While a missed period is one of the biggest clues that a woman is pregnant, it is not the first sign. Some women suspect they are pregnant before their menstrual cycle is late, but also symptoms that might indicate you are pregnant include tenderness of the breasts and nipples, fatigue that occur 1-6 weeks after conception, frequent urination occurring 6-8 weeks after conception, nausea, queasiness, vomiting in first half of pregnancy and food cravings that happens during entire pregnancy. While some women are sure they are pregnant from the moment of conception, others may take five positive pregnancy tests, as well as a host of symptoms, until they are really sure. You must remember that all women are different so you may not experience all, or even any of these common signs of pregnancy.
Missed period
This is probably one of the more reliable signs that pregnancy has happened. Although some women will experience implantation bleeding about the time of their period, it is usually lighter and shorter than normal period. This is why each woman who suspects she might be pregnant will be asked for the first day of last normal period she has had. There are even a few women who will have periods throughout their pregnancy. This is a rare occurrence but it can happen. When a woman is planning for pregnancy, the day that she expects her period is probably well marked in her mind, and that it is the official day that she can take a home pregnancy test. These tests measure the levels of hCG (human chorion gonadotropine), a hormone secreted during pregnancy in woman%26rsquo;s urine.
The amount of urine each test can detect varies widely and amount of hormone each woman secret may also vary, but not as widely.
The better tests on the market will measure 25-50 mIUs of hCG, which is usually the amount found in urine between the 4thand 5th weeks of pregnancy. The levels of hCG in your urine and blood will be different. First morning urine will always contain the highest concentration of hCG but most tests do not require that you use first morning urine.
You can help better your chances of having enough hCG in your urine by waiting four hours after you last urinated, and then taking the home pregnancy test. This will allow hCG to build up in your urine if you really are pregnant. These tests rarely give false results but it would be better for your gynecologist to confirm that you are pregnant. A negative answer that is later revealed to be a pregnancy is usually the result of the test being performed too early, while positive ones that later prove to be false signs of pregnancy usually indicate a very early miscarriage. You can always talk to your practitioner if you have questions about your pregnancy tests. You must know also that blood tests are the most accurate and can be performed 7-10 days post-ovulation.
Tender breasts or nipples
If you are pregnant you will notice that your breasts and nipples become tender. It happens around three weeks after conception or when your period is about one week late. They may also feel swollen similar to the way they feel when you expect your period.
Slight spotting or cramping
If you are pregnant, light pink spotting can occur at the time of implantation. This happens when the embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus. Most commonly woman will notice it around eight to ten days following ovulation, a bit earlier than menstrual period is due. Women can usually differentiate implantation bleeding from menstrual period if it occurs a bit earlier than expected. Moreover, this will probably be cramping if it is scanty, spotty, pinkish and not red and heavy like a period, and does not follow the normal pattern of a period that should be light, progressing to heavy and then again to light. Cramping can also be common in early pregnancy, until the uterus assumes its mid-position and becomes better supported by the bony pelvis in the second trimester. During that time, it is prone to menstrual-like cramping. Contractions of the uterus occur regularly, increasing with exercise, orgasm, and even simple changes in position of the woman.
Darkening areolas
This is a famous and very common sign in very early pregnancy, around the time of your expected period. At this time the woman may notice that her areola (darker areas that ring the nipples) begin to darken and increase in diameter. It is believed that the darker color of the areola helps the newborn to find the nipple for breastfeeding after the baby is born.
You may also notice that the veins in your breasts become more visible and that Montgomery's tubercles (the tiny bumps scattered around the areola) enlarge and may increase in number. The number is averaging between 4 and 28 per areola.
Extreme fatigue
If a woman is pregnant, a very common symptom in the first eight to ten weeks is exhaustion, s her body is going through significant metabolic changes. Her entire body needs to adjust to the new process of growing a baby. For most women fatigue starts to go away by the 12th week of their pregnancy.
Nausea and vomiting
When a woman is pregnant, she may find quite early on, as early as a week after conception, that she is experiencing morning sickness. She may also find that morning sickness is a misnomer. Nausea can occur at anytime, day or night.
Frequent urination
By the time the woman%26rsquo;s period is one to two weeks late, she may find that she is peeing more frequently than usual. This is because the baby growing in uterus is putting pressure on the bladder.
Women commonly notice a change in bowel movement in early pregnancy. The extra hormones produced during pregnancy cause the intestines to relax and become less efficient, so constipation could occur.
Raised basal body temperature
A woman may very well be pregnant if her basal body temperature remains elevated even past the time her period is due. She may notice that it does not decline to pre-ovulatory levels. When woman conceive, the egg is fertilized in the fallopian tube. After that, it takes about a week to travel to the uterus, where it will implant. It is at this time that the woman%26rsquo;s body is finally able to detect that she is pregnant. When hCG or human chorionic gonadotropine is released, women often experience a third temperature rise. This is not as dramatic as the first, but can usually be seen anywhere from about a week to 12 days after the first temperature rise at ovulation.
A positive pregnancy test
This is something each woman should do if her period is late and she could expect to become pregnant. She could do it after her period is at least a day late, and when she is ready to know the truth. In this case, she may want to take a home pregnancy test.
A urine pregnancy test can be accurate as early as 10 to 14 days after fertilization happened. If woman cannot wait until a missed period, a blood pregnancy test can be accurate as early as 8 to 10 days after fertilization. However, you should keep in mind that pregnancy tests are not 100 percent foolproof, and neither are blood tests. If you have a negative result and still feel pregnant, be sure to retest a week later and check in with your health care provider.
What if I am pregnant?
When a woman suspects that she is pregnant, she should visit a doctor to confirm her condition as soon as possible; after that she should change her life style a little bit. Laboratory blood tests can verify pregnancy as soon as 6 or 7 days after conception, while urine test may detect pregnancy as early as 10 days after conception. The blood and urine test both measure the level human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG. This is a hormone produced only in a woman%26rsquo;s body when she has placental tissue growing there. The placenta is the tissue within the uterus or womb through which the mother provides nourishment to the fetus.
The importance of prenatal care
One of the most important things that woman can do for herself and her baby is to seek proper prenatal care. Prenatal care consists of regular appointments starting early and continuing throughout the pregnancy. Laboratory testing for potential problems with the developing baby or herself and monitoring for problems such as abnormal changes in blood pressure, blood chemistry, urine chemistry, and weight are very important. Getting plenty of exercise and eating properly, giving up bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or using street drugs is something that doctor should definitely recommend. It is also important for a woman to alert her doctor immediately if anything unusual occurs during pregnancy, such as if the baby%26rsquo;s movement greatly reduce or stop, if she experiences vaginal bleeding or cramping, develops swelling of her hands and face, or persistent headaches, if she leaks amniotic fluid from her vagina, or if she develops pain in abdomen. Improved technologies and more accurate prenatal tests now make it possible to spot complications earlier. This also helps to get appropriate action in time to save the fetus and mother. A woman%26rsquo;s habits greatly influence the health of her unborn child, so when pregnant, woman should avoid few things. Alcohol is the first thing because consuming alcohol while pregnant can cause birth defects and other problems. In fact, consistent alcohol use during pregnancy can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, a permanent and lifelong condition. Cigarettes, medications, narcotics, caffeine and contact with cat feces are also things pregnant women should avoid.