There are many cellulite remedies on the market, and even more active ingredients used for making them. It is very easy to get lost in the glut. We often hear advertisments trying to sell some kind of a miracle cream with a magic new ingredient for cellulite treatment. So how do you know what works ...
There are many cellulite remedies on the market, and even more active ingredients used for making them. It is very easy to get lost in the glut. We often hear advertisments trying to sell some kind of a miracle cream with a magic new ingredient for cellulite treatment. So how do you know what works and what does not? Is there a way to know how these ingredients affect your cellulite, if at all? Today, everyone is bothered by cellulite and want to beat it. So are there any treatments and therapies that really work?
What is cellulite?
Cellulite is a normal human body fat variation that is viewed by the general public as a sort of a disease. The term cellulite was coined in 1973 and refers to the dimpled appearance of the skin that some people have on their hips, thighs, and buttocks. This is much more common in women than in men because of the differences in the way fat, muscle, and connective tissue are distributed in their skin. Although female hormones may play a role in contributing to the fat distribution, cellulite is not treatable by any kind of hormone therapy. In other words, the dimpled appearance of cellulite is present in many perfectly healthy humans. The same way some people have thick hair while others have thin hair or some have large noses and others small, some women have smooth buttocks and thighs that everyone seem to want, while others have less satisfactory, dimpled ones.
What are the treatments of cellulite?
Most people dislike bumps and indentations on their bodies and prefer to be as smooth as they can. Since hope springs eternal, much has been written about cellulite and its causes and also many treatments have been promoted.
-A low-fat diet or eating in a healthy manner is always a good idea and a low-fat diet is usually recommended as part of a weight maintenance lifestyle. However, the notion that you can shrink a localized fat lump or smooth out a dimple by eating less fat makes little sense when it comes to cellulite, as it does when it comes to flabby thighs.
-Dietary supplements that are being marketed as anti-cellulite products contain a variety of ingredients such as ginkgo biloba, sweet clover, grape seed bioflavinoids, bladderwrack extract, evening primrose oil, fish oil, and soy lecithin. These preparations claim to have positive effects on the body. It is said they can boost your metabolism, improve circulation, protect against cell damage, and break down fats. Such claims are difficult to evaluate as it is with similar assertions made on behalf of different supplements and alternative therapies. Concepts such as metabolism, circulation, or cell damage cannot be easily measured and there aren%26rsquo;t any objective parameters to determine whether or not any improvement has been achieved. Because these products are sold as dietary supplements and not as drugs, they are not under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. They are therefore exempt from meeting the scientific standards for both safety and effectiveness that are applied to the drugs.
Furthermore, there are no valid clinical studies to support the use of these dietary supplements for the treatment of cellulite and studies that have been conducted have not demonstrated any value of these supplements. For example, a product containing a mixture of herbs marketed as a cure for cellulite was tested to see whether it had any effect on cellulite, body weight, fat content, or the circumference of the body. No beneficial changes were found when results of those taking the dietary supplement were compared to those taking the placebo or sugar pill. The only significant changes were an increase in cellulite and body weight in the majority of women who took these miracle cure product. Some dietary supplements that are promoted for the treatment of cellulite may pose a similar risk. A certain popular cellulite product contains iodine, which may be harmful to patients with thyroid and certain other conditions. Other preparations may interact with certain prescription drugs as well and thus cause damage.
-Massage treatments for the areas affected by cellulite are also popular. Some of the machines that are used for cellulite treatment massage use rolling cylinders to gather areas of skin and massage them inside a chamber. Again, no scientific studies are available to demonstrate the effectiveness of these treatments. It appears they redistribute fat rather than permanently alter its configuration under the skin. Other exotic, but equally unproven treatments include electrical stimulation of muscle cells and application of an electric current to the fat tissue itself.
-Liposuction - this technique of extracting fat by vacuuming it from under the skin is not effective against cellulite. In fact, liposuction may worsen the appearance of the skin by sucking
out the cushion of fat that resides under the skin. The result of liposuction is additional dimpling of the skin. Some doctors claim to be able to break up the fat under the skin by using thin rods. However, this technique is not accepted or established within the plastic surgery community and it may be associated with a worsened appearance or scarring.
So what can be done about cellulite?
In sum, eating a healthy diet and keeping the muscles toned by regular exercise seem like a reasonable approach in keeping the body as smooth as it can be. Patients should be very cautious before trying out surgical procedures, dietary supplements, or elaborate massage techniques of unproven value for cellulite beating. It is important to remember that until now very few if any remedies were more than simple topical treatments. It means they alone are not very effective in treating cellulite. You can buy various creams that contain vitamins, herbs, minerals, and antioxidants, where the good ones make the skin softer, smoother, healthier, and more able to repair itself. The better ones also contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and ingredients that stimulate your blood flow. Cellulite affected areas tend to be dehydrated and damaged, and need the extra benefits of moisture, protection, and increased blood supply as well. It can be done by increasing the moisture of the affected area. The fact is overall appearance of the cellulite can be temporarily reduced. When you look at cellulite, you are seeing not only the dimpling effect, but you are also seeing the damaged, dry skin that accompanies it and even perpetuates the condition. If you can treat this dryness and damage, the appearance of the cellulite will be minimized but the damage itself, and the buoyant fat cells within the skin, will remain only partially treated. As you know, to completely address cellulite and stretch marks, you need to treat them from the inside as well as the outside. Very often, topical creams dehydrate the affected area of wasted water over several weeks or months you use it. The effect of this is that thigh that houses the cellulite does, for a brief period of time, become smaller. Thus we feel that the condition has improved as well. The fact is that the size of your body has no effect on the cellulite that is present. While removing wasted water can temporarily decrease the size of the area treated and help to forestall future damage and exacerbation of dimpling, it does not repair and reverse cellulite, and any size that was lost will be replaced as soon as you drink water. While topical cellulite remedies can be very beneficial, they have little effect if you use them alone. Creams cannot actually penetrate the dermis where much of the damage is located, and most creams and lotions generally reach only the epidermis, or the top layer of the skin. Many cellulite treatments are largely unsuccessful because they only target the external appearance of the cellulite.
They are unable to fight the damage where it actually lies. Now that you understand that the dimpling on the surface of the skin is merely a symptom of the underlying cause, you can see how banishing lumps and bumps require deeper acting treatments.
Beat cellulite now!
To really turn back the clock and reverse the damage, you must reach farther than just a skin deep. That is the point where internal remedies and technology make all the difference. It is recommended to go beyond simple topical remedies and utilizing science and nature%26rsquo;s entire arsenal to combat cellulite and stretch marks. It would be best to include a combination of effective topical remedies with technologically advanced treatments and formulas that can produce visible results. Nutritional supplements and a diet rich in foods that provide the essential elements for repairing the cellulite induced damage is the combination that will work. This all-inclusive approach is the only truly effective method of treating and repairing cellulite and stretch marks as well. There are nine different avenues by which cellulite and stretch marks can be effectively repaired, where some attack cellulite through more than one of these channels, and others through none. However, it is important to know that these methods work in conjunction with each other. The more of them you employ, the more success you will have in reducing, preventing, and even eliminating cellulite.
1. Strengthen blood vessels and increase blood flow
2. Encourage production of connective tissue
3. Stimulate production of collagen and elastin
4. Attract water to your cells
5. Repair all cell membranes
6. Reduce all wasted water
7. Prevent common free-radical damage
8. Reduce any inflammation
9. Promote exfoliation
Any ingredient that accomplishes none of the nine goals cannot help your cellulite in any way.