
How much exercise is too much?

IntroductionMost people don’t exercise enough. We all know the benefits of exercise. Right exercise can lower your body fat, and reduce your risk of many diseases. Regular exercise is a good thing. Regular physical activity reduces feelings of stress, anxiety and depression. Exercise and sport...


Most people don%26rsquo;t exercise enough. We all know the benefits of exercise. Right exercise can lower your body fat, and reduce your risk of many diseases. Regular exercise is a good thing. Regular physical activity reduces feelings of stress, anxiety and depression. Exercise and sports should be fun and keep you healthy. There are some people who exercise too much. Too much exercise can make you susceptible to injuries and illnesses. If you've think that you're a candidate for overtraining, read this article to find out how to avoid it. How do you know if you're exercising too much? You should exercise thirty to forty-five minutes a day, five days a week. It is sufficient to acquire health benefits. Your body needs activity but it also needs rest. Getting too much exercise is just as bad as getting too little exercise. Too much exercise can lead to long-term health problems and the disruptions in personal life that result from addiction and compulsive behavior.

What are the symptoms of too much exercise?

You may have some symptoms of too much exercise. The typical symptoms of too much exercise include: insomnia, achiness or pain in the muscles and/or joints, fatigue, headaches, sudden inability to complete workouts, loss in appetite, feeling unmotivated and lacking energy and elevated morning pulse. Exercising too much can cause some problems like: injuries such as stress fractures, strains and sprains, low body fat, fatigue, dehydration, osteoporosis and arthritis.

Too much exercise can cause a woman's period to stop and reproductive problems. You should see your doctor if you have any of those signs. If you have health concerns, be sure to check with your doctor before you add to your exercise program.


It's very important that you pay attention to how you are feeling during your workouts. This will help you to see whether or not you may be crossing the threshold into overtraining. Overtraining is just as common among ordinary people as it is among athletes. The most common symptom if you are overtraining is fatigue. If you are overtraining, the only way to help your body is to take some time off. You will need to take a week or more to rest. During recovery is important for you to drink lots of fluid and rest as much as possible. You should know that the best treatment is prevention. You can prevent overtraining by working out sensibly and allowing your body enough rest between workouts.

What is compulsive exercise?

If you force yourself to exercise, even if you don't feel well you probably have problem with overtraining. Do you prefer exercise rather than being with friends? Do you become very upset if you miss a workout? Do you worry that you'll gain weight if you skip exercising for a day? If your answer on any of those questions is %26rsquo;%26rsquo;yes%26rsquo;%26rsquo;, you probably have problem with compulsive exercising. Many compulsive exercisers need therapy to help them deal with exercise bulimia. You must know that compulsive exercise, can cause serious health problems, and in extreme cases, death. If you are taking time off from work, getting too little sleep, or missing social events to work out you are probably compulsive exerciser.
If you you're doing the same exercise too much, that also could cause some serious health problems. Your body needs time to recover. Doing the same exercise too much every day could also lead to overtraining.

What are the causes of compulsive exercise?

You should know that exercise can become a compulsive habit when it is done for the wrong reasons. Many people start exercising to lose weight. Healthy diet healthy and exercise are best way to lose weight. But, some people may have unrealistic goals. We are all under pressure to look good. Some people may overexercise to speed up weight loss. You should know that if you use exercise to compensate for eating binges or just regular eating, you could be suffering from exercise bulimia. If you feel like your eating and exercise habits have taken over your life, see your doctor. Some people who exercise too much may have a distorted body image and low self-esteem. When you start exercising for excessively long periods of time to keep our weight or body shape under control, you may have exercise addiction. Signs of exercise addiction include no longer experiencing pleasure during exercise, an inability to take a day off from exercise, and exercising when sick or injured. In some cases exercise addiction may require professional help.
People who have problem with exercise bulimia see themselves as overweight even when they are actually a healthy weight. You should ask your doctor, dietitian, what a healthy body weight is for you and how to develop healthy eating and exercise habits.

Some athletes may also think that repeated exercise will help them to win. The pressure to succeed may also lead these people to exercise more than is healthy. Too much exercise can lead to injuries like fractures and muscle strains.

How much physical activity you need?

Some experts recommend that healthy people do at least 60 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. You should know that most health experts say one should exercise every other day or 3 times a week. But several workouts a day, every day, when a person is not in training is a sign that the person is probably overexercise. To maintain your health, 2,000-3,500 calories should be burned each week through exercises, such as running, dancing, cycling and the like. Burning more than 3,500 calories every week can be harmful, that could lead to decreased physical benefits and increased risk of injury.

Some good tips

There are also some things that you can do to if you recognize that too much exercise is your problem. You must be aware of your positive attributes. You should listen to your body and give yourself a day of rest after a hard workout. Take at least one rest day a week, and balance exercise with recovery. You should control your weight by exercising and eating healthy foods. You should balance exercise with plenty of rest and good nutrition. Exercise is a great way to get fit, improve your body image and increase your confidence, but when you start going to extremes it can do more harm than good. You should concentrate on exercise rather than what you look like. You should avoid lifting weight that is too heavy for you. You should always warm up and cool down prior to exercising.

You must have proper exercise plan. When you start a new exercise program, you must begin slowly and build gradually to avoid injury. It takes time for your body to adapt to the new demands you are placing on it. You can also increase performance and decrease risk of injury by alternating hard and easy days, and by cross training. You should vary your routine weekly or daily if possible. You must monitor your heart rate during physical activity to ensure you are working out in your ideal range. Never stop exercise suddenly, because that can also create a change in mood. When you exercise your body produces natural endorphins. Feelings of depression and agitation can occur when you stop exercise suddenly. You should know that exercising long and hard isn%26rsquo;t always the best for your health.