows that:
%26bull; Thought is creative. Nothing comes into form without first being a thought.
%26bull; The universe is creative and abundant, and we can tap into the abundance through our own creative thought.
%26bull; Creative thought comes from self-control - choosing to take full responsibility for whether we choose thoughts from our wounded ego mind, or from the truth of our spiritual Guidance. This is what we do have control over - our intent to learn truth from Spirit, or our intent to operate from the fears and beliefs of our wounded self and attempt to control others.
The wounded self is incapable of self-control. Operating from fear, it continually thinks thoughts that create distress. We achieve self-control only when we choose to shift our intent from controlling to learning about loving ourselves and others.
When you shift your intent and choose to create your financial success through your creative thoughts and integrious actions, you will not only achieve financial success - you will also discover your peace and joy!