
Consequences of over-masturbation

First, we have to clear one thing: in this article we are not trying to lobby anti-masturbation behaviour and we are not doing this for religus reasons. We think masturbation is a very healthy and perfectly normal sexual behavior. But, like any other behaviors, when over practiced it can lead to bot...
First, we have to clear one thing: in this article we are not trying to lobby anti-masturbation behaviour and we are not doing this for religus reasons. We think masturbation is a very healthy and perfectly normal sexual behavior. But, like any other behaviors, when over practiced it can lead to both psychological and physiological imbalances. So, this is our goal: to explain psychological and physiological imbalances that can be caused by over-masturbation.

How much is over-masturbation?

Well for start over-masturbation would be several times a day. Some doctors even recommend to keep ejaculation (not masturbation) frequency down to two or three times a week. That leads to conclusion that sexual activity can be experienced more often if man learns how to achieve orgasm without ejaculation, which is one of tantric sex principles. According to %26ldquo;old knowledge%26rdquo; achieving orgasm without ejaculation stores bioenergy and makes penis firmer, hence your erections last longer and the volume man ejaculates is bigger.
But we would agree that masturbation and its frequency also depends on persons age and sometimes even period in life. It is normal that 16 year old masturbates more often than 40-year old. Isn't it? A 16-year old just started to show some affection for his (all of a sudden erected part), while 40-year old is %26quot;over%26quot; it. (We are talking about frequency).
Some people relax this way. Well, on steadyhealth we are not really sure whether this is best way to relax.

Guess not. Maybe occasionally, but if you simply don't feel horny and if you feel tense, rather take a walk or go play basketball than developing a behaviour that could potentially lead to addiction.

So, what about effects of over-masturbation?

Internal body temperature is a bit higher than external body temperature. Internal body temperature increases with masturbation- this is the reason you feel more hot or sometimes even sweaty after masturbating. Considering that, we found following information: when person ejaculates, a %26ldquo;peristaltic movement of absorption takes place and by effect of the emptiness, the seminal vesicle tries to fill and humid air is absorbed through the penis which is later absorbed from the seminal vesicle to the lymphatic system, arriving at the brain producing a thermal shock and cold spaces between the cerebral neurons and cells and this affects cerebral, physical and nervous normality%26rdquo; (anael.org). Well, the same thing happens when having sex and not ejaculating in partner, but using removal method (which is very popular among steady couples), and not one source mentions that. Later on same source mentions that seminal vesicle absorb air, which is transferred into brain, which may leads to stupidity and insanity. We think this is nonsense! Simply ask yourself- do you feel more stupid or more insane before/ after masturbation?!

Sperm contains DNA, which is carrier of the heredity genetic code, and RNA which contains enzymes, proteins, glucosides, lecithin, calcium, phosphorus, biological salts, testosterone, etc. However, the sperm is by far not the only substance in our body that contains DNA and RNA. When ejaculation is carried out, a very small percentage of this components (enzymes, proteins, glucosides, lecithin, calcium, phosphorus, biological salts, testosterone) are eliminated from the body. For example, when extracting calcium from the body one could cause him/ herself fatigue and pain in the bones. But we all know calcium (and all other components) are easily substituted with food. Actually, it is normal to extract 'old' components and replace them with new ones.

Over-masturbation, or more accurately said over-ejaculation stimulates parasympathetic nervous functions, which results in the over production of sex hormones: acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin. Abnormally high levels of sex hormones cause brain and adrenal glands to perform excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion. In other words: there is a big change of body chemistry when man or woman practices over-masturbation.
Hmm... is something wrong with body chemistry? Well, actually not- if there is balance. But if there is no balance, some other symptoms might occur. We are still talking about over-masturbation, not just masturbation!
Another source (herballove.com) points out that people who over-masturbate could experience problems with concentration and memory, which is supposedly a clear sign of %26ldquo;being over drained of acetylcholine%26rdquo;. According to herballove.com over-masturbating can also drain the motor nerves, neuro-muscular endings, and tissues of acetylcholine and replace it with too much stress adrenalin which is where absentmindedness, memory loss, lack of concentration, and eye floaters come from.
They also point that over-masturbation may be linked to male pattern baldness. Male baldness is namely directly related to DHT (dihydrotestosterone), the same as the production of DHT is related to sex and masturbation. If person over-masturbates (over-ejaculates) testosterone is converted into DHT. Following that high levels of DHT overload the body causing baldness. This thesis needs more debate! We all know baldness is hereditary, and that older people that didn't used to be bals eventually start loosing their hair. What about their DHT levels?

We at steadyhealth say these are myths! But they are not alone, here are some others, like masturbation leads to blindness, baldness, impotence, mental illness. Myth is also thesis that it can permanently reduce libido, sexual performance and the quantity or quality of semen. All myths! And not only that: Masters and Johnson (physicians who pioneered the field of sexuality) have demonstrated no negative short-term or long-term medical health effects from masturbation.
However, there is psychical aspect to masturbation. For example, if masturbation occurs in marriage as a substitute for sex, it could potentially damage the self-esteem of the partner not involved. However, it is not the the masturbation %26ndash; it is another problem: lack of communication. Over-masturbation could also lead into addition or obsession, which may consequently lead to diversion of income toward sex merchandises (all sort of sex toys, pornography...) and may limit person to participate in other (social) activities.
It is also true (and you might already experience that): frequent and vigorous masturbation (again over-masturbation) may produce skin irritation/ abrasions or even superficial bruising, sometimes temporary discoloration. The condition improves with time, if of course not masturbating.

In conclusion

Generally %26ndash; masturbation (nor over-masturbation) is a perfectly normal and safe sexual behaviour for both men and women. Actually, it is recommended to explore yourself: this way you'll know what you like and what you don't like, it may help you become more comfortable with your own sexuality. You'll be more able to develop stronger and satisfying sexual relationship. It may even be helpful to reduce stress (although we also recommend other relaxation techniques). And most of all it is better to masturbate than to play around with no protection: masturbation eliminates the potential for transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. Same is true for pregnancy.