
Rhinoplasty FAQ's

Your nose greets you every time you look in the mirror. It is a feature on your face of which you are intimately familiar. And if you happen to be dissatisfied with the appearance of your nose, then you are continually thinking about how you would prefer your nose to appear.The plastic surgery proce...
Your nose greets you every time you look in the mirror. It is a feature on your face of which you are intimately familiar. And if you happen to be dissatisfied with the appearance of your nose, then you are continually thinking about how you would prefer your nose to appear.

The plastic surgery procedure known as rhinoplasty aids people in attaining nose shapes that please them better. It is a very commonly performed plastic surgery. According to survey data from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 307,000 nose reshaping surgeries were done in 2006. This made rhinoplasty the second most performed plastic surgery that year.

Your decision to seek rhinoplasty should not be made lightly. Rhinoplasty can potentially greatly enhance your happiness with your appearance, but you also need to consider how comfortable you would be with changing your appearance. Think about how you might react to possessing a different nose. Just because you do not love the nose you have, does not automatically mean you would be happy with a new nose.

Aside from cosmetic reasons, you also may have breathing problems that are motivating you to have rhinoplasty surgery. Rhinoplasty can serve a reconstructive purpose as well. The cartilage of the air passages can be adjusted to alleviate breathing problems. This reconstructive work can also be done with cosmetic changes.

As you think about rhinoplasty, many questions easily arise. Use the responses to the following frequently asked questions about rhinoplasty to inform yourself as you make your decision about pursuing plastic surgery.

Who Gets Rhinoplasty?

The desire to reshape the nose is not limited to a gender or ethnic group or age group. Young people and older people undergo rhinoplasty both for cosmetic purposes and to relieve breathing problems and correct birth defects and injuries. All ethnic groups, including Caucasian, Asian, African American, and Hispanics pursue nose reshaping surgery. Additionally, although most plastic surgery is performed on women, men also seek rhinoplasty. Right now, it is the number one plastic surgery for men.

How Is Rhinoplasty Done?

With either local or general anesthesia, depending on the needs of your surgery, your rhinoplasty procedure will begin with incisions inside the nostrils and at the base of the nose. Once the nose is opened, your plastic surgeon can sculpt the bone and cartilage within your nose to create the new shape. With various surgical techniques, nose humps can be removed, bridges narrowed, and the angle between nose and upper lip can be altered. After the structure of the nose has been completed, the skin is replaced and stitched, and then a splint of tape and plastic is placed on your nose to help it hold its new shape while it heals.

What Is Recovery From Rhinoplasty Like?

As with most surgeries, your first one or two days after surgery will have the most discomfort. Initially, your face will feel puffy and you may have a headache. Pain medication is usually appropriate at this point, if desired. On the first day, you will need to stay in bed with your head elevated.

Beyond the first two days, you should be feeling better and definitely out of bed. Bruising, swelling, light bleeding, and stuffiness are typical but alleviated by cold compresses. Returning to sedentary jobs after one week is typical, but you will need a few weeks to resume your normal activities. Recovery is a gradual process. The most notable inconvenience for recovery occurs if you wear glasses. Your glasses will need to be taped to your forehead so they do not put pressure on your nose for several weeks. Contact lenses, however, can be worn as soon as you feel like wearing them.

Will People Treat Me Differently?

The short answer is no. Plastic surgery should not be about hoping to alter how other people regard you. Your rhinoplasty should be about pleasing yourself and enhancing your appearance according to your desire. Consider that, even though celebrities often reshape their noses, they were celebrities before rhinoplasty. It is not a realistic expectation for you to hope that people will treat you differently after a plastic surgery.

How Will I Pay For Rhinoplasty?

Options are available for you to pay for rhinoplasty. If you have a breathing problem and your rhinoplasty procedure would include reconstructive benefits, then check with your health insurance. Your policy may pay for all or part of the rhinoplasty if it is medically necessary. Your next option is to pay for the rhinoplasty yourself, which many people do. Finally, many plastic surgery centers offer financing plans that allow many patients to pay for rhinoplasty with installments.

As you continue to consider rhinoplasty be aware that it is not a fad. Modern plastic surgery has been developing for decades. And rhinoplasty itself is actually an ancient procedure. Nose reshaping was developed by Sushruta in India around 500 B.C.


How Honest Are You?

"A 'No' uttered for the deepest conviction is better and greater than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble."--Mahatma GandhiHow often do you say yes when you really mean no - to please or avoid trouble? How do you feel when you do this?Saying yes when you really mean ...
%26quot;A 'No' uttered for the deepest conviction is better and greater than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or what is worse, to avoid trouble.%26quot;
--Mahatma Gandhi

How often do you say yes when you really mean no - to please or avoid trouble? How do you feel when you do this?

Saying yes when you really mean no is a form of self-abandonment that may feel safe for the moment when you get the approval or avoid the disapproval. But in the long run, your inner child is going to feel unloved and unimportant. When it is more important to you to get approval or avoid disapproval than it is to be honest and loving to yourself, you will end up feeling badly. Is it really worth it?

How often do you avoid your truth in order to avoid hurting someone's feelings? How do you feel when you give yourself up because you are taking responsibility for another's feelings instead of your own? How can your inner child possibly feel important to you when you make another's inner child's feelings more important than your own?

Of course, in order to be honest about your own truth, you have to know your truth.

If you are not being honest with yourself - if you are avoiding your feeling with various addictions or you are in denial about what you feel - then you cannot be honest with others.

How often do you do things you don't want to do - make love when you don%26rsquo;t want to, spend time with someone when you don't want to, eat something someone else cooked when you don't want to, see a movie that you don't want to see - to avoid conflict? How do you feel when you do this? How worthy and valued can you feel when you are ignoring your own truth?

How often do you agree with someone in order to be liked? How often do you keep your mouth shut in order to avoid disapproval? How often do you not take action - such as stepping in when someone is abusing a child or animal - to avoid the confrontation? How do you feel when you do not act on your own truth?

Most of us like to think of ourselves as honest people, but are we being honest when getting approval, avoiding disapproval, and avoiding conflict is more important than being true to ourselves?

Being honest takes courage. It take a strong loving Adult to take the risk of other's anger, disapproval, ridicule, or rejection. But if you look inside, you will discover that not being true to yourself has far greater consequences on how you feel about yourself than taking the risk of being honest.

The more you practice Inner Bonding, the easier it becomes to take the risk of honesty. The more you are defining your own worth internally rather than relying on others for your definition of yourself, the easier it is to not take others' disapproval and rejection personally. The more you know your own intrinsic goodness - which you can only know when you are connected with your Guidance - the more you know that you deserve to have your own opinions and wants, and that no one else has the right to define what is OK for you to think, do or want.

Right now, take a few minutes to think about how honest you are with the people closest to you. Think about what you might be afraid of in saying no when you mean no, and in taking loving action for yourself and with others.

You might want to take some time to examine the beliefs behind your fears of being honest, and to look honestly at the consequences of not being true to yourself.


Never-ending Debate: Do Cell Phones Harm Your Health?

There are issues which are constantly the matter of public debates and those related to health are the most controversial ones. Cell phone is one of the most praised and yet most disputed inventions of the twentieth century. Hardly anyone can imagine their life without this useful gadget nowadays bu...
There are issues which are constantly the matter of public debates and those related to health are the most controversial ones. Cell phone is one of the most praised and yet most disputed inventions of the twentieth century. Hardly anyone can imagine their life without this useful gadget nowadays but on the other hand its possible dangerous effects on human brain are constantly under the scope.

About cell phone radiation

The first problem that has to be dealt with when we are talking about cell phones is that of the radiation. The radiation which cell phones emit is electromagnetic radiation. Let%26rsquo;s boil this down to very simple language. Namely, every cell phone has a transmitter whose role is to encode the sound of voice into so-called continuous sine wave, which has the ability to travel through the space eventually reaching a receiver situated in the cell-phone tower. Those sine waves are sent to the receiver via antenna, in the form of radio waves. And now we have come to the point of our interest. Those radio waves used for sending the signal are composed of electromagnetic radiation and if we take into consideration the idea the proximity of the antenna to the head and brain, it is only logical to suspect that this whole apparatus is not so harmless.

Do Cell Phones Really Increase Brain Cancer Risk?

Since there is no doubt that cell phones emit electromagnetic radiation, people can%26rsquo;t help but worry about whether the use of cell phones actually increase brain cancer risk. On one side of the coin we have large cell phone manufacturers and telecommunication companies and they all claim that this whole thing is just exaggeration and that there is no reason to panic over something like that. Of course, we shouldn%26rsquo;t jump to any conclusion and claim that cell phones are dangerous, but we should also remember that those companies have a large profit which they want to protect. But the other side of the coin we have numerous researches which are carried out in order to see if there is some kind of connection with electromagnetic radiation of the cell phones and brain cancer. According to an editorial by Lake Forest Hospital neurosurgeon, Dr Pawl, some of the recent studies of the long term effects of electromagnetic field (ELF) have suggested that there is a link between ELF exposure and brain cancer. But still, the researchers cannot provide us with the exact evidence of the case in which ELF has lead directly to brain cancer. A recent research carried out by a team of Swedish researchers has come to the result that there is an increased risk of brain cancer in cases when people use cell phones more than ten years. Moreover, they have come to the conclusion that there is also a high risk of acoustic nerve tumors in the same case. What is more striking is the fact that those tumors usually tend to appear on the side of the head where cell phone was frequently used. All those information, no matter how imprecise they are, should be enough for a moderate level of concern each time when we want to have a long conversation on the cell phone.

Could cell phone harm other vital organs in your body?

The fact that all those researches are all carried out in the span of ten years means that they still cannot give us complete and substantial information about the risks. Still, due to the fact that head and brain are most impacted by this radiation, simply because of the proximity, other vital body parts are neglected in researches, but this doesn%26rsquo;t mean that there are none of them. There is a catch when it comes to those researches. There are some indications that phone companies actually pay for some researches which are supposed to convince people that there is no risk in using cell phones. According to them the worst thing that can happen is that people who use cell phones excessively can only get irritated and that there are no other hazards for the health. This of course, is not the only risk and you should bear that in mind.

Using cell phones by children %26amp; in pregnancy

One of the most sensitive issues in this whole discussion is the risk for pregnant women and children. The scope of those researches is to see whether children are more susceptible to those health risks, but as for all other categories it is hard to come out with concrete results again because of the long-term effects which are not visible until those children are teenagers. It is also not very recommendable for pregnant women to use cell phones more that it is necessary as there are some speculations that ELF can bring about some genetic mutations and DNA damage. Even if those speculations about DNA damage prove to be wrong, according to a huge study carried out in Denmark children whose mothers used cell phones during pregnancy developed some behavioral problems, like hyperactivity. That is why kids and pregnant women should always use headphones in order to reduce the radiation.

Bottom line

The bottom-line of this whole discussion is that though there are no clear and straightforward results which would be able to state directly that using cell phones can definitely cause brain cancer and similar diseases, we should take the opposite claims advocated by telecommunication and cell phone companies that there is no risk for the health.


Reducing Stroke Severity With Regular Exercise

What is stroke?A stroke, differently known as "brain attack" happens when a blood vessel that brings oxygen and nutrients to the brain either bursts (hemorrhagic stroke) or is clogged by a blood clot or some other mass (ischemic stroke).These two occurrences interrupt blood oxygen flow to an area of...

What is stroke?

A stroke, differently known as %26quot;brain attack%26quot; happens when a blood vessel that brings oxygen and nutrients to the brain either bursts (hemorrhagic stroke) or is clogged by a blood clot or some other mass (ischemic stroke). These two occurrences interrupt blood oxygen flow to an area of the brain, depriving brain cells of oxygen and thus leading to their death and further on to brain damage. The devastating effects of a severe stroke are often permanent because dead brain cells can't be replaced.

Death of brain cells that occur during a stroke leads to loss of the abilities controlled by the area of the brain hit. These abilities include speech, movement and memory that have a high impact on the quality of the every day's activities.

The extent of damage depends on the area of the brain affected as well as on how much the brain was damaged.

Those people who suffer a small stroke will experience minor problems such as weakness of an arm or leg while those who suffered larger strokes may get paralyzed on one side or even lose their ability to speak. While some people may recover from strokes completely, the truth is that 2/3 of survivors will have some type of disability.

Stroke is the number two cause of death worldwide and may soon become the leading cause of death worldwide.

Today, there are treatments that, if given early, can reduce stroke severity. This is why it is important to know stroke symptoms, so you as well as doctors can act swiftly.

Stroke Symptoms include:

%26bull; Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg (especially on one side of the body)
%26bull; Sudden confusion, trouble speaking, or understanding speech
%26bull; Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
%26bull; Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, or loss of balance or coordination
%26bull; Sudden, severe headache with no known cause

80% of all strokes are preventable! It is possible to prevent a stroke!

In order to prevent stroke, you need to know if you belong to the risk group

Risk factors for stroke include:

  • advanced age

  • hypertension (high blood pressure)

  • previous stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA)

  • diabetes

  • high cholesterol

  • cigarette smoking

  • atrial fibrillation.

  • migraine headache

It is important to state that not only elderly suffer strokes but also children and young adults who lead sedentary lives, eat junk food, smoke and drink alcohol.

High blood pressure is the most important modifiable risk factor of stroke.

How to lower your risks of stroke?

Know your blood pressure
Find out if you have atrial fibrillation
If you smoke, stop
If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation
Find out if you have high cholesterol
If you are diabetic
Enjoy a lower sodium (salt), lower fat diet
Know the Symptoms of Stroke

Stroke Prevention

%26bull; Eat a variety of foods - choose, prepare, and eat foods low in fats, saturated fatty acids, and cholesterol.
%26bull; Choose more whole grains, vegetables and fruits
%26bull; Choose foods low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol
%26bull; Choose foods with moderate amounts of added sugar
%26bull; Choose foods with moderate amounts of salt and sodium
%26bull; If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation
%26bull; Balance the foods you eat with physical activity. Maintain or improve your weight
%26bull; Exercise regularly - exercise may make the heart stronger and improve circulation. It also helps control weight. Being overweight increases the chance of high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, heart disease, and adult-onset (type II) diabetes-all being stroke risk factors. Physical activities like brisk walking, cycling, swimming, and yard work lower the risk of both stroke and heart disease.

Getting started on a healthier diet and lifestyle is not an easy task. Here are some tips to make it easier:

%26bull; Be realistic: Make one or two small changes every month and stick to them.
%26bull; Be adventurous: Expand your tastes and try a greater variety of foods.
%26bull; Be flexible: Balance what you eat and your physical activity over several days.
%26bull; Be sensible: Enjoy all foods; just don't overdo it.
%26bull; Be active: Walk the dog; don't just watch the dog walk!

Importance Of Physical Activity On The Stroke Outcome

Exercise is one possible risk factor for stroke that can be controlled.

Dr. Lars-Henrik Krarup, from Copenhagen University Hospital, and colleagues reviewed the medical records of 265 people with an average age of 68 who had a stroke and were able to walk on their own. The participants were interviewed about their exercise habits and the number of hours they were active during a one-week period. The study results showed that the top 25 percent of people who exercised the most were 2.5 times more likely to suffer A LESS SEVERE stroke compared with people who were in the bottom quarter of the group. The most active also had a better chance of long-term recovery.

%26quot;Exercise is one possible risk factor for stroke that can be controlled. Staying fit doesn't have to be a scheduled regimen. For the people in this study, exercise included light housework, taking a walk outside, lawn care, gardening or participating in a sport,%26quot;

The study authors note that their results help cement previous research showing that higher intensities of exercise as well as limiting the use of alcohol reduce the risk of stroke (both blood clot or bleeding in the brain). In a 2003 study, researchers showed in case-controlled studies that moderate and high-intensity exercise will reduce the risk of stroke by 64%,

Getting started

  • See your doctor for a check-up if you haven%26rsquo;t exercised for a while.

  • Choose a range of activities you enjoy - choose things like walking, dancing, swimming, cycling, tennis or golf. It doesn%26rsquo;t matter what you do as long as it makes you feel warm and slightly out of breath. Gardening and housework would do too.

  • Start your new exercise program slowly, especially if you%26rsquo;re not used to physical activity. Increase the intensity and duration as you become fitter, gradually up to 30 minutes a day. Just 30 minutes of activity five days a week was shown to be enough to reduce your risk of stroke. You can do everything in one go or exercise a few times a day in 10-, 15- or 20- minute sessions. Both ways are effective.

  • Exercise with a friend or join a team sport to add a fun social element to the activity but also to keep up your motivation if your enthusiasm begins to flag.

  • Remember to warm up and cool down - to prevent muscle cramp and stiffness. It is advisable to start with a few minutes%26rsquo; warm-up (stretching) and slow down gradually (with stretching again) at the end to let your heart rate return to normal.

  • Try different activities from time to time to exercise different muscles as well as keep your mind alert.

  • Build more exercise into your daily routine:

  1. take the stairs, not the lift

  2. walk to the shops rather than drive

  3. get off the bus before your usual stop and walk part of the way

  • Contact a physiotherapist or gymnasium instructor for advice and information regarding appropriate exercise.


Pro gamers on the road to become drug addicts?

We have all witnessed the expansion gaming worldwide and nowadays we have a growing army of devoted gamers both pro and amateur. They may both be addicted to gaming, but in some cases gamers have bigger problems than gaming addiction: some are addicted to marijuana and other performance enhancing dr...
We have all witnessed the expansion gaming worldwide and nowadays we have a growing army of devoted gamers both pro and amateur. They may both be addicted to gaming, but in some cases gamers have bigger problems than gaming addiction: some are addicted to marijuana and other performance enhancing drugs!

Alex Walker, the Australian World Cyber Games Tournament Director, admitted in an interview with Gameplayer that some cyber athletes like to smoke marijuana or even take amphetamines to boost their reflexes before competition.

In this research we will try to find out whether this is true or not and whether this is just one of the ways to additionally discredit gaming and gamers. In other words, we will find out whether climbing high on the result list is in connection with getting high.

Gaming %26ndash;a sport?

Gamers on drugsProfessional gaming is a new area that%26rsquo;s drawing timeless tough questions whether gaming is a sport or not. People would say what about Olympics. Despite the fact that gaming is not an Olympic sport, they cannot deny the fact, that professional gamers are players who make a good deal of money competing and they use their prestige to create lucrative brands. People also cannot deny the fact that cyber athletes in US are competing in two major leagues: Major League Gamin, league that offers up to $100,000 in prize money for a tournament and Championship Gaming Series, which has offered as much as $500,000 in tournaments! These leagues have big sponsors such as Microsoft and they continue to gain support and popularity not only in US but from all around the world.

Leagues are broadcasted on MTV, USA Network and Direct TV in the States, and there are numerous websites that broadcast matches, track scores and stats and report cyber gaming news. These leagues create celebrities, take for example, the almost rock star level of fame enjoyed by Jonathan %26lsquo;Fatal1ty%26rsquo; Wendel, who has managed to win more than $1 million in prizes and not only that %26ndash; he has his name blazed across gaming equipment such as mice and video cards.

Simply no one can deny the fact, that electronic sport or esport is becoming a global phenomenon, and that people are earning good bucks and living a good life playing games.

The dark side of gaming %26ndash; doping

Drugs - marijuana, speed, cocaine..Some cyber athletes have another thing in common with professional athletes: doping. Doping is not a new word in professional sport %26ndash; in any sport where the big is money involved, there are ways and substances to enhance player%26rsquo;s performance: to jump higher, run faster, drive faster, and at the end to play better. With the money being thrown at gamers, is it possible that some elite players are looking for ways to improve their performance %26ndash; and if so, should drug testing be part of big gaming events?

Australia%26rsquo;s leading gaming site identified commonly abused substances among gamers:
Marijuana %26ndash; has psychoactive and physiological effects when consumed; creates euphoria, but in some cases also slows down reflexes. Among many side effects, such as lung cancer (if smoking), there is also addiction.
Speed (Amphetamines) - an extremely potent stimulant that increases the body%26rsquo;s activity, heart rate, breathing, increases blood pressure and has numerous side effects.
Dexamphetamine and Methylphenidate (Ritalin) %26ndash; also known as %26lsquo;focus drug%26rsquo;, usually prescribed to children suffering from ADHD; more potent than caffeine but less than amphetamines; has numerous side effects, including addiction.
Caffeine %26ndash; it is very popular because its effects are fast as it can reach all tissues of the body within five minutes, but let%26rsquo;s not forget the fact that is extremely addictive. Caffeine is one of the oldest and most popular stimulants in the history of mankind; 90% of Americans consume caffeine in some way every day.

Pill designed especially for gamers

FpsBrain - for gamersWith help from Free University Berlin a drug, FpsBrain was created which is supposed to accelerate neural processes, heighten perception and improve reactions, or to put it more simply a drug that would make you better at gaming. Drug was approved by German government %26ndash; it is no amphetamine and it essentially contains coffee, guarana and some vitamins replacements.

MTV blog asked a registered dietitian to provide a report on the product. The results reveal that FpsBrain works through stimulating your muscles, heightening your awareness, decreasing your reaction time and easing your body during stressful conditions.

Nevertheless, pill that is designed especially for gaming is an alert that says that pharmacy found a new niche %26ndash; gaming niche, whether talking about marijuana, amphetamines or vitamin B complex, designed especially for cyber athletes.

At the very least, it is not realistic to assume that taking amphetamines or Ritalin will give you any real advantage at esports (or a any other sport) if you don%26rsquo;t have the talent to back it up.

Not only pro gamers %26hellip;

Gamers stonersSpeculations are present that many people who are fond of gaming and spend a lot of time either one on one with their powerful machines or those who enjoy competing with other people in the cyberspace simply have to take something in order to be able to spend all that time with joysticks in their hands.

Many gamers enjoy combining pot and video games: the combination is popular enough that a movie has been made about stoner gamers. It is believed that just about every gamer knows someone %26ndash; a friends or a friend%26rsquo;s friend who like to get lit while playing their favorite game.

Interesting survey which has been conducted by the University of Southern California shows that an ordinary gamer has a lower body mass index than an average American which is actually good news as almost 50% of the population is inclined to obesity, and that the large ratio of 7000 EverQuest II players suffer from depression. However, the research cannot be linked directly to drug abuse among cyber athletes and amateur gamers.

Will we soon see men in white suits holding out urine sample at gaming tournaments?

High scores and being the winner is about being recognized for your skill and prowess at gaming. It%26rsquo;s about being the best in the world at what you do, and it is also about winning a nice deal of money. Cheaters will always be looked down upon, even more so in cyber sports, and at the end it kind of hits home that only the really talented will come out on top in the end.

There are no men in white suits planned in esport at the moment but we might be surprised at what the future holds for cyber athletes.

Nevertheless, drug testing is an issue and responsibility that should be examined closely by the organizers of gaming events! At least then pro-gaming would not have to suffer the negative PR from reports that it is turning a blind eye to drug abuse.


Depression - Types, Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

I. DefinitionDepression is a normal response as part of our daily lives such as the loss of s job, the death of a love one, and illness. Over 30 million Americans suffer from depression and the amount is increasing in an alarming rate. Depression may be a mental health disorder that can affect the w...
I. Definition

Depression is a normal response as part of our daily lives such as the loss of s job, the death of a love one, and illness. Over 30 million Americans suffer from depression and the amount is increasing in an alarming rate. Depression may be a mental health disorder that can affect the way you eat, sleep, and the way you feel about yourself.

II. Types of depression

There are 3 types of depressions:
1. Reactive depression
Reactive depression is the reaction caused by emotional swings affecting anyone at one time at his and her life, such as death of a love one, loss of financial stability or chronic diseases. People suffering from reactive depression may lose interest of doing things that provide pleasure. These people generally still function in daily activity normally. Most people suffering from reactive depression may see the symptoms disappear gradually over time, some may require the support from others or take antidepressant medications.

2. Physical depression
This type of depression is caused by chemical imbalance in the brain as resulting of chronic illness such as hormone imbalance, immune disorder or nutritional deficiency. People suffering from physical depression may lose interest or pleasure in almost everything and generally have a negative impact on every function in daily life.

3. Manic depression
This is a severe type of physical depression. In medical terms, manic depression is characterized by wide mood swings with periods of both depression, mania and a variety of other significant symptoms not present in other types of depression such as the fluctuation between periods of extreme energy and vivacity with those of complete hopeless.

III. Causes

1) Hormone imbalance
About 60% of people suffering from physical depression have abnormal levels of thyroid or adrenal hormones causing impaired thinking and making it difficult to carry out daily activity. If the thyroid hormone is in low levels we have hypothyroidism resulting in weight gain, fatigue and loss of appetite. If the thyroid hormone is in high levels we hyperthyroidism resulting in hand trembling, weakness, anxiety and nervousness. On the other hand, if adrenal hormone is in low levels symptoms may include stress, and weakness. If the adrenal hormone is in high level symptoms include weight gain, and diabetes.

2) Immune disorder
Immune system disorder causes concentration difficulty, lowered mood, memory loss, anxiety and symptoms of depression.

3) Nutritional deficiency
Too much Omega fatty 6 and deficiency of Omega acid 3 causes memory loss, mood swings and depression. On the other hand deficiency of vitamin B12, chromium, selenium or magnesium causes anxiety and depression as well as mood swings.

4) Sleeping disorder
If sleeping disorder is serious enough to interfere with normal physical, mental and emotional functioning such as fatigue, poor concentration, low mood and other symptoms of depression.

5) Effect of medication taken
Many medications cause symptoms of depression as a side effect such as low mood and anxiety as a result of taking heart and hypertension medication.

IV. Symptoms

1) Loss of interest and energy in life
2) Change of sleeping and eating habits
3) Can not concentrate
4) Lowered self esteem
5) Deep sadness and hopeless
6) Thought of suicide and death

V. Prevention and treatment

A. With Common Sense Approach

1. Reduce intake of saturated and trans fats
Saturates and trans fats cause the increase of levels of bad cholesterol in the blood stream, blocking the circulation of blood and reducing the levels of oxygen that are essential for brain cells resulting in mood change and low interest for daily function.

2. Reduce intake of fat food, simple carbohydrates, and artificial sweetener
The above food causes chemical and nutritional imbalances and contribute to depression.

3. Be careful with conventional prescription side effects
Conventional medication while common can produce negative side effects and tends to treat the symptoms rather than the cause of depression. Some prescription medication may cause side effects to only some patients but not others. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you have some depression side effect.

4. Moderate exercise
Exercise helps to increase the circulation and oxygen level in the bloodstream, gives body energy and produces feelings of revitalization and accomplishment triggering the release of certain hormones that help to boost your mood.

5. Join a social group or club
Joining a social group or club is the best way to climb out and learn something new. It is the proven way to keep your brain active and increase your confidence and self esteem.

6. Get enough sleep
Over half of people with sleep disorders are found to have some mental disorder such as depression. In fact, study shows that insomnia may be the cause of depression.

7. Light therapy
If you have season affective disorder, the body chemistry is thrown off by a decrease in the amount of day light. Light therapy will help to increase energy levels and overcome difficulty in getting out of bed.

B. With Supplements

DHEA is the precursor for estrogen and testosterone, it helps to maintain mood, anxiety and menopausal women to have a better sense of well being and confident.

2. Chlorella
Chlorella contains high amounts of chlorophyll that not only help to prevent the forming of free radicals by aiding the moving of heavy metals that cause memory loss, increasing the phospholipid found on the surface of brain cell membrane resulting in delaying of memory loss and fending off the ravages of stress hormones.

3. Omega 3 fatty acid
Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain function as well as normal growth and development. Deficiency of Omega 3 includes extreme tiredness , poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings or depression.

4. L-cartinine
Amino acid acetyl L cartinine helps to regulate the hormone pregnenolone produced by the adrenal gland. Low levels of pregnenolone is associated with low energy, extreme tiredness and depression. Study shows that intake of amino acid acetyl L- cartinine helps to alleviate depression.

5. DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol)
DMAE helps to stimulate the production of acetylcholine that helps to regulate the mood and energy level of our body and increase the ability of memory and learning.

6. Pumpkin seed extract
Pumpkin seed extract contains high amounts of zinc that helps to exhibit antidepressants such as stress suppresses brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Zinc also helps in promoting hormone balancing in our body by stimulating the production of growth hormones resulting in improve energy and well being.

C) Vitamins and Minerals

1. Vitamin C
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. Our body does not have the ability to make its own vitamin C. Therefore, we must obtain vitamin C through our diet. Overdose of vitamin C may result in diarrhea. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects our body from the forming of free radicals as well as weakening of immune system resulting in chronic infection such as mononucleosis and psychiatric symptoms including depression.

2. B vitamin complex
The B vitamins are eight water-soluble vitamins that play important roles in cell metabolism. Deficiency of B vitamin complex such as B 12 may not lead to physical symptoms but may cause depression.

3. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is the fat soluble antioxidant in our body. Study shows that people with depression have lower levels of serum of vitamin E circulating in their bloodstreams.

4. Magnesium
Magnesium is one of the four electrolyte minerals. Besides helping our body to absorb calcium, and strengthen bones and teeth, it also plays an important role in allowing muscles to relax, and in reducing stiffness in muscles. Magnesium deficiency causes depression, chronic pain, and intolerance to stress, chronic fatigue and depression.

5. Iron
Iron plays an important role in production of red blood cells and increase the transportation of oxygen levels to our body cells. Iron deficiency causes chronic fatigue, apathy irritability and other symptoms of depression.

6. Zinc
Besides helping to restore the normal function of prostate gland, it also helps in promoting of hormone balancing in our body by stimulating the production of growth hormone. Deficiency of zinc may be a leading cause of loss of appetite, subsequent poor nutrition, inevitable chronic fatigue and depression.

7. Selenium
Study shows that people with high amounts of selenium in their body tend to be more cheerful and confident. It also helps to make us feel more alert, less anxious, and high levels of energy.

D) With Foods

1. Fish
Our western diet contain high amounts of omega 6 and not enough omega 3 fatty acid. The imbalance of these 2 types of omega fatty acids may lead to memory loss, mood swing and depression. Cold water fish contain high amounts of omega 3 fatty acid that not only help to restore the hormone imbalance, but also decrease the arteries clotting up by bad cholesterol and triglycerides resulting in more oxygen being transported to the brain.

2. Spinach
Spinach contains high amounts of iron that not only help to boost the production of red blood cells and increase the blood circulation but also help in preventing and treating memory loss, tiredness and trouble concentrating as well as depression.

3. Dark green leaf juice
Weakened immune system may cause concentration, memory problem, trigger anxiety and acerbate the symptoms of depression. Dark green leaf juice contains high amounts of vitamin C, that help to strengthen our immune system and prevent the forming of free radicals and inflammation.

4. Peanut
Peanut contains high amounts of folate. Study shows that people with the symptoms of depression have low levels of folate, one of the members of B vitamins.

5. Cereal
Cereal contains high amounts of niacin that help to maintain normal function and neural function. Deficiency of niacin causes memory loss, low mood, tiredness, and inactivity as well as other symptoms of depression.

6. Fresh raw vegetable
Fresh raw vegetable contains high amounts of amino acids and they are vital to the formation of antibodies to combat bacteria and viruses and are part of the enzyme and hormonal system. Deficiency of amino acids cause hormone imbalance, tiredness and poor concentration.

V. With herbs

1. St. John wort
St. John wort works like some antidepressant medication such as Prozac and Zoloft. Intake of St. john wort helps to increase appetite, more interest in life, greater self-esteem and restoration of normal sleeping patterns.

2. Skullcap
helps to reduce the symptoms of mild to moderate depression by increasing the amount of serotonin in the body by inhibiting the reuptake of Serotonin, and inhibits two chemicals interleukin-6 and Cortisol known to cause anxiety and depression.

3. Hops
Hops are the flowers of humulus lupulus. They have been used widely to relieve insomnia and help in promoting positive support for occasional anxious feelings, restlessness, nervousness, tension and symptoms of depression.

4. Passionflower
Passionflower contains flavonoids and monoflavonoids that help to promote emotional balance through relaxation of the nervous system. It also acts as an anxiolytic aiding relaxation, relief from occasional anxiety and panic resulting from stress, and to ease tension.

5. Calamus root
Calamus root has been used for centuries in strengthening immune system, relieve pain, and preventing inflammation. It also helps to ward off fatigue, increase body's energy, reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

6. Schizandra berry
Schizandra berry is a creeping vine with small red berries native to Northern China. Traditionally schizandra berry has been used widely to stimulate immune defense, balance body functions, normalizing physical activity and boosting energy. Recent study shows that it also helps to increase the body's resistance to stress, anxiety, mood swing and depression.

I hope this information will help. If you want to more information of the above subject, you can follow my series of articles and visit my home page at:


The First Step You Must Take to Cleanse Your Body Toxins

American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances and less in fruits and vegetables. These types of harmful substances is toxic, disrupts the hormone balance and weakens our immune system resulting in chronic d...
American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances and less in fruits and vegetables. These types of harmful substances is toxic, disrupts the hormone balance and weakens our immune system resulting in chronic diseases. Our body's detoxifying functions try to get rid of them everyday, when they fail it causes disruption of hormone production, damaging our body's detoxification organs and weakens our immune system resulting in hormone imbalance and many chronic illness. In order to reduce the risk of such results, detoxification is necessary to rejuvenate our body by replacing the intake of those bad foods with the healthy ones.

I believe this method is easy to achieve and everybody can do it without interfering too much with their choice of foods daily.

1. Reduce intake of meat

Protein is vital for brain function but consuming too much protein will cause high cholesterol building up in the arteries and triglycerides in your blood as well as increasing abdominal fat.

Meat contains 50% saturated fat and 50% unsaturated. Since we consume more meat than we need, the best way is to substitute some daily intake of fat with fish. Fish contains high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids that help to balance over-supply of omega 6 acid from meat. Omega 3 fatty acid also helps to lower levels of bad cholesterol and triglyceride resulting in weight loss and a more healthy body.

2. Reduce intake of dairy products

Dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, butter, and ice cream contains high amounts of trans fat which causes cholesterol and triglyceride building up in our arteries, blocking the transportation of oxygen to our body cells resulting in fatigue, poor concentration, memory loss as well as weakening the body immune system. It is good for your health if you can reduce some of the above dairy products with rice milk, soy milk and oat milk because these healthy products contain more nutrition and help to cleanse your body from cholesterol, triglyceride and more.

3. Reduce intake of caffeine and alcohol

Caffeine and alcohol are stimulants that help to improve the function of nervous system, increasing alertness, and concentration but high amounts of caffeine and excessive drinking of alcohol causes palpitation of the heart, reducing levels of oxygen in the bloodstream as well as nervous system break down and liver disease resulting in weakened immune system and hormone imbalance. It is better for you to reduce daily intakes of above products and replace them with herbal tea, grain beverage and green tea because these healthy products promote a strong immune system, fight radical forming and toxin cleansing. Of course, we still insist drinking a maximum of one cup of red wine for women and 2 cups for men daily to help improve circulation of blood and provide more oxygen to the body's cells.

4. Reduce intake of sugar and artificial sweetener

Sugar adds calories which if you eat more than you need, you will gain weight and cause insulin resistance that increases your risk of getting heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure or even some types of cancer. High doses of sugar and artificial also increase the urinary excretion of calcium, leading to weaker bones. Replace some of the above with raw honey or molasses.

5. Intake less carbonated beverages

Drinking carbonated beverage forces your body to consume carbon dioxide that is a toxic chemical and has a negative effect in your heart. Long term expose of this chemical will weaken your kidney and liver function. Replace some daily intake of the above with distilled water, filter water and juices. Drink at least one cup of dark green leaf juice and top it with some carrot to make it taste better. Dark green leaf juice contains a variety of nutritients and antioxidants that are vital in cleansing heavy metals and other toxins from your body.

6. Eat more fiber

Food with fiber is an excellent choice for body cleansing, specially for cleansing the toxic chemical building up in the colon. It also helps you to lose weight because you need more calories to digest food with high fiber such as celery, broccoli, cabbage and fiber adsorbs the juices from the stomach and make you feel fullness.


Defining Yourself

Take a moment to think about this: What defines your worth? Does your intelligence, your talents, your success, your money, or your looks define your worth? Does this mean that if you fail, lose your money, get old and lose your looks, or start to be forgetful as you grow older, you lose worth as a ...
Take a moment to think about this: What defines your worth?

Does your intelligence, your talents, your success, your money, or your looks define your worth? Does this mean that if you fail, lose your money, get old and lose your looks, or start to be forgetful as you grow older, you lose worth as a human being? Is your worth defined by externals or by your enduring internal qualities, such as kindness, devotion, compassion, warmth, honesty, openness to learning, sincerity, integrity, commitment, reliability, and so on? Is your worth defined by your natural abilities, or by your willingness to work hard for what is important to you? Is it outside validation or the inner love of learning that you value the most about yourself? Do you have to succeed to have worth, or can you fail and still find joy in the process of learning and improving?

Now take another minute and think about this: Who defines your worth and lovability?

Is it your parents, your children, your partner, your friends, or your employer who decide whether or not you are good enough? Is it one person who defines you, or is it the important people in your life, or is it everyone - anyone you happen to meet?

Take another moment now and think about this: How and why would any of these people know your true intrinsic worth? Why would any of them have the authority to define your goodness or your worth as a human being?

I used to believe that if someone didn't like me or was upset with me, it meant I wasn't good enough.

Everything changed for me when I realized that no one actually has the authority to decide this for me!

So who does have the information and authority about my intrinsic worth?

God, Spirit, my own Higher Self, my spiritual Guidance - whatever I tap into that is beyond my programmed mind and the programmed minds of others.

Unfortunately, our programmed wounded self believes that our worth is defined primarily by our achievements, and sometimes by our looks. The wounded self often believes that our abilities - such as our intelligence and our particular talents - are fixed quantities. Since they are fixed, why make any particular effort to learn and grow? These false beliefs of the wounded self stop our essence - the part of us that loves to learn - from tackling hard tasks, such as learning Inner Bonding and connecting with our spiritual Guidance. %26quot;I'm just not good at this,%26quot; says the wounded self, %26quot;so why try? If I try and fail, then everyone will know that I'm not as smart or as talented or as enlightened as they think I am. If I were good at this, it would be easy for me. It's not worth taking the risk of failure.%26quot; Since, to the wounded self, failure mean %26quot;I am a failure,%26quot; the wounded self often refuses to put forth much effort.

However, our essence is like all small children - intensely curious and wanting to learn about EVERYTHING! But if, in our families and schools, we learn that our worth is defined by our success rather than by our intrinsic qualities, and we are taught that our abilities are fixed rather than can be developed with effort, we might give up making effort fairly early in life.

It is never too late to change your mind about who and what defines you. You will find yourself motivated and excited about life when you define yourself by your internal qualities and re-discover the joy of learning!


How to avoid 2 most common tennis injuries?

Tennis injuries are generally defined as either overuse or cumulative injuries and traumatic or acute injuries. Overuse injuries occur over time due to stress on the muscles, joints and soft tissues without proper time for healing. Usually they begin as a small, nagging ache, and can grow into a deb...

Tennis injuries are generally defined as either overuse or cumulative injuries and traumatic or acute injuries. Overuse injuries occur over time due to stress on the muscles, joints and soft tissues without proper time for healing. Usually they begin as a small, nagging ache, and can grow into a debilitating injury if they aren't treated early. Injuries that fall into this category for example include injuries like tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, etc. Traumatic injuries can be quite dramatic and occur due to a sudden force. As in some other sports, the most common traumatic injuries in tennis include muscle sprains and strains, ankle and wrist sprains, shoulder separation, hamstrings pull or tears, achilles tendon rupture...

The most common injuries associated with tennis are following:

  • rotator cuff tendinitis,

  • tennis elbow,

  • wrist strains,

  • back pain,

  • knee pain

  • calf and Achilles tendon injuries,

  • ankle sprains,

  • tennis toe...

In this article we will discus treatment, but most of all prevention of the two most common overuse injuries %26ndash; tennis shoulder and tennis elbow.

Tennis shoulder

Rotator cuff tendinitis injury occurs in sports requiring the arm to be moved over the head repeatedly: inflammation of the tendons are common among tennis players, but also weight lifters, swimmers and pitchers. Therefore the alternative names such as swimmer's shoulder, pitcher's shoulder and tennis shoulder.

Treatment and prevention

Best treatment for tennis shoulder is rest, ice packs applied to the shoulder and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). In cases when the symptoms persist despite conservative therapy or rotator cuff has sustained a complete tear, surgery may be necessary.

If symptoms resolve only to recur when you return to play, you must learn to modify your tennis technique to increase the angle between your arm and side to more than 90%26deg; - ideally 135%26deg;. This position will lessen the chance of injury.

In addition to treatment, physical therapy to strengthen shoulder muscles should be started, which is one of the most recommended activities to avoid this injury in the first place.

Tennis elbow

If you play tennis, squash or racketball, chances are good that you will develop a problem called %26lsquo;tennis elbow%26rsquo;, since this condition affects up to 45% of regular racket sport participants.

Most experts believe that this condition is caused by overloading of the forearm muscles due to faulty backhand technique: improper body positioning with the elbow leading the racket, combined with late strokes and %26quot;wristy%26quot; impacts. For this reason it is believed that modifying your tennis technique or the two-handed backhand relieves stress.

Treatment and prevention

Proper racket selection and grip size play a significant role. Smaller heads and excessive string tightness require the forearm muscles to exert more force which can lead to tennis elbow. Choose less-stiff graphite-type rackets with large heads that expand the impact area - the stiffer the racket, the larger the force transmitted to the arm. Also, string your racket less tightly - the tighter the strings, the higher the force and more chance to increase tennis elbow injury.

The grip should be comfortable and not too small. The best way to choose grip size is to measure the distance from the crease of your palm to the tip of the ring finger. Grip that is too large or too small increases wrist-muscle fatigue, making the wrist unstable and leads to too large forces at the elbow.

Since the cement and other hard courts raise ball velocity, producing greater impacts and higher elbow forces, it is recommendable to play on clay or grass courts.

If, despite these preventive steps, tennis elbow serves up a painful challenge to your game, the following measures should help you. You may use oral anti-inflammatory medications as directed by your doctor or/and apply anti-inflammatory creams to the elbow joint. According to scientific studies Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation treatments have been shown to reduce pain and inflammation. Another very effective method is applying ice on sore elbow, keeping the ice on for 10- to 12-minute intervals, with 20-minute rests between applications. Once the pain subsides, it is recommendable to use tennis elbow supports when you play. And at the end, if all types of treatment fail, surgery may be considered.

Shoulder and elbow injuries occur frequently in tennis players of all ages. According to Jim Zachazewski, Clinical Director, MGH Sports Medicine these are the causes:

  • Using a racket that has the wrong grip size, is too light or heavy or is strung with too much or too little tension

  • Poor stroke mechanics and technique

  • Not having sufficient strength and endurance of the muscles that surround and support the shoulder and elbow

  • Having good cardiovascular endurance to allow you to get into position to hit the ball appropriately using your body and appropriate technique and not just reaching with the racket.

Many sports injuries result from lack of proper rest, lack of warm ups or poor conditioning, but also from overuse. In order to prevent them, apply these tips:

  • Warm up thoroughly prior to play.

  • Wear the right tennis shoes with skid-resistant soles.

  • Use approprieate tennis equipment

  • Use good technique.

  • Clean tennis court before play - check for slippery spots.

  • Get adequate recovery if injured.

  • Stay hydrated.


The 2nd Step to Cleanse Your Body Toxins - Understand Your Health Conditions

As we mentioned in previous articles we know that the American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables. These types of harmful substances are toxic. Our body's detoxifying fu...

As we mentioned in previous articles we know that the American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables. These types of harmful substances are toxic. Our body's detoxifying functions try to get rid of them everyday, when they fail it causes a disruption of hormone production, damaging our body's detoxification organs and weakening our immune system resulting in hormone imbalance and many chronic illness consequently. By the time you read this article, I hope that you already have followed the the first step and replaced your daily intake of food with healthier ones. Here is the second step, you might want to understand the most common diseases associated with an unhealthy diet.

We will discuss the treatment in the third step of this article series of detoxification

1. High blood cholesterol level and triglyceride

Consuming a high amount of saturated fat and trans fat (a typical American diet) with less fruits and vegetables causes bad cholesterol building up in the arteries and triglyceride in the blood stream causing less oxygen in the blood and interfering with circulation of the blood as well as transportation of nutrients to our body's cells causing a variety of chronic illness.

2. High blood Pressure

The accumulation of bad cholesterol in the arteries and triglyceride in the bloodstream as well as deficiency of minerals causing calcium building up in the arterial wall resulting in arterial wall hardening and less elasticity. These types of problems cause the blockage of circulation of the blood. In order to provide more nutrients to our body's cells, our heart must work harder which results in high blood pressure and heart diseases.

3. Heart diseases

Heart diseases are caused by high blood pressure and other chronic diseases, mineral and nutritional deficiency such as diabetes, and magnesium, iron, and, zinc deficiencies. In this case, the heart has to work harder to provide oxygen and nutrients to the body's cells. If any go wrong in this process, we have coronary heart diseases.

3. Weakened Immune system

With poor diet that is high in fat, protein, less in fluids and vegetable, causes the clot up of arteries making the circulation of blood difficult for absorption of oxygen and nutrition to our body. Without enough nutrition, our body becomes weaker and easier to be infected by bacteria and virus as well as causing inflammation to our vital organs.

4. Mini Stroke

Not all mini stroke cause damage to our body, but thousand of mini strokes will. Mini stroke is a symptom of poor diet caused by arteries and blood vessels being clogged up by cholesterol and triglyceride. If any part of our brain's cells can not get enough oxygen the cells will die off and never come back, then we have stroke. Stroke might also be caused by a rupture of small blood vessels in the brain resulting in a hardened and less elastic brain vessels. This causes cells being covered by blood and unable receive oxygen provided.

5. Obesity

Over 60% of the North American population are considered to be overweight according to the BMI index because of unhealthy diet with foods high in saturated fat and trans fat, less fruits and vegetables, and excessive drinking causing fat building in the abdominal area resulting in obesity and other forms of chronic diseases.

6. Diabetes

Diabetes is caused by receptors being clotted up by fat and cholesterol due to typical American diet with high saturated fat, trans fat, deficiency of minerals and vitamin, and becoming insensitive to insulin making it unable to enter the cells, resulting in high amounts of glucose remaining in the bloodstream and we have diabetes.

I hope this information will help to rejuvenate your health and detoxify your body. If you need more information, please follow my article series of the above subject at my home page at:


How to Prevent and Treat Anemia with Foods

It is hard to believe that America, a country with one of the highest standard of living in the world having over 20 million people with the disease of anemia caused by unhealthy diet, and nutritional deficiency with protein and fat intake 30% more than any other country in the world. Most people un...
It is hard to believe that America, a country with one of the highest standard of living in the world having over 20 million people with the disease of anemia caused by unhealthy diet, and nutritional deficiency with protein and fat intake 30% more than any other country in the world. Most people understand that anemia is caused by iron deficiency in the bloodstream, but in reality anemia is characterized by deficiency in the hemoglobin of the red blood cells diminishing the ability of the blood to transport oxygen to our cells and to remove carbon dioxide. In this article, we will discuss how to treat anemia with foods.

1. Spinach
Spinach is an essential food for all anemia patients with no kidney health condition (spinach is a highly oxalate vegetable, without taking enough fluids spinach may cause kidney stone, thus spinach should not be taken for people with kidney disease).

It contains high amounts of vitamin C and several minerals such as iron, zinc, and copper that helps to increase the formation of red blood cells as well as raising the oxygen level and circulation of blood.

2. Raw broccoli
Broccoli is a vegetable with a variety of nutritional supplements including high amounts of iron, copper, folic acid and vitamin B12 that is vital for people with anemia. Feeding a pregnant women with folic acid deficiency may cause anemia in her child if she has folic acid deficiency. Cooked foods destroy folic acid. People who take blood thinners must consult with their doctor before eating large amounts of broccoli, because it contains high amounts of vitamin K that is needed for underline skin membrane but it also causes the blood to thicken.

3. Apricot
Apricot has been used in Chinese folk medicine in treating constipation as well as fighting aging. Apricot contains high amounts of iron and copper that helps to improving the efficiency of oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide removal. Regular intake of apricot also helps the production of hemoglobin in the red blood cells.

4. Garlic
Adding garlic in your diet in anemia patients is an excellent choice. Garlic not only helps to strengthen the immune system that is lacked in people with anemia, but also helps to purify our blood by improving the absorption of rich sources of iron as well as aiding the blood's circulation. Garlic is a blood thinner, people taking blood thinners and have ulcers should consult with their doctor before taking large amounts of garlic.

5. Beet juice
Beets contain high amounts of iron and copper that are essential for people with anemia. Besides helping to regulate the production of red blood cells, it also helps to improve the artery's elasticity by dissolving substances sticking to the arterial walls resulting in enhancing blood's capacity to assimilate and transport oxygen and nutrients.

6. Molasses
Molasses contain high amounts of iron and copper that are necessary for anemia patients. It also helps to purify your blood by improving the production of hemoglobin.

7. Watercress leaves
Watercress leaves contains easily assimilable forms of organic iron. It also has a variety of amounts of iron, calcium and folic acid and vitamin C. Beside aiding the blood capacity to assimilate and transport oxygen and nutrition, it also is a blood purifier by dissolving the coagulated blood fibrin in piles.
There are many more foods that can help in treating people with mild anemia such as blackberry, blueberry, cherries, and prune juice.

I hope this information will help , if you need more information of the above subject please follow my
series of the above subject at my home page at:


Women and Anemia

As we mentioned in previous articles, it is hard to believe that America, a country with one of the highest standards of living in the world having over 20 million people with the disease of anemia caused by unhealthy diet, and nutritional deficiency, with protein and fat intake 30% higher than any ...
As we mentioned in previous articles, it is hard to believe that America, a country with one of the highest standards of living in the world having over 20 million people with the disease of anemia caused by unhealthy diet, and nutritional deficiency, with protein and fat intake 30% higher than any other country in the world. Most people understand that anemia is caused by iron deficiency in the bloodstream.

In fact, anemia is characterized by deficiency in the hemoglobin of the red blood cells diminishing the ability of the blood to transport oxygen to our cells and to remove carbon dioxide.

Menstruation is a natural process for female organs for human reproduction due to chemical reaction in the woman's purity gland. Aside from its biological purpose, this bleeding serves as a sign that a woman has not become pregnant.
The normal menstrual flow starts at a moderate level, increases somewhat, and then slowly tapers. The typical women bleeds for two to seven days at the beginning of each menstrual cycle. The bleeding causes the loss of blood, it is for the woman's own health to intake foods or supplements that help to restore the balance of red cells reproduction, otherwise many women may experience nutritional deficiency anemia later on. According to Chinese herbalist, menstruation is the result of the rises and falls of blood in cyclical fashion and the needs for recuperation of the loss blood can not be ignored.

Woman with genetic anemia having abnormal red blood cell structure (red blood cells small in size and breaks down faster compared to normal red blood cells) must also be careful during the menstruation because besides normal bleeding the breaking down of abnormal red blood cells usually causes heavy flow in the period resulting in less production of red blood cells to replace the broken down one. If left untreated, it can lead to an even greater deficiency of

I hope this information will help , if you need more information of the above subject please follow my
series of the above subject at my home page at:


The Return Of 'Shock Therapy'

Most people might be quicker to associate electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) with torture rather than healing. But since the 1980s, the practice has been quietly making a comeback. The number of patients undergoing electroconvulsive therapy has tripled to 100,000 a year, according to the National Menta...
Most people might be quicker to associate electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) with torture rather than healing. But since the 1980s, the practice has been quietly making a comeback. The number of patients undergoing electroconvulsive therapy has tripled to 100,000 a year, according to the National Mental Health Association.

ECT - more colloquially known as shock treatment - is now accepted by growing numbers of psychiatrists as the preferred treatment for major depression and mania for patients who cannot take or do not respond to medicine.

The research on ECT boomed in the last decade. Most recently, scientists have been able to calibrate the amount of current a patient needs so that treatments can be individualized; one patient may require 10 times the amount of current as another before a seizure occurs.


Electroconvulsive therapy is a medical treatment for severe mental illness (especially severe depression) in which a small, carefully controlled amount of electricity is introduced into the brain.

During an ECT treatment, doctors jolt the unconscious patient's brain with an electrical charge, which triggers a grand mal seizure. It is considered by many psychiatrists to be the most effective way to treat depression especially in patients who haven't responded to antidepressants.

When it was first introduced, many people were frightened simply because it was called %26quot;shock treatment.

%26quot; Many assumed that the procedure would be painful; others thought it was a form of fatal electric shock, and still others believed it would cause brain damage. Unfortunately, unfavorable publicity in newspapers, magazines, and movies added to these fears.

Indeed, in those early years, patients and families were rarely educated by doctors and nurses regarding this or other forms of psychiatric treatment. In addition, no anesthesia or muscle relaxants were used. As a result, patients had violent seizures.

The way these treatments are given today is very different from the procedures used in the past. Currently, ECT is offered on both an inpatient and outpatient basis. Hospitals have specially equipped rooms with oxygen, suction, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (an emergency medical procedure for a victim of cardiac arrest or, in some circumstances, respiratory arrest) in order to deal with the rare emergency.

ECT investigating the chemical basis of depression

The most compelling research is using ECT to investigate the chemical basis of depression. In 1984, National Institute of Mental Health (N.I.M.H.) researchers began to measure patients' body fluids before and after receiving a course of ECT to determine the levels of three neurotransmitter systems -serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine - that have been associated with major depression. Neurotransmitters are molecules in the brain that carry electrical messages and affect how information is communicated, processed and stored. Norepinephrine and serotonin affect mood, appetite and sleep patterns; dopamine coordinates movement, controls some hormonal release and, when properly balanced, keeps thoughts and feelings grounded in reality. The results of the research showed that whereas drugs strongly affect the norepinephrine and serotonin systems and do virtually nothing to dopamine, ECT has almost no effect on the first two systems and a striking influence on the third.

In spite of all this, ECT has been a hot topic for debates over medical ethics. The central dispute revolves around the risks of brain damage and memory loss. Critics of ECT, primarily former patients, say that no matter how much the procedure is modified and how carefully it is prescribed, it still causes irreversible brain damage and long-term memory loss.

Why is shock therapy given?

The purpose of ECT is to provide relief from the signs and symptoms of mental illnesses such as severe depression, mania, and schizophrenia. ECT is indicated when patients need rapid improvement because they are suicidal, self-injurious, refuse to eat or drink, cannot or will not take medication as prescribed, or present some other danger to themselves.

Risks associated with ECT

Advanced medical technology has substantially reduced the complications associated with ECT. These include slow heart beat (bradycardia), rapid heart beat (tachycardia), memory loss, and confusion. Persons at high risk for ECT include those with recent heart attack, uncontrolled blood pressure, brain tumors, and previous spinal injuries.

A crucial treatment %26mdash; or brain damage?

Though most studies have found that ECT is effective for severe depression and several other conditions, opponents claim that the mechanism through which ECT changes mental state is nothing more than the destruction of brain cells, and even proponents are unsure how it works. Many patients who have had ECT claim it caused their mental state to improve; many others think their ECT did more harm than good.

Critics warn that the cognitive side effects, such as memory loss, are too severe and that the fuzzy, foggy state of mind that ECT initially causes simply makes patients temporarily forget about their sadness. According to them, nearly every ECT patient experiences confusion, inability to concentrate and short-term memory loss during the treatment.

Actually, the stigma pushes people away from it, and it pushes some psychiatrists away from even recommending ECT. Psychiatrists readily admit that in the early days, ECT absolutely was a cruel procedure. And because the treatment has lingered in the shadows of psychiatry for decades, many people still associate it with its sketchy past.

Violation of human rights with ECT

%26quot;Unhealthy%26quot; dependence on computers is prevalent even in countries like China and there do seem to be more hardcore cases of lonely individuals spending all their free time online at the expense of their careers and social lives. At the Daxing clinic, these troubled teens are housed together, where they are subjected to hypnosis and even mild shock therapy in an attempt to rid them of their love of surfing. Thus, they are given treatment against their will or knowledge and consent is mostly obtained from parents.

A Massachusetts school in New York used electric shocks as a punishment for bad behavior, to some of its most challenging special education students. Many have severe types of dysfunction, including self-mutilation, head banging, eye gouging and biting, that can result from autism or mental retardation. Critics of the school say that applying shock as a punishment is not widely supported by the scientific community. Still, the parents defend use of shock therapy by saying that the shocks are making a difference in their children%26rsquo;s lives as nothing else has.

Thus, shock therapy is a procedure that seriously violates human rights and legal rights when done against the will of a person. Rights and Legislation WHO Resource Book on Mental Health,%26quot; specifically states, %26quot;ECT should be administered only after obtaining informed consent.%26quot;


Is Marijuana A Sex Stimulant?

Burning mythsThe myths surrounding marijuana are apparently countless in number. One of the most well known myths surrounding marijuana states that it damages human cell tissue and causes chromosomal breakage. This myth was rejected and the National Academy of Sciences has stated that cannabinoids a...
Burning myths

The myths surrounding marijuana are apparently countless in number. One of the most well known myths surrounding marijuana states that it damages human cell tissue and causes chromosomal breakage. This myth was rejected and the National Academy of Sciences has stated that cannabinoids are neither mutagenic nor carcinogenic. Another popular myth states that smoking marijuana causes reproductive system damage. Smoking marijuana has been shown to temporarily lower sperm counts in humans, but the sperm levels return to normal once marijuana consumption had ceased.

Another false claim states that marijuana lowers male testosterone levels. But this theory has been challenged and refuted by several studies. One of the most controversial myths is regarding its use during pregnancy. It is recommended that an expecting mother should not use any drug. However, there is extremely little evidence implicating it in fetal harm.

Medical uses of cannabis

Cannabidiol (CBD), one of the main active ingredients in cannabis is a very effective anti-inflammatory agent. Cannabis can be smoked or eaten to relieve the general pain, inflammation and discomfort of arthritis. It is an extraordinary stimulant of appetite and combats nausea and vomiting. Cannabis is also known to combat the symptoms of glaucoma by reducing the intra-ocular pressure.

Multiple sclerosis patients who use cannabis report soothing of the painful muscle spasms and improved muscle coordination. Smoking cannabis also relieves depression. A few reports have also indicated that smoking cannabis can lower blood sugar in diabetics.

Marijuana %26ndash; sex stimulant or depressant

Presently, it is debatable whether marijuana acts as a sex drive stimulant (aphrodisiac) or suppressant. Marijuana affects different people in different ways. Some report an increased libido, while others report an inability to sustain an erection. Time and more reliable research might be able to help us sometime in future.

Three researchers from the University of Texas suggested that tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, marijuana's active ingredient, may affect male sexual activity in two phases. In animal tests, they found that it first raises the level of testosterone and other sex hormones but later may lower hormone levels to far below normal.

The researchers measured levels of blood testosterone and luteinizing hormone, or LH, which stimulates testosterone production, within the first hour after feeding liquid THC to mice. They found that the testosterone level in all the mice jumped almost immediately to about six times its normal amount. Moreover, mice receiving low doses of the drug maintained the high testosterone levels for the entire hour; those receiving much higher doses showed drastic drops in testosterone after 20 minutes to levels considerably below those of mice in the control group.

In person smoking marijuana, the THC enters the bloodstream very rapidly. The almost instant effect of the drug on the testes, as shown in this study, seemed to account for the dramatic reports of sexual arousal during and after smoking.

In normal sexual stimulation, it takes about 20 minutes for the luteinizing hormone to be produced, then travel from the pituitary to the testes, where it helps produce testosterone; in about the same amount of time the testosterone then enters the bloodstream and makes the trip back to the pituitary. This feedback system automatically shuts down when the brain senses an adequate level of sex hormone has been reached. Heavy doses of THC disrupt the normal flow in this hormonal loop by triggering LH and testosterone production at the same time. This appears to cause a shutdown that sends hormonal levels falling 20 minutes after the drug is administered. No such testosterone drop was seen among mice that received low doses.

Low dose Marijuana and sexual intercourse

Marijuana has been used as an aphrodisiac for thousands of years, yet ironically it has also been used to decrease sexual desire. At low to moderate levels of intoxication, users reported heightened ability to communicate sexually with their partners, and increased body awareness.

When marijuana dosage was appropriate, it increased sexual stamina and skill, tactile sensation, length and power of orgasms, and emotional bonding between partners. People felt they became more loving, more willing to pay attention to the technical aspects of lovemaking and foreplay which women complain is often missing from male sexual repertoire.

Modern users reported spiritual, emotional and psychological effects that mirrored ancient Tantric effects. They felt that intercourse was replenishing and balancing, and that orgasm was an energizing climax to sex, instead of a draining finale.

In regards to the claims that marijuana heightens sexual climax, there is scientific research that seems to discredit that. Chronic marijuana smokers do show signs of infertility - men may have lower sperm counts and women may have abnormal ovulation.

Erectile dysfunction drugs combined with marijuana result in risky sex

Some young men experience erection problems and take erectile dysfunction drugs without a doctor's prescription. More than half of the men who noted using erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs reported doing so to treat their erectile problems. Another 29% reported using the drugs to enhance sexual performance.

Nearly two-thirds of those who used ED drugs reported mixing ED drugs with other drugs such as alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine that boost sex drive and reduce inhibitions but diminish sexual performance. Combining ED drugs with alcohol or other drugs permits men in altered states to have risky sex, potentially contributing to unwanted pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.


To summarize, cannabis is said to increase libido and sexual desire. However this drug is not aphrodisiac in the strict sense of the definition, as it does not consistently produce aphrodisiac effects as its main action. At low to moderate doses, cannabis is known to heighten sexual climax. Also, it has reported heightened ability to communicate sexually with their partners, and increased sensuality but may diminish sexual performance. But at high-doses, it results in decreased desire and chronic use results in dose-dependent increased/decreased desire and erection problems.


The 3rd Step to Cleanse Yor Body Toxins-Pre-existing Health Condition Treatments

As we mention in previous articles we know that the American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables. These types of harmful substances are toxic. Our body's detoxifying func...
As we mention in previous articles we know that the American diet contains high saturated fat, trans fat, and other harmful substances such as sugar, caffeine, pesticides, additive substances, and less in fruits and vegetables. These types of harmful substances are toxic. Our body's detoxifying functions try to get rid of them everyday, when they fail it causes a disruption of hormone production, damaging our body's detoxification organs and weakening our immune system resulting in hormone imbalance and many chronic illness consequently. If you have read the first and second steps to cleanse your body toxin of my previous articles, you might be well aware that in this article, we will discuss how to treat the pre-existing health conditions and finish the series with this finial article on how to cleanse your body toxins effectively.

1. High levels of cholesterol and triglyceride

As you already know, high levels of cholesterol and triglyceride are caused by consuming high amounts of saturated and trans fat resulting in the imbalance of omega 3 and 6, excessive fat remaining in the bloodstream, and bad cholesterol building up in the arteries. As we mentioned in the first step, changing some of those fats with good ones to counter the bad ones will help.

Here is some extra help:

a) flax seed oil
Flax seed oil contains high amounts of omega 3 and amino acid that not only help to balance the excess omega 6, but also help to reduce the level of bad cholesterol.

b) Avocado
Intake of one avocado a day will help to reduce your cholesterol and triglyceride level by 10%.

c) Oliver oil
Topping your diet with cool oliver oil will help to reduce the levels of only bad cholesterol and triglyceride but the level of good cholesterol remains unchanged.

Long term intake of the above food not only helps to maintain healthy arteries but also increases the blood circulation as well as oxygen level.

2. High blood pressure

a) Garlic extract supplement
Garlic is one of nature's super foods. Besides having proven record in strengthening our immune system, fighting against the forming of free radicals, improving circulation of blood and fortifying our blood, it also has the property in helping to make arteries elastic and remove substances sticking to the arterial wall. Intake of 2 capsules a day, one in the morning and one in the evening will help. Please note people taking blood thinner medications, have an ulcer or internal bleeding should consult with their doctors before taking garlic.

b) Chorella supplements
Chorella contains a variety of vitamins, minerals and amino acids as well as omega 3 fatty acids. One of its substances, namely chlorophyll can help to remove calcium and other substances sticking on the arterial wall making arteries more elastic and thereby, increasing the blood flow.
Please remember anything that helps to lower the level of cholesterol is also good for treating high blood pressure.

3. Heart diseases

Heart disease is irreversible. Most heart disease are caused by high blood pressure and cholesterol blocking the transportation of and reducing the level of oxygen in the blood resulting in our heart having to work harder to provide more nutrition for our body's cells for a prolonged period of time. Foods and supplements using the above will help to maintain a strong heart.

4. Weakening immune system

Weakening immune system may be caused by less oxygen flowing in our blood or nutritional deficiency inflammation as s resulting of high level of cholesterol clotting up in the arteries.

a) Cinnamon tea
Cinnamon tea contains the highest amounts of antioxidants. Intake of 1/4 tsp everyday not only helps to stimulate the production of insulin it also helps to strengthen our immune system fighting against the forming of free radicals, bacteria, virus, and inflammation. Overdose of cinnamon is harmful to your liver and kidney. You can buy cinnamon tea or cinnamon powder to make your tea at any local food store.

b) Dark green leaf juice
Dark green leaf juice contains a number of vital antioxidants such as alpha and beta carotene that help not only to strengthen our immune system, but also removing any harmful substances in our body.

c) Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that not only helps the intestine to absorb foods better, it also helps to fight off any attack from bacteria and virus as well as reducing the arterial wall plague.

5. Mini stroke

Mini stroke is an early indication of stroke if left untreated. We know that mini stroke is either caused by the rupturing of small vessels in the brain or blockage of blood circulation somewhere in the body.

a) L-arginine
L- arginine is a type of amino acid that help to produce nitric oxide that helps to improve endothelial function and blood flow. It is hard to get sufficient L- arginine from food so taking supplements is required.

b) Vitamin E
Vitamin E not only helps to repair cell damaged by free radicals on the endothelial lining, it also promotes the production of nitric oxide, the substance vital for preventing blocking of arteries.

c) Exercise
Moderate exercise 15 -20 minutes a day not only helps to increase circulation of blood, it also increases the level of oxygen and nitric oxide in our body. Elevation of nitric oxide can protect blood vessels from harmful constriction.

6. Obesity

Since obesity is caused by clotting up of receptors that sends signals to the pancreas no longer responding to the insulin level in the intestine resulting in over-production of insulin. It is recommended that the same remedies used to lower levels of cholesterol be taken as mentioned above.

7. Diabetes

Type II diabetes is caused by clotting of receptors that no longer respond to stimulate the production of insulin in our body as resulting in more glucose remaining in our blood. It is recommended that you eat more of the complex carbohydrate that slows down the digestion process, thereby glucose releases slowly into bloodstream for better managing. You also need to take foods, supplements as we mention above that help to lower your cholesterol resulting in restoring the normal functions of the receptor sites.

Remember before taking any supplement or applying any steps from the series, please consult with your doctor first. In this series, we try to give the best information that will help you to cleanse your body toxins without altering much of your daily diet. This is for your own health to adjust your diet to at least 40/30/30.
The last article in this series will guide you to cleanse your vital body organs. In the meantime enjoy reading and have good health.

I hope this information will help to rejuvenate your health and detoxify your body. If you need more information, please follow my article series of the above subject at my home page at: