

General information A pinguecula is a common, benign yellowish growth of the mucous membrane that lines the eyeball and underside conjunctiva. Maybe you already have yellowish growth. You probably worry is that some kind of tumor. Than you need to read those information about a pinguecula. A pinguec...

General information

A pinguecula is a common, benign yellowish growth of the mucous membrane that lines the eyeball and underside conjunctiva. Maybe you already have yellowish growth. You probably worry is that some kind of tumor. Than you need to read those information about a pinguecula. A pinguecula are found in the open space between your eyelids, which also happens to be the area exposed to the sun. A pinguecula grow near the cornea on the nasal side. In some cases a pingueculae can appear on either side of the cornea. A pinguecula is an alteration of normal tissue resulting in a deposit of protein and fat. It does not actually grow onto the cornea. Pingueculae are caused by ultraviolet light and are most common among people who spend a great deal of time outdoors. Maybe you already have yellowish growth. You probably worry is that some kind of tumor. Than you need to read those information about a pinguecula.

This growth does not affect vision. A pinguecula may cause irritation if it becomes elevated. In some cases, the pinguecula may gradually extend over the cornea, forming a pterygium.

Disease process

The damage of conjunctiva is leading to a pinguecula. First, the collagen fibers in this membrane degenerate. Than collagen fibers are replaced by thicker, yellowish fibers and sometimes calcium crystals, which cause the elevated, yellowish appearance of a pinguecula. In the disease process the conjunctiva that lines the eyelid may become irritated as it passes over the pinguecula.

If lubrication of the eye is insufficient that may aggravate a pinguecula, causing it to become more yellow and irritated. Pinguecula can become swollen and inflamed, that condition is called pingueculitis.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Pingueculae may increase in size over many years. A pinguecula is a non-cancerous growth of the conjunctiva and cause is unknown. Researches think that chronic sunlight exposure and eye irritation may contribute to pingueculae development. The causes of A pinguecula are not completely understood, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation from sunlight has been implicated. The dust and wind may play a role as well. People who spend a lot of time in the sun are much more likely to have pingueculae than indoor folks. There is occupational risk, such as farmers and fishermen or those who engage in outdoor activities such as golfing and gardening. Pingueculae are more common in middle-aged or older people who spend significant amounts of time in the sun. They can also be found in younger people and even children, especially those who spend a lot of time in the sun without protection. This condition may appear after a short exposure to chemicals or other mechanisms which damage the conjunctiva, but the tissue damage worsens with continued exposure.

Signs and Symptoms

A pinguecula is quite common, usually benign eye condition. When someone has pingueculae the main symptom is a yellow or white nodule on the conjunctiva near the cornea. Pingueculae are harmless growths, and usually don%26rsquo;t produce symptoms. Most common symptoms include: yellowish and raised area on the conjunctiva, irritation dry eye, occasional inflammation of the conjunctiva, scratchiness, redness if the area becomes irritated. Pingueculae can become swollen and inflamed, that condition is called pingueculitis.

Irritation and eye redness caused by pingueculitis usually is result from exposure to sun, wind, dust, or extremely dry conditions. A pinguecula may cause excessive discomfort due to dryness or a chronic foreign body sensation.

How is pinguecula diagnosed?

You can see Pingueculae with a naked eye. Ophthalmologists diagnose the growth with a careful examination with a slit lamp microscope. An eye examination is often sufficient to diagnose the Pingueculae.


Treatment is rarely needed. Usually no treatment is required. Because of their benign nature, pingueculae rarely require treatment. The treatment depends on severity of symptoms This condition is non-cancerous and the outlook is good. In some cases, the growth may become inflamed, causing irritation and dryness. Ophthalmologist may prescribe artificial tears for lubrication and mild anti-inflammatory medication to reduce swelling. Lubricating eye drops may be prescribed for those with mild pingueculitis to relieve dry eye irritation and foreign-body sensation. Steroid eye drops or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be needed to relieve significant inflammation. Well established pinguecula do not respond as well to treatment.

The temporary use of mild steroid eye drops can be helpful. In some cases, it may need to be removed for discomfort or cosmetic reasons. You should see doctor if the size, shape, or color of a pinguecula changes. Surgery is the only way to remove a pinguecula, but the surgery isn%26rsquo;t always successful. The recurrence rate is often as high as 50 to 60 percent. Surgery is not recommended unless a pinguecula is causing significant problems. The most of cases of pingueculae don%26rsquo;t cause any eye disease, and surgery usually is not necessary.

You should always consult your doctor if you suspect you have sustained damage to your eye. Consult your doctor if you think that you may have a pinguecula growing in your eye.


Because pingueculae look like growths, some people worry that they may become malignant. The underlying process is a degenerative one and usually does not lead to anything serious such as a serious loss of vision or blindness or cancer. Pingueculae can lead to the formation of pterygia. In some patient excessive growth may extend over the cornea and impair vision.


The cause is unknown and there is no prevention. There is no known method of preventing a pinguecula. Some doctor recommends using good quality sunglasses and avoiding eye irritants.

Vitamin A is essential for healthy eyes and helps with symptoms of irritation in the eye. Carrots, mangoes, apricots, corn and other fruits and vegetables contain vitamin A.

Eat more food which contains Vitamin C and vitamin E. Those vitamins are antioxidants that help to fight degeneration of cells in the eye. Sources include fresh vegetable (sweet potatoes, garlic), pumpkin seeds, oysters, citrus fruits...

Omega - 6 and omega -3 essential fatty acids can alleviate dryness of the eyes. Those essential fatty acids are found in unrefined nut and seed oils that have not cooked. Our body uses these oils to make prostaglandins, which help to keep skin and eye tissue supple and moist.

You should avoid saturated fats found in beef, pork, most margarines and butter, because saturated fats interfere with the metabolism of essential fatty acids. You should drink juices such as carrot, spinach, beet and cucumber are recommended. That isn%26rsquo;t only good for your eyes; it is good for your health. Also you should drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water daily.

You should know that Vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C and vitamin E are essential vitamins for eye health and assist with symptoms of dryness and irritation. You should eat healthy food can, because that reduce risks of many diseases.


Endometrial Biopsy Procedure

You have some kind of gynecologic problem. The doctor suggested endometrial biopsy. You should read this article, because it contains information about endometrial biopsy. When you undergo endometrial biopsy, your gynecologist removes a small sample of the lining of the uterus. Then, the sample is e...
You have some kind of gynecologic problem. The doctor suggested endometrial biopsy. You should read this article, because it contains information about endometrial biopsy. When you undergo endometrial biopsy, your gynecologist removes a small sample of the lining of the uterus. Then, the sample is examined under a microscope for abnormal cells. Endometrial biopsy is a safe and accepted method which helps your doctor to determine if the endometrium was going through its normal stages of change during the menstrual cycle and to determine if cancerous conditions were present.


The endometrium is the lining of the uterus and it changes throughout a woman's menstrual cycle.

There are different methods of endometrial biopsy. One of the most common techniques is endometrial biopsy with pliable instrument. The pliable instrument is used for suctioning a small amount of endometrial tissue from the uterus. This method of endometrial biopsy is faster and causes less discomfort than the other methods.

The endometrial biopsy can be done wiht an instrument called a curette, with a manual suction device attached. In this method a small sample of the lining of the uterus is removed by scraping and collecting it into a syringe or another container.

The third method is rather uncomfortable. Your doctor with vabra aspiration removes a tissue sample from the uterine lining with an electric suction device.

Endometrial washing uses a spray of liquid to wash off some of the tissue that lines the uterus.

Sometimes this procedure is performed when a woman is having difficulty becoming pregnant. Endometrial biopsy may be done to determine whether the endometrium is being properly prepared by estrogen and progesterone to support pregnancy.

When women experience uterine bleeding, endometrial biopsy may also be done to determine the cause of abnormal uterine bleeding, to check for excessive growth of the endometrium, or to check for possible endometrial cancer.

Reasons for the Procedure

The most common reason for endometrial biopsy is to detect cancerous conditions. Another reason may be:

determining the cause of abnormally heavy, prolonged, or irregular uterine bleeding, often in women who have gone through menopause or

determining whether the endometrium was going through the normal menstrual cycle changes.

Indications for endometrial biopsy include: abnormal uterine bleeding, postmenopausal bleeding, cancer screening, detection of precancerous hyperplasia and atypia, endometrial dating, follow-up of previously diagnosed endometrial hyperplasia, evaluation of uterine response to hormone therapy, e valuation of patient with one year of amenorrhea, evaluation of infertility and abnormal, Papanicolaou smear with atypical cells favoring endometrial origin.

Contraindications for the Procedure

Contraindications for endometrial biopsy include: pregnancy, acute pelvic inflammatory disease, clotting disorders (coagulopathy), acute cervical or vaginal infections, cervical cancer, and conditions. possibly prohibiting endometrial biopsy, severe cervical stenosis and severe pelvic relaxation with uterine descensus

Certain conditions may interfere with an endometrial biopsy. These conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: acute vaginal or cervical infections, acute pelvic inflammatory disease, and cervical cancer.

How is test performed?

Endometrial biopsy is an office procedure. The endometrial biopsy is obtained through the use of an endometrial suction catheter that is inserted through the cervix into the uterine cavity.

Before the endometrial biopsy, tell your doctor if you are or might be pregnant. You should know that endometrial biopsy can%26rsquo;t be done during pregnancy. Endometrial biopsy during pregnancy may lead to miscarriage. It is important to tell your doctor if you have or you recently had vaginal, cervical, or pelvic infection.

You shouldn%26rsquo;t use tampons, vaginal medications, or vaginal sprays or powders for at least 24 hours before having this test. Notify your doctor if you are sensitive to or are allergic to any medications, iodine, latex, tape, and anesthetic agents.

You may want to take a pain reliever containing ibuprofen 30 to 60 minutes before having the biopsy. The pain reliever can help decrease the severity of cramping pain that the procedure causes.

Before procedure, you will need to sign a consent form that says you understand the risks of endometrial biopsy and agree to have the test done. Before you sign, read the form carefully and ask questions if something is not clear.

Talk to doctor about any concerns you have regarding the need for the test, its risks, or the way it will be done.

You will be asked to undress from the waist down. You should empty your bladder prior to the procedure. In this procedure the cervix may be numbed by using an anesthetic spray or an injection of local anesthetic. Doctor will tell you to lie on your back on an examination table with your feet raised and supported by stirrups. In this position the doctor will examine your vagina and cervix. The doctor will insert speculum into your vagina to spread the walls of the vagina apart to expose the cervix. Then the cervix is grasped and held in place with a clamp called a tenaculum. Your cervix will be cleansed with an antiseptic solution. The doctor may numb the area using a small needle to inject medication, or a numbing spray may be applied to your cervix.

The doctor will take a sample with the instrument . During sample collection, you will likely feel uterine cramping or lower pelvic pain. After the sample is collected, instrument, and the clamp and speculum are removed from the vagina.

After this procedure you will probably feel a sharp cramp as the instrument or device is guided through your cervix. Also you may feel more cramping when the biopsy sample is collected. This pain can be decreased by taking ibuprofen before the procedure.

Because an endometrial biopsy usually causes some vaginal bleeding, you will need to use a menstrual pad. If you have prolonged bleeding that is heavier than your normal menstrual period, you should report it to your doctor. You should avoid heavy lifting for a few days after the procedure to prevent excessive bleeding. You shouldn%26rsquo;t have intercourse for 3 to 7 days after this test. You may be asked to take your temperature daily for 3 days after the test. You should call your doctor if you develop a fever.


There is a possibility of causing damage to the cervix during an endometrial biopsy but this is rare. Other complications include excessive bleeding during or after the procedure. In some cases you can develop a pelvic infection.


You will have results from an endometrial biopsy within a few days. Sometimes it takes more than a week. The results can be normal (no abnormal or cancerous cells or tissue are found), abnormal (polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, cancerous changes).

Endometrial biopsy can be painful for older women. Contraindications to endometrial biopsy include pregnancy, acute pelvic inflammatory disease, and acute cervical or vaginal infections.

This procedure is not routinely done during or after menopause unless a woman has vaginal bleeding. If an endometrial biopsy is recommended, you should ask your doctor the reasons why . You should discuss any concerns with your doctor prior to the procedure.


Peroneal Tendonitis

OverviewPeroneal tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendon and lining of the tendon sheath characterized by pain on movement of the associated foot. The most common symptom of peroneal tendonitis is progressive increase in intensity of pain in your foot.Learn more about peroneal tendonitis. In thi...


Peroneal tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendon and lining of the tendon sheath characterized by pain on movement of the associated foot. The most common symptom of peroneal tendonitis is progressive increase in intensity of pain in your foot. Learn more about peroneal tendonitis. In this article you will find information about disease process, treatment and prevention. Peroneal tendonitis is an inflammatory condition of the peroneal tendon. This inflammation occurs along the outside of the lower leg, behind the ankle and under the foot. If you are runner, if you are athlete you have increased risk for a peroneal tendonitis. The peroneal tendon is surrounded by, a synovial sheath that secretes fluid which allows the tendon to slide up and down without friction as the foot moves outward and inward.

Disease process

Repetitive damages the fibers in the tendon of the involved foot, cause extravasations of tissue fluid and setting up an inflammatory process.
If you have excessive pronation of the foot places stress on the peroneal tendon, that cause the tendon to have to work hard to provide foot stability. If the foot over pronates, the tendon is over stretched and that can cause inflammation and localized sharp pain. The tendon connects muscle to the bone. When your tendon becomes inflamed, then you can feel pain.


Repetitive movements, strain, or excessive, unaccustomed exercise may be causes. Peroneal tendonitis can be caused by a sudden increase in the intensity of training, a rapid increase in the frequency of training, repeated training on rigid surfaces, poor core strength and genetic abnormalities.

Underlying systemic disease like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, sclerosis, and disseminated gonococcal infections may also be a cause. Peroneal tendonitis can be a result of injury, overuse, or can be in relation with aging as the tendon loses elasticity. The greatest risk has middle aged and older adults and athletes or individuals with occupations requiring repetitive motion. Peroneal tendonitis is common for the runners as an overuse condition. If you begin an exercise program or increase your level of exercise you can experience symptoms of peroneal tendonitis. The foot is unaccustomed to the new level of demand, and tendon overuse will cause an inflammation and tendonitis.

Signs and symptoms

Most of patients complain of pain and swelling in the prominent long bone on the outer side of the foot. Some patients feel pain in groove for the peroneus longus tendon; also pain may occur behind the outer ankle bone. If you have peroneal tendonitis you may have increase in intensity of pain with weight bearing, pain with inward movement of the foot and pain with resistance to outward movement of the foot. Most common symptoms of peroneal tendonitis include: pain and tenderness along a tendon, usually in proximity to the ankle or foot, pain at night, worse pain with movement or activity, tenderness and swelling over the bit where the tendon inserts onto the ankle or foot, stiffness after exercise, pain when you try to bend the ankle or foot against resistance.

Diagnostic tests

The diagnosis is based on a history of repetitive motion or underlying disease and physical examination of the foot. To evaluate your condition your doctor will ask you many questions about the pain in your foot. Some of questions are: when pain began, does the pain increase with activities, does anything seem to relieve the pain. You probably will have X-rays of foot. The X %26ndash; rays help your doctor rule out similar conditions. When doctor evaluates your medical history, X %26ndash; rays, he may observe you walk, it may be observed for any unusual characteristics.


Your doctor will give you some medication to control pain. He may prescribe a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as Advil or ibuprofen to help reduce the pain and inflammation. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication can be helpful but they have side effects. Side effects can include stomach upset and bleeding problems.

The steroid drug injections can be used in treatment of peroneal tendonitis. These injections reduce peroneal tendonitis inflammation, and relive pain. You should know that repeated cortisone injections may weaken the tendon or cause undesirable side effects. This treatment with steroid drug injections can also increase your risk of rupturing a tendon.

The doctor will give you some recommendation to reduce inflammation and swelling, and protect the injured leg. The most important part of the treatment and recovering from peroneal tendonitis is rest. If you have peroneal tendonitis you should restrict or limit your activity. That means that you should decrease both the frequency and duration of your exercise routine. Some individuals have taken a few weeks off and then gone right back to the same routine which doesn%26rsquo;t provide your body the kind of rest it needs in order to recover.

To reduce swelling and reduce the pain, you should apply ice on your foot. You can use cold therapy device cold pack, or ice massage. To massage your foot with ice, you can fill a paper cup with water. When you freeze the ice, you should tear back the top portion of the paper exposing the ice. You should massage your foot gently over the injured area in a circular fashion. This massage you should repeat for 15 minutes 3 or 4 times per day. Sometimes you could overexpose the skin whit ice, you should be careful.

You should stretch both before and after all activities, that increases flexibility and can prevent the injury from returning. Perform these stretching exercises stretching exercises may be performed 3-4 times per day.

If you have any abnormal problems of the lower extremity, you should tell that to your doctor. You must be careful when you by running shoe. You should ask your doctor to recommend you the type of running shoe you will wear, arch supports and a foot strap. Consult a doctor or qualified therapist for a professional evaluation.
Returning too soon to your sport or activity can cause permanent damage. The goal of treatment is to return to your sport or activity as soon as medically possible. You should know that the goal of your rehabilitation should be to decrease pain, strengthen the muscles of the peroneal region and improve flexibility. If you had peroneal tendonitis your return to sports activity must be carefull and slowly. You should follow doctor%26rsquo;s advice regarding your activity level and date of return. How long recovery will last is individual and vary from person to person.


To prevent peroneal tendonitis you should slowly increase the intensity of your exercise, vary the types of activities you perform, and try not to cycle between periods of activity and inactivity. You shouldn%26rsquo;t train hard when muscles are stiff from a previous workout. You must have proper footwear. You should have new training levels gradually, and train on a variety of surfaces. Proper training should include lower body strength training, aerobic fitness, and lower body flexibility training. Flexibility is the key in preventing peroneal tendonitis.

If you already had peroneal tendonitis, you should know that this condition can return again, but with a good approach to your exercise or activity routine, peroneal tendonitis can often be avoided.



Costochondritis OverviewYou have chest pain. You probably think that you have a heart disease. Chest pain may also be a symptom of costochondritis. If you have costochondritis don’t worry. Costochondritis is a benign condition.Costochondritis is inflammation of the rib cage muscles. It is a co...

Costochondritis Overview

You have chest pain. You probably think that you have a heart disease. Chest pain may also be a symptom of costochondritis. If you have costochondritis don%26rsquo;t worry. Costochondritis is a benign condition. Costochondritis is inflammation of the rib cage muscles. It is a common cause of chest pain in children and adolescents. Most frequently it affects young adults between 20 and 40 years old. In contrast to myocardial ischemia or infarct, costochondritis is a benign cause of chest pain.

Costochondritis occurs in women and people over age 40, can affect anyone, even infants and children. When costochondritis is accompanied by swelling it is called Tietze's syndrome. You shoul know that Tietze syndrome is often referred to as costochondritis, but the two are distinct conditions.

In most of cases the cause is unknown, idiopathic, and costochondritis goes away without treatment. When the cause is unknown the goal of treatment is pain relief.

If you have chest pain you should know that it is medical emergency. Underlying diseases which can cause chest pain can be very serious. Chest pain may be caused by heart diseases, lung diseases, gastrointestinal problems and costochondritis. When you have chest pain your doctor will first rule out heart disease. You will have some tests; they are needed to rule out other diseases. If chest pain isn%26rsquo;t caused by heart disease you probably have costochondritis.

You should know that costochondritis affects more woman than men. In some cases this condition can be caused by infection.

What are the signs and symptoms of costochondritis?

Pain and tenderness are localized in the places where your ribs attach to your breastbone. If you have costochondritis you will feel sharp pain or gnawing pain. Pain caused by costochondritis can occur on either side of your chest, but occurs most often on the left side of your breastbone. Pain is usually worsened by activity or exercise. Because of the many nerves that branch away from the chest, you can feel pain in the shoulder or arms as well.

Most common symptoms of costochondritis are: pain when coughing, pain when taking deep breaths, difficulty breathing. When you movement stops, pain decreases. Chest pain is usually preceded by exercise, or an upper respiratory infection or minor trauma. This chest pain increases as you take deep breath. When you take deep breath you stretch the inflamed cartilage and that can cause exquisite pain. Sometimes simply touching the area involved will be extremely painful for you.

What are the causes of costochondritis?

Cause of costochondritis in most of cases is unknown, usually it has no definite cause. But there are some cases where the cause can be determined. Costochondritis can be caused by injury; a blow to the chest could also cause costochondritis.
Infection also can be cause of costochondritis. Viral respiratory infections, bacterial infections after surgery and very rare fungal infection are known causes of costochondritis. This condition commonly occurs with viral respiratory infections because of the inflammation rib cage muscles from the viral infection itself, or from straining from coughing. When costochondritis recurs that can be sign of fibromyalgia. Patient who have fibromyalgia often have several tender spots. The upper part of the breastbone is a common tender spot. Repeated minor trauma to the chest wall also can be cause of this costochondritis. Frequently, surgery to upper chest can be cause of costochondritis.

If you have chest pain you should see a doctor. Only doctor can diagnose costochondritis. There are difference between costochondritis pain and pain caused by heart attack. Costochondritis pain is localized on small area, and pain caused by heart attack is more widespread. Heart attack pain may worsen with stress or physical activity. Costochondritis pain is constant. Never try to diagnose by yourself chest pain, leave that for your doctor. Every chest pain should be taken very serious.

Screening and diagnosis

To help your doctor make the right diagnose, you must describe your chest pain. Pain of costochondritis can be very similar to the pain associated with heart disease, lung disease, and gastrointestinal problems. So doctors often missdiagnose costochondritis. Costochondritis is also a common cause of chest pain in children and adolescents.
There are no tests for costochondritis, this condition can't be seen on chest X-rays or other imaging tests.
When doctor suspect that you have costochondritis my order some tests to rule out other conditions. The only way to diagnose this condition is to take your personal medical history and to do physical exam. Costochondritis occurs fairly frequently in people who had cardiac surgery.

What is the treatment for costochondritis?

Patients with costochondritis usually don%26rsquo;t need any treatment. Costochondritis pain usually lasts a week or two and then goes away. In some cases doctor can prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) and naproxen (Aleve). You should discuss with your doctor about those medication because they have some side effects.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications can help decrease symptoms of pain, also they help decrease inflammation, which is the primary problem. Some doctors prescribed tricyclic antidepressants if pain is making it difficult to sleep.

Your doctor may give you a local anesthetic and steroid injection in the area that is tender, if the pain does not respond to medications. Very rare surgery (removal of the sore cartilage) is performed. If costochondritis is caused by infection usually treatment s are IV antibiotics.
The pain should improve within a few weeks, and resolve completely within six months. There are patients in whom this problem persists for some time. If you have chest pain which last more than few months see your doctor. If you had the costochondritis once that does not increase your chances of experiencing the symptoms again.

Self - care

There are several helpful things to do in order to help manage the symptoms of costochondritis. Self - care is most important part of treatment. You should rest, and avoid activites which make your pain worse. In order to decrease the inflammation, you should avoid activities that cause pain and inflammation. Deep breathing, exercise, and strain on the muscles of the chest may worsen pain and slow the healing process. Avoid or limit activities that worsen your pain.
Walking or swimming can keep your body healthy. When exercise increases your pain you should stop. Also you can apply heating pad to the painful area several times a day. Local heat or ice may be helpful to relieve pain. Ice packs or heating ads these techniques help to decrease your pain may help you better manage your symptoms. You should find out more about chronic pain. The pain associated with costochondritis significantly improves within the first 4-8 weeks. Some pain may persist, it is only associated with strenuous activity.

How to prevent costochondritis?

There is no prevention for this condition because costochondritis has no definite cause.


Treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

IntroductionChronic Fatigue Syndrome is a disease characterized by pervasive, chronic, and incapacitating fatigue. The syndrome is diagnosed in women twice as often as in men. The main symptom is persistent or relapsing debilitating fatigue that does not respond to bed rest and that reduces normal a...


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a disease characterized by pervasive, chronic, and incapacitating fatigue. The syndrome is diagnosed in women twice as often as in men. The main symptom is persistent or relapsing debilitating fatigue that does not respond to bed rest and that reduces normal activity levels by 50% or more for 6 months or longer. Other symptoms include painful, palpable lymph nodes, myalgia, arthralgia low grade fever, sore throat, pharyngitis, sleep disturbances, depression and inability to concentrate. If you or your loved one have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), you should learn about treatment and coping with this disease. This disease can affect you physically, emotionally and socially.

How is chronic fatigue syndrome treated?

It is most important for you to have an appropriate and accurate diagnosis to guide treatment and further evaluation.
The goals of treatment are to decrease symptoms and improve function. In most of cases combination of drugs and non-drug therapies is recommended. The therapy should be individual. Some therapy which helps you doesn%26rsquo;t help another person whit CFS. If you notice that your doctor doesn%26rsquo;t know much about CFS, you should find another doctor who treats patient with CFS. Good relationship between you and your doctor can be the key to managing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Lifestyle changes and exercise

There is no cure for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but there are different things you can do to relieve your symptoms.

Some lifestyle changes can help you cope with diseases. Lifestyle changes could include: stress reduction, dietary restrictions, stretching and nutritional supplementations. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome may have a profound impact on your daily life. That requires significant lifestyle changes and adaptation to new limitations.

You should have diary, write down what you do each day and note when you feel really tired. Look the list to find out which activities tire you out, than stop or limit those activities. Some good occupational therapist can help you stop or do less of the things that seem to trigger your tiredness.
Sometimes exercise can increase your energy levels. Before you start with exercises you should discuss about that with your doctor. He or she can help you create individual exercise plan. Your doctor can help you create a plan that is right for you. Don%26rsquo;t push yourself too much when you exercise. Too much exercise could worse your symptoms. You should avoid overactivity and prevent deconditioning.


Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome such as sleep problems, anxiety and depression, muscle aches, can be treated with medication. The drugs may only reduce your symptoms, but they don%26rsquo;t cure the fatigue. Most symptoms improve with time.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen Advil, Motrin and naproxen Aleve are pain relievers. They can help with body aches, headaches, and muscle and joint pain. You should know that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have some side effects. Discuss with your doctor about side effects.
If you have runny nose and itchy eyes (allergy symptoms), doctor may prescribe to you antihistamines. In some cases antidepressants can help improve sleep and ease pain.

Alternative treatments

Some people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome try alternative treatments. Some of them get better, but it could be placebo effect. Alternative treatments usually include: yoga, stretching, or self-hypnosis massage, acupuncture, chiropractic care. Be careful, because alternative treatments, dietary supplements could harm you. You should talk with your doctor before you try an alternative treatment. Don%26rsquo;t believe in everything you read, especially about alternative treatments. Convential medicine is more useful.

What can I do to cope with CFS?

This disease interrupt your daily activities, affect on your life, it%26rsquo;s normal for you to feel angry, or upset when you have an illness like CFS. Some kind of psychotherapy can be helpful to cope with disease. It can be good for you to join CFS support group.

There are ways can you help yourself. You should write your diary to find out when you aren%26rsquo;t tired. Plan your activities for these times. You should have some activities; exercise can help your body and mind.

Charge your battery; express your feelings, such as sadness, anger and frustration. It is much easier coping whit disease, when family and friends support you. You should know that emotional support is important in coping with disease. You may loss concentration; you should give yourself more time for activities that take concentration.


A psychotherapist, using standard psychotherapy and counseling methods, can help you work through this disease. Psychotherapist may recommend a combination of medication and psychotherapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy in some cases can help chronically ill patients cope with illness. Recent studies indicate that Cognitive behavioral therapy can be useful in treating some CFS patients.

This therapy can help you to learn to manage activity levels, stress and symptoms. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help you better adapt to the impact of CFS. Doctor%26rsquo;s role is to provide your symptoms relief and help you coping whit CFS. If you have good relationship with your doctor, you can significant reduce your symptoms.

Memory and concentration complaints are two of the more distressing symptoms. Schedulers and written resource manuals can be helpful in addressing cognitive problems.


People whit CFS could suffer from secondary depression. About 50 % of CFS patients develop depression sometime during the course of the illness. If someone has depression he needs help. Treating depression can reduce anxiety and stress, but it isn%26rsquo;t a cure for CFS.
If your doctor prescribes antidepressants, you should know that these medications could cause side effects.


People whit CFS often uses nutritional supplements and vitamins for symptom relief. But you should know these products are unregulated. Don%26rsquo;t use any nutritional supplement, before you consult whit your doctor. If you use any of these products tell that to your doctor. Doctor should determine safety and possible negative interactions with prescribed medications. You should avoid herbal remedies like germander, chaparral comfrey, ephedra, kava, licorice root, yohimbe and any other. You should have a well balanced diet.

Pain management

You can experience pain in muscles and joints. Some people whit CFS may also complain of headaches. On the beginning of therapy doctor usually give simple analgesics like acetaminophen, aspirin or NSAIDS.
You also may have symptoms of orthostatic instability, dizziness and light-headedness. Treatments for orthostatic problems include volume expansion for CFS patients. If you have these symptoms you should increase fluid and salt intake, if that doesn%26rsquo;t help doctor will prescribe you some medications.


Treatment of CFS usually include: lifestyle changes, prevention of overexertion, stress reduce, dietary restrictions, gentle stretching and nutritional supplementation and drug therapy. If you have CFS, most important is to find out what helps you to decrease pain, and raise your energy.


Stevens Johnson syndrome (SJS): Symptoms & Treatment

OverviewStevens-Johnson Syndrome is a very serious condition commonly caused by an allergic reaction to drugs. Most common cause of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is an allergic reaction on antibiotics or anti-convulsant, and pain relievers, especially sulfas, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs...


Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is a very serious condition commonly caused by an allergic reaction to drugs. Most common cause of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is an allergic reaction on antibiotics or anti-convulsant, and pain relievers, especially sulfas, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a serious, sometimes fatal inflammatory disease. Everyone who uses those drugs and cocaine can be affected. Any drug is a potential cause. Vaccines, such as those for tuberculosis and polio, could also be cause of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. People who have Stevens-Johnson Syndrome suffer from inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes. Many organs can become significantly affected during the disease process. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is a serious disorder and in some cases, it can be fatal. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is the most severe form of erythema multiforme, sometimes is called erythema multiforme major. The diagnosis of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is usually based on the physical exam, skin and mucosal lesions are sign of disease. In some cases skin biopsy may be performed. Stevens-Johnson syndrome affects people any age. Most important thing for treatment is the recognition and proper diagnosis of the disorder.


Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is marked by the rapid attack of fever, skin lesion, and open sores on the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, nasal passage, lips, and genitals.

The disease begins with a nonspecific respiratory tract infection. Other symptoms are fever, sore throat, chills, headache, and malaise. Stevens-Johnson syndrome affects the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, eyes, nostril, and both the anal and genital regions. In some cases vomiting and diarrhea could occur. Mucocutaneous nonpruritic lesions are common in Stevens Johnson syndrome. Clusters last about 2 %26ndash; 4 weeks. In some cases people whit SJS may not be able to eat or drink, mucous membranes of the mouth can be affected.

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is severe expression of the erythema multiforme. When someone has Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, erythema multiforme can be present and become noticeable like skin lesion. Erythema multiforme is an allergic condition marked by a rash on the skin and mucous membranes. Erythema multiforme can occur with many infections, collagen diseases, drug reactions, allergies, and pregnancy. The skin lesions may look like a target lesion or bubble-like.

Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis which involves multiple large blisters that coalesce also is present. Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis is followed by a sloughing of most of the skin and mucous membranes.

You should know that Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is a very serious condition. This disease involves many parts of the body and extensive lesion formation. Those lesions first affect the mucous membranes, and then affect the lungs, mouth, stomach, intestines eyes, and every major organ.

Most common signs include: fever, epistaxis, conjunctivitis, vulvovaginitis or balanitis, eizures and corneal ulcerations, erosive and coma. Pneumonia, pain in the joints, and prostration are common. A painful conjunctivitis may occur in the eye, and can lead to corneal scarring and loss of vision. Ophthalmologist should be involved for patients with conjunctivitis so that precautions can be taken to avoid permanent eye damage. In advanced stage of disease renal failure and pneumonia may occur. That can be fatal.


The syndrome may be an allergic reaction to certain drugs, or it may follow pregnancy, herpes virus I, or other infection. It is rarely seen linked with cancer or with radiation therapy. Early diagnosis with the early recognition and withdrawal of all potential causative drugs is most important for a successful treatment. A dermatologist is the needed to establish the diagnosis. Some severe cases of Stevens Johnson Syndrome may require the involvement of a burn specialist or plastic surgery specialist. Depending on which organ is affected, consultations with a gastroenterologist, pulmologist, ophthalmologist, and nephrologist and other specialist may be helpful.

There is there is no effective treatment to stop the spread of Stevens Johnson Syndrome throughout the body. Primary treatment is supportive and symptomatic. Treatment includes management of Stevens Johnson Syndrome symptoms. Treatment includes bed rest, antibiotics for pneumonia, painkilling drugs, mouthwashes, and sedatives. Usually Stevens Johnson Syndrome has been caused by an allergic reaction to a drug or an infection. Also is important to find out which drug caused this disorder. Stop usage of the offending drug or treating the infection can have a positive influence on the progress of Stevens Johnson Syndrome. Drugs such as Bextra and antibiotics should be discontinued immediately.

Underlying infection should be recognized. Underlying diseases or infections which is causing Stevens Johnson Syndrome must be treated. Antibiotics are appropriate if superinfection is cause of Stevens Johnson Syndrome. Antibiotics also are used if bacterial disease, such as mycoplasma, is suspected to be the cause. When respiratory tract is affected (lung) treatment include: aerosols, bronchial aspiration and physical therapy. Some drugs are needed like heparin which is recommended for the duration of hospitalization. In some cases antacids reduce the incidence of gastric bleeding. Emotional and psychiatric support can be helpful.

Treatment whit corticosteroids are controversial. Some scientists think that corticosteroids provoke increased risk of infection, prolonged wound healing, masking of early signs of sepsis, severe gastrointestinal bleeding and increased mortality.

If someone has Stevens Johnson Syndrome, during disease usually suffers from massive fluid loss. So, treatment includes fluid replacement and electrolyte correction. Disease spreading can cause compromise of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. So, one of the most important part of treatment is to ensure blood flow and blood pressure and airway stability. Pain management is also important part of treatment, because this disease is a very painful disorder. Intensive supportive care is important in severe cases. The patient must be transferred to an intensive care unit or a burn center. Skin lesions should be treated as burns. Denudated skin must be covered with compresses of saline or Burow solution. Careful daily control is necessary to monitor for secondary superinfections. Some specific treatment options can be applied to reduce the symptoms like mouthwash treatment for lesions in the mouth, and topical anesthesia to reduce pain. Saline compresses may be applied to the eyelids, lips, and nose.

You should know that there is no cure or treatment to stop the spreading of Stevens Johnson Syndrome. Some new researches have suggested that hemodialysis and immunoglobin, cyclophosphamide, and plasmapheresis, are effective treatments. You should know that those are not standard methods of care.

Patients must avoid any future exposure to drugs which caused Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. Recurrences are possible.


Pain in urethra: Causes & Risk factors

Pain in urethraYou feel pain in the urethra. You should read this article. Here you will find about pain in the urethra, causes and risk factors. Pain in the urethra can occur by itself or it can be associated with other symptoms. The pain could be mild or severe, acute or chronic.Pain in the urethr...

Pain in urethra

You feel pain in the urethra. You should read this article. Here you will find about pain in the urethra, causes and risk factors. Pain in the urethra can occur by itself or it can be associated with other symptoms. The pain could be mild or severe, acute or chronic. Pain in the urethra could be caused by an infection, trauma, or something blocking the urinary tract. Treatment of a possible infection may decrease the risk of further pain. If you feel pain as the urine passes trough your urethra (the canal that carries urine from bladder), your urethra must be inflamed. If your urethra is inflamed, the condition is called urethritis. Every sexually active man or a woman carry potential risks for urethritis. You should know that if you changed some of your habits you could significantly decrease your risk factor for urethritis. If you already feel pain in the urethra, the most important for you is to get an early diagnosis. You should understand the cause of your infection, and follow your the treatment program to prevent the infection from returning.

Causes %26amp; Risk factors

The most common cause of pain in urethra is urinary infection. Urinary infection isn%26rsquo;t the one cause of pain in the urethra. There is a list of possible causes of pain in urethra and pain when you urinate:

  • Urinary tract infection;

  • Trauma to the urinary tract;

  • Contact dermatitis or vulvitis;

  • Inflammation to any part of the urinary tract;

  • Prostatitis;

  • Interstitial cystitis;

  • Vaginal infection;

  • Radiation cystitis;

  • Sexually transmitted diseases;

  • Chemical irritation, such as from soaps;

  • Urinary retention;

  • Autoimmune disorders;

  • Certain medications;

  • Tumors or cancer of any part of the urinary tract;

After the cold, urinary tract infections are the most common infections which affect women and men.

They are usually caused by bacteria. Bacteria are microscopic agents that can invade just about any part of your urinary tract. Bacteria usually come from the rectum, where they occur naturally, and spread to the vagina and the urethra. They could travel into your system from outside the body, move up your urinary tract, multiply, and infect a specific organ. Urinary tract infections occur more in woman than men simply because of their anatomy. About half of all women will develop urinary tract infections during their lifetimes, and many women will experience more than one. Some women get these infections over and over again. The urethra, which carries urine from the bladder outside the body, is shorter in women. Bacteria travel easily from outside the body into the urinary tract in women.

Sexual intercourse and bad personal hygiene can help bacteria travel into the urethra. Some women have an urinary tract with a low resistance to bacteria. So, they have more often urinary infection. There are other causes of urinary infection. Those causes include overstretching of the bladder, lack of cleanliness when doing catheterization and urine left in the bladder (incomplete voiding). Menopause can also cause changes in vaginal bacteria that increase risk of urinary tract infection. If you think that your urinary tract infection is caused by changes in menopause you should talk with your doctor about estrogen replacement therapy.

Inflammation of the urethra is usually caused by a sexually transmitted infection.
Urethritis can also be caused by chemical irritants such as perfumed feminine hygiene products, soap, sanitary napkins, spermicidal foams and jellies, and bubble baths. Spermicides or contraceptive jellies, creams, or foams are possible causes of urethritis.

Urethritis is inflammation of the urethra and could be caused by bacteria or a virus. Commonly it is caused by bacteria Escherichia coli and some sexually transmitted diseases, Chlamydia, gonorrhea. Gonococcal urethritis is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria. Gonorrhea infections are passed from person to person during sexual intercourse. The most common cause of Nongonococcal urethritis is Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria which cause the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia. Other causes of nongonococcal urethritis include Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma urealyticum, and Trichomonas vaginalis. Urethritis can be caused by viral causes which herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus.

Urethritis can also be caused by an injury. You should know that sexually transmitted diseases that cause urethritis can be prevented by using a condom. Treatment depends on the cause of the urethritis. Antibiotics are treatment for a bacterial infection. Antifungal drugs are used to treat fungal infections. Antiviral drug are treatment for a viral infection. During your medical evaluation, your doctor will ask about your medical history. You should describe all of your symptoms, any history of infections, what medication you are taking, if any, and whether you could be pregnant.

Men and women sexual active between the ages of 20 and 35, have the highest risk for urethritis. If you have multiple sexual partners, you should know that your risk is higher. High-risk sexual behavior (such anal sex without a condom) ipresents the highest risk for urethritis. Young women in their reproductive years are also at risk. A prior history of sexually transmitted diseases raises one's risk of urethritis. The symptoms of urethritis include: pain or burning during urination, an urge to urinate more frequently, redness around the opening of the urethra. You should see a doctor if you start urinating more frequently, or if urination causes pain or a burning discomfort, especially if fever occurs.
You can decrease your risk with good personal hygiene and by practicing safer sexual behaviors such as monogamy and using condoms.

How can you decrease your risk factor?

If you often have an urinary tract infection and pain in the urethra you should make some lifestyle changes. You should drink plenty of fluids, especially water. If your urinary tract infection is caused by sexual intercourse, going to the bathroom right after intercourse may lessen your risk.
The most important thing you can do to prevent a urinary tract infection is to practice good hygiene. If you are a woman you should avoid wiping fecal matter into the urethral area. Wiping from front to back help prevent germs and bacteria from entering the urethral opening. You should shower or bath daily. Daily showering helps prevent the spread of germs. Drinking lots of fluids helps the bladder flush itself.
You could very easy insert bacteria along with the catheter into your urethra and bladder. If you are catheterizing yourself, it is very important that you should be very clean. Wash your hands frequently as you carry out the catheterization process. Wash the catheter in soapy water after each use and allow it to dry completely before using it again. Women should always try to urinate after sex. You should avoid irritating foods, especially spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol.
To prevent inflammation of the urethra (urethritis), you should avoid perfumed feminine hygiene products, spermicidal jellies and foams, and bubble bath. Urethritis caused by injury is rare, and there is no way to prevent it.

You should see your doctor if you think you might have an urinary tract infection, or if you have pain in the urethra for more than one day. Such infections can lead to serious complications, bladder and kidney damage, kidney stones, and urine retention.


Diet patches

If you are overweightYou have a health problem as well as an esthetic one. You are overweight. Every day you look in the mirror and you realize that is time to loss some pounds. You want to lose pounds the easy way. The exercise, diet, everything seems difficult. You get an email, an advertisement f...
If you are overweight

You have a health problem as well as an esthetic one. You are overweight. Every day you look in the mirror and you realize that is time to loss some pounds. You want to lose pounds the easy way. The exercise, diet, everything seems difficult. You get an email, an advertisement for diet patches. When you read it, you think there might be a solution for the problem. Diet patches may seem like that a dream come true, an extremely convenient and simple solution.
Before you decide to buy diet patches, read this article. If you follow our advice you will save both your money and your health.

Do diet patches work?

In a number of advertisements, you can read the following: %26ldquo;Simply apply our one-of-a-kind patch on your arm, follow the program, and excess weight disappears! Non-invasive, safe and easy to use, this patch guarantees weight loss with dramatic results.%26rdquo; These sentences sound too good to be true, and they are. The only thing you'll probably end up losing is your money.

Most people will try anything to lose their pounds, but your health can be but to serious risk if you use diet patches, nutritional supplements, diet pills, or other non-approved products. Diet patches simply don't have the effectiveness of conventional weight loss products. There are no magical diets or weight loss supplements or diet patches that are proven to help you lose weight and keep it off.


The manufacturers claim that diet patches have certain ingredients that, when absorbed into your skin, will assist in weight loss, but diet patches have different ingredients then those touted in sales pitches. The %26ldquo;secret weight loss ingredients%26rdquo; found in diet patches are often the same as those found in oral weight loss products. You should know that there isn%26rsquo;t any clinical evidence or study that supports the theory behind diet patches, and their effects have been highly controversial.

There are several different brands of patches for weight loss. The ingredients in some brands can be helpful in fat loss or weight reduction, but when taken orally. Ingredients like zinc pyruvate and green tea have been clinically shown to assist in weight loss when ingested orally. There is no proof that the same effects occur when the ingredients are applied to the skin. Manufacturers claim that weight loss ingredients create the same effects whether they are ingested orally or applied to the skin. They also claim that once you place one of these patches on various parts of your body and over a period of several weeks, your body is supposed to absorb the various ingredients.

In truth, the amount of ingredients needed for fat loss must get into your system in a short time period in order to have a maximum effect. It would be impossible to get the amount into your system for a positive result with patches. It is simply not physically or scientifically possible with patches. Taking a small amount of a fat loss ingredient through your skin over a long period of time won't do a thing. Also, there are some diet patches that don't include clinically proven fat loss ingredients.

Manufactures of some diet patches claim that their products have the ability to speed up your metabolism, or suppresses your appetite. They claim that the weight loss patches will stimulate your metabolism and help you start losing weight quickly. You should know that this is physiologically impossible. When you buy a diet patch, they will typically send you a brochure explaining that you need to exercise and consume healthy food. If you only follow those instructions without the use of diet patches, you will probably reduce your weight anyway.

Some people claim that certain diet products helped them lose weight, but it%26rsquo;s rarely heard for diet patches. Most overweight people use diet patches without any success. Dietitians and other weight loss experts don%26rsquo;t recommend these products.

In order to lose weight successfully, without a regain, you must have an individual diet and exercise program. If you read the literature accompanying most weight loss supplements, it often states that that effective weight loss is not possible by taking the weight loss products by themselves. Don%26rsquo;t cover your entire body with weight loss patches, and don%26rsquo;t think that will give you the steady supply of fat-burning nutrients you need. Doing something like that may cause certain health problems. Therefore, the best thing you can do it is to get rid of diet patches.

Is it possible?

You should avoid diet products like diet patches, at all costs. There is no practical use for diet patches so save your money and your health. Makers of diet patches claim that you will start to notice results in as little as 3 days. You should ask yourself how that is possible. Even with some of the most powerful fat-burning drugs used by body builders, such as winstrol and clenbuterol, it takes at least 2 weeks for you to notice results. (These drugs are illegal, and highly dangerous.) If you maintain a diet and exercise regimen, any weight loss you notice in the first 30 days is just water weight, nothing more.

Some good tips on losing weight

If you are really set on losing your excess weight, the best thing you can do is forget about diet patches and save your money. The only way you can lose weight is to lose body fat by eating less food and being more active. Being overweight commonly leads to increased blood pressure as well as to many other health problems. If you are overweight, you should seek professional help. Your doctor, a dietitian, or a nutritionist can advise you about calories depending on how active you are, your height, and your physical condition. Some doctors have no time to do the dietary, nutritional or lifestyle counseling which is necessary to implement the changes needed for permanent weight loss. You should find a good dietitian, or a nutritionist to help you with instructions, and who will have enough time for you.

Weight loss should be gradual. It probably took you several years to put the pounds on, so expect it to take several months to lose them. Regular exercise that burns calories (walking, jogging, swimming, etc.) is the magic ingredient in many people's exercise programs. Check with your doctor first about the safest program for you. If you eat when you're bored, busy yourself to take your mind off food. Divide your daily calorie allowance into several small meals a day, instead of eating one or two large meals. For between-meal snacks, choose high-fiber, low-calorie foods such as apples or celery. High-fiber foods make your stomach feel full quicker. Drink enough water.

Losing weight can help restore your energy, mobility and vitality. If you lose your weight the healthy way, you should be able to lead a longer, healthier life.


Stress and Heartburn

The stress is a normal part of life. Stress is neither good nor bad. Stress is a general term used to describe change. The stressor is anything that can cause a response in you, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally. Long term stress is what causes the most trouble. All of us have a certain a...

The stress is a normal part of life. Stress is neither good nor bad. Stress is a general term used to describe change. The stressor is anything that can cause a response in you, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally. Long term stress is what causes the most trouble. All of us have a certain amount of long term stress experiences or situations that may never be resolved in our lifetime, such as, financial problems, or conflict in the work site, or coping with a chronic illness of a family member. Stressors, like stress, are neither good nor bad. They take on meaning only as you react to them. Stressors, fall into three categories: environmental, physical or psychological, both of these stressors tend to provoke an emotional response.

Heartburn are painful burning sensation in the throat just below the breastbone. Heartburn is usually caused by stomach contents flowing back into the esophagus but may be caused by too much acid in the stomach or peptic ulcer.

What is the connection between heartburn and stress?

When you are hit by a stressor, your body enters a state of arousal. The blood is diverted from the digestive functions to muscles to prepare the body for action. Nerve impulses signal the heart to beat harder and faster. The blood pressure and pulse rate both rise. Changes occur in the movements of the stomach and intestines, and hormones secreted into the body mobilize sugar and blood, making more energy available to the brain and muscles. Stress can affect the motility or movement of food through the stomach and intestines.

The motility causes acidic stomach contents to linger in the stomach allowing more time for acid reflux to occur. All of this is your body's effort to defend itself. Psychologically, you respond by trying to evaluate the emotional impact of the situation. This can calm you down or make you even more upset. This often depends, too, on the kind of stress you're experiencing: short-term or long-term. Short term stress is a healthy kind of stress, because it represents a challenge or a threat, which causes an alarm reaction and elicits a response, which resolves the situation and eliminates the stress. But if this level of emotional arousal continues over a prolonged period, the body pays a price for the strain.

The direct link between stress and heartburn has not been established yet. People who suffer from frequent heartburn say that stress is a factor in their heartburn flare-ups. Some people say work related stress increases their heartburn. Stress can lead to behaviors that can trigger heartburn. Long term stress, can cause some changes in your lifestyle. When you are under stress you may not follow your normal routine in regards to meals, exercise, and medication. It is important to you to find ways to alleviate the stress. Stress may also interfere with your ability to make appropriate life-style changes (such as diet, exercise, and sleep habits) which can greatly help with heartburn. That can help you make stress-related heartburn less likely. If you are under stress you are more aware of heartburn symptoms.

Some good tips for you

Stressful life can cause some unhealthy changes in your life like: alcohol use, fast food or eating late at night, increases in smoking. All of these activities can trigger heartburn.
You should try to stay on a regular schedule and eat smaller portions. Try to avoid eating meals and snacks at least 2-3 hours before lying down. You should limit consumption of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages.
Try to avoid or minimize intake of fast foods and foods that are particularly spicy. You should exercise because exercise is a great stress reducer and can also help with heartburn symptoms. It helps keep the digestive system moving. You should wait two hours after a meal before engaging in strenuous exercise. The walking is always advisable. It is known that when stress increases, total caloric needs increase. Stress can be a contributing factor to heartburn.

Stress management

You may have a stressful job, social concerns, family problems and some other long term stress. Ask yourself if your heart burn is in some relation with stress. If you think that there is some relation you should do something about stress. There are some techniques which can help you to deal whit stress. In a crisis, your doctor may prescribe therapy or medication. But, daily stress situations, a variety of relaxation techniques or exercises can provide the individual in stress with no medical relief.

The first step is to track down the stressors in your life, so that you are aware of where they come from. Sometimes the individual under stress discovers stressors that simply don't need to be stressors. The first step is to list all the stressors present and the area of life in which each stressor occurs. If you become aware what is most stressful for you that may motivate you to making decisions about life style changes.

When you are under stress you should find a quiet, private place and, with eyes closed, concentrate on relaxing each part of the body, beginning with the toes and concentrating on each muscle and joint, moving up the body and ending with the head. You can imagine all the stress or pain leaving each muscle as it relaxes, finally visualizing the stress leaving the body through the top of the head. You also may incorporate deep-breathing exercises into this practice. However you choose to do it, try to allow yourself time after this exercise to sit quietly for a few minutes before resuming your daily activities.

Massage is a systematic manipulation of the body tissue that benefits the nervous and muscular systems. The massage can help you to manage with stress.

Stress can also lead you to indulge in the kind of behaviors that trigger heartburn. Behavioral therapy could be helpful. Thought stopping is a behavioral modification technique useful when nagging, repetitive thoughts interfere with behavior and wellness. Such unwanted thoughts are interrupted with the command %26quot;Stop,%26quot; and a positive thought is substituted.

Everyone engages in almost continuous self-talk during waking hours. When this internal dialogue is accurate and realistic, wellness is enhanced; when it is irrational and untrue, stress occurs. Centering refers to separating from outside influences to gain an inner reference or thought of stability, calm, and self-awareness; a sense of self-relatedness, a quiet place within self where the individual can feel integrated, unified, and focused. With centering you can reduce fatigue, stress, depression, or anger when working with others and increase self-control. It involves sitting quietly, relaxing tense spots in the body as you inhale and exhale, and concentrating on that breathing until you feel calm.
Assertiveness means expressing personal feelings, thoughts, and desires, defining and making known personal rights that are reasonable while respecting the other person. Assertive techniques are particularly helpful in the face of criticism and other negative reactions. These techniques include admitting mistakes, asking what specifically is bothersome about a behavior for which you are criticized. You should shift the conversation back to the subject and away from an intense expression of negative emotions. You shouldn%26rsquo;t respond to an inappropriate or irrational attack. In stressful situation you can use humor.

A sense of humor helps keep things in perspective and is one of the fastest ways to manage a stressful situation.


Diagnosis: High Blood Sugar Level

High Blood Sugar LevelMany people do not have symptoms, even when their blood-sugar level is extremely high. High blood sugar can be diagnosed only with blood test.If you have high blood sugar you should be good informed. Read this article and you will probably learn something about high blood sugar...

High Blood Sugar Level

Many people do not have symptoms, even when their blood-sugar level is extremely high. High blood sugar can be diagnosed only with blood test. If you have high blood sugar you should be good informed. Read this article and you will probably learn something about high blood sugar level.

When you eat, after digestion, sugars, and other foods are changed into glucose and distributed throughout the body. When glucose level in blood raises it cause release of a hormone called insulin. Insulin allows glucose to leave the blood and enter body cells. Glucose is used for energy or stored for future use. In diabetes the body either produces no insulin or too little insulin or cannot use the insulin. The unused glucose collects in the blood. This leads to high blood-sugar levels.

High blood sugar is also called hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is caused by too little insulin or the body's inability to use the insulin properly. Diabetes type I (insulin- dependent) and Diabetes type II are common causes of high blood sugar levels. Other causes of hyperglycemia include eating too much, exercising too little, being ill, or having other physical or emotional stress. Symptoms include frequent urination, excessive thirst, fatigue, and nausea. Hyperglycemia can progress to ketoacidosis, or diabetic coma. In ketoacidosis, the body starts using fat for energy. Ketoacidosis develops when your body does not have enough insulin. The body starts using fat for energy. Ketones, which are toxic, build up in the blood. You should know that ketoacidosis develops only in people with type I diabetes.

It can happen after missing only a few doses of insulin. Ketoacidosis needs immediate attention.


Many people do not have symptoms. Symptoms of hyperglycemia include extreme thirst, frequent urination, and high levels of sugar in the urine, dry skin, hunger, blurred vision, drowsiness, and nausea.
The only way you to know that your blood sugar is either too high or low is to test your blood sugar regularly. Your doctor will tell you how often you should test yourself and what your blood-sugar levels should be. If the results of your blood-sugar test indicate that your blood-sugar level is high, treat yourself immediately. It is better to treat yourself than to wait!


You can often lower your blood-sugar level by exercising. If your blood-sugar level is high, check your urine for ketones. Do not exercise if ketones are present in the urine or you may raise your blood-sugar level even higher. Diet modifications could also help. If exercise and dietary modifications do not help, you may either need to change the dose of medication or insulin or need to adjust its timing. The trick is learning to detect and treat hyperglycemia early and before it can get worse.


The two most common causes of high blood sugar level are types of diabetes type I or type II. In type I diabetes the pancreas either stops making insulin or does not make enough. The person must receive daily insulin. Diabetes type I occur at any age. It most often occurs in children and young adults. Symptoms of type I diabetes usually occur suddenly. Most common symptoms include frequent urination, excessive thirst, extreme hunger, dramatic weight loss, irritability, weakness and fatigue, and nausea and vomiting.

Type II diabetes allows some production of insulin, but the body is unable to use it effectively. This disease most often occurs in adults. Symptoms of type II diabetes may include frequent urination, excessive thirst, extreme hunger, weight loss, irritability, weakness and fatigue, and nausea and vomiting. They usually occur less suddenly and may be unnoticed or ignored. Other symptoms of type II include recurring or hard-to-heal infections, drowsiness, blurred vision (especially infections of the skin, gums, or bladder), tingling or numbness of the hands and feet, and itching.

Cause of diabetes is unknown. It isn%26rsquo;t contagious. Your risk factor is higher when you are overweight. Excess fat prevents insulin from working properly. Type I diabetes cannot be prevented. Type II diabetes can often be prevented. You should have a normal body weight and by staying physically fit if you want to prevent disease.

If your high blood sugar is caused with type I diabetes, you will have daily injections of insulin at set times. You should exercise regularly. Also, you should eat well-balanced meals that limit sugar, fat, and salt. Your individualized meal plan should include three meals and two or three snacks a day at set times to properly balance insulin.

If your high blood sugar is caused with type II diabetes and are overweight, you will first need to lose weight. You will also follow an individualized meal plan. You should restrict sugar intake, and follow an exercise plan. If diet and exercise are not enough to control blood sugar, pills or tablets may help the body produce more insulin or use that insulin more effectively. Daily insulin injections may also be needed.

Blood-sugar test

The blood-sugar level test takes two forms, a blood test and a urine test. The blood test is most recommended by doctors because it can tell the exact amount of blood sugar at any given moment. The blood test involves pricking a finger for a drop of blood. People with type I diabetes often test their sugar levels, before and after they eat, between 2 and 4 times a day. People with type II may test themselves less often.


The three most common emergency complications for people with diabetes are hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, and ketoacidosis. Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar is more common in people whose diabetes is treated by injection. It can occur suddenly if you delayed a meal or ate too little, if you have had extra exercise, or if you have taken too much medication. Some people become pale, get headaches, or act strangely. Symptoms include feeling cold, sweaty, nervous, shaky, weak, or extremely hungry. You should treat low blood sugar quickly with some form of sugar; otherwise it can lead to unconsciousness. If unconsciousness occurs, glucagon must be injected to raise the blood-sugar level. When glucagon is not available, an emergency medical call should be made or the person should be taken to the nearest emergency room. If you take insulin or have ever passed out because of low blood sugar, inform your doctor, who will probably prescribe a glucagon emergency kit for you to carry with you at all times.

Hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar, occurs when you eat too much or take insufficient medication. It can also be a response to illness or emotional stress. Most common symptoms include frequent urination, excessive thirst, fatigue, and nausea. There are usually large amounts of sugar in the urine and blood.

Ketoacidosis, or diabetic coma is most serious complications of type I diabetes. The ketoacidosis occurs when insulin and blood sugar are so out of balance that ketones accumulate in the blood. Ketoacidosis takes several hours or days to develop so it can usually be avoided if brought under control at the first signs of high blood sugar or ketones in the urine. Most common symptoms include dry mouth, excessive thirst, loss of appetite, excessive urination, dry and flushed skin, labored breathing, and fruity-smelling breath. Vomiting, abdominal pain, and unconsciousness may also occur. If your blood sugar is above 240 mg/dL, test for ketones. If you have ketones in your urine, call your doctor immediately.
You should control blood-sugar levels, to prevent these complications.

If you have diabetes , keeping blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible is very important.Keeping blood glucose in your target range can help prevent or delay the start of diabetes complications, such as: nerve, foot infections with gangrene, eye, kidney, or blood vessel damage.


The best meal plan to keep your diabetes under control

OverviewGood diabetes control means keeping your blood sugar level as close to normal as possible. If you have diabetes that doesn't mean that you have to start eating special foods or follow a complicated diabetes meal plan. The diet helps to keep the level of sugar in the blood stable.You need to ...


Good diabetes control means keeping your blood sugar level as close to normal as possible. If you have diabetes that doesn't mean that you have to start eating special foods or follow a complicated diabetes meal plan. The diet helps to keep the level of sugar in the blood stable. You need to have balance between the insulin you produce or receive and the sugar your body makes out of the food you eat. You should have meal plan that would be good for anyone. The best meal plan to keep your diabetes under control it%26rsquo;s good for anyone who wants to manage his or her weight and adopt healthier eating habits. The main differences are that your diet contains limited or no added sugar that could raise blood sugar levels too high. You must intake specific amount of food. You must have specific times to eat for regulatory purposes. You should also have a proper weight. If you have diabetes, you may have a lot of lifestyle changes to make.


If you have diabetes you should pay careful attention to nutrition and diet as part of your treatment program. People with diabetes should follow the nutrition guidelines. The meal plan usually limits sugar or simple carbohydrates. It increases proteins, complex carbohydrates, and unsaturated fats. Many persons with Type II diabetes can control their disease by diet alone and need not take insulin.
You should eat food from the six main food groups. Those groups include: milk, meat, vegetables, breads, fats, and fruits.

Every day try to eat about the same amount of food at about the same time. You should include a variety of foods. Your doctor can recommend some dietitian who will help you plan a program that meets these guidelines: carbohydrates 45% to 65% of daily calories, protein 15% to 20% of daily calories and fats 20% to 35% of daily calories.

You should know that the most diabetic meal plans list foods in terms of exchanges. Exchanges are units of measure that help you keep calories and types of foods controlled. You may need to eat only a recommended number of servings from each food group every day. You probably will need professional help. The dietitian will maintain your diet based on your health goals, tastes and lifestyle. You probably should learn about carbohydrate counting or exchange lists. Your dietitian may recommend using the exchange system, which groups foods into categories.

The dietitian can help you use an exchange list to figure out your daily meal plan. He or she will recommend a certain number of servings from each food group based on your individual needs.
One serving in a group is called an exchange. That allows variety by letting you trade one exchange for another food in the same group. The serving sizes are adjusted to provide about the same amount of calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fat. An exchange has the same effect on your blood sugar, as a serving of every other food in the same group.
Carbohydrate counting can be a helpful for you, especially if you take diabetes medications or insulin.
Eating the same amount of carbohydrates at each meal will keep your blood sugar under control. If you're taking insulin, your dietitian can teach you how to count the amount of carbohydrates in each meal and adjust your insulin dose accordingly.

Some tips for you

Your diet should include vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Your meal plan should be naturally rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories. Too much fat can be harmful for you because it increases the risk of heart disease and hardening of the arteries. You should avoid %26quot;hidden%26quot; fat, fried foods, creamy pasta sauces, gravies, , and high-fat salad dressings. You should eat more fish and skinned poultry, always choose lean meats. You should drink low fat or nonfat milk and use diet margarine instead of butter. Limit intake of eggs to 2 or 3 a week.
If you have diabetes you should eat less sugar. Depending on your individualized meal plan, you should eat some fruits. Fruits provide fiber and carbohydrates for energy. Some patient with diabetes uses the glycemic index to select foods, especially carbohydrates. If foods have high glycemic index that is associated with greater increases in blood sugar than foods with a low glycemic index. You should know that doesn%26rsquo;t mean that food with low glycemic index is healthier. Foods rich in fat have lower glycemic index values than do some healthy foods.

You may need to restrict your intake of salt too. You should avoid most cakes, candy, jam, sweet pickles, syrup, pies and pastries, condensed milk regular soda, and candy.

If you and some member of your family have diabetes you should learn more about food, what contains and how some food affect on sugar level in blood. You must learn to read and understand food labels. Labels list food ingredients in the order of relative quantity. A dietetic label does not necessarily mean that the product is intended for diabetics. Always check food labels of all products. The hidden sugars are: sucrose, mannitol, glucose, sorbitol, fructose, dextrose, corn syrup, invert sugar, and lactose. Those hidden sugars can raise your blood sugar level. Consult your doctor or nutritionist before buying foods that are labeled fat free. Ask your doctor for advices to help you change your eating habits.

If you have diabetes that doesn%26rsquo;t mean that you can%26rsquo;t eat in restaurant. You should only choose the healthiest foods in the right amounts at each meal.
There are a few ideas to keep your blood sugar under control, even when you in restaurant. Make sure your meat or fish course is broiled, baked, and roasted. You shouldn%26rsquo;t eat fried meat. Ask for your salad dressing on the side. Don%26rsquo;t order foods that may have unknown ingredients. Ask how your food will be prepared. It is all right to cook with alcohol. When alcohol is heated, most of the alcohol evaporates. This leaves few calories but adds flavor to the food in which it is cooked.

Talk to your doctor before drinking alcohol. If your doctor says you may drink some alcohol, you will most likely only be able to have one or two alcoholic drinks, 1 or 2 times a week. If you have type I diabetes you should eat before you drink any alcohol. On this way you will avoid low blood sugar and hypoglycemia. Even if you eat, hypoglycemia can still occur several hours later, so follow your meal plan and check your blood sugar. Alcohol interferes with glucose production in the liver, which is the glucose used by the body during an episode of hypoglycemia. You should know that alcohol does have calories.
If you drink you should avoid drinks containing sugars or starches, such as beer and sweet wines.
Before you start drinking, decide how much you will eat and drink. You should put less alcohol in your mixed drinks. Drink slowly, but best for you if you don%26rsquo;t drink alcohol at all.


Dietary control and maintain stable body weight. People with diabetes should also eat about the same amount of food at the same time each day to keep blood sugar levels stable. You should avoid highfat, high-sugar foods. You should have regular monitoring of blood sugar. You need to have education about disease, complications, medications and diet. The counseling, support for adaptation to long-term disease is also important.


Epilepsy/Seizures: What to do when someone has a seizure?

What to do when someone has a seizure? It is very important to recognize when the person has a seizure. You probably know some people with epilepsy. Watching someone having an epileptic attack is very frightening.Everybody should know more about seizures and symptoms. If a friend or family member ha...

What to do when someone has a seizure?

It is very important to recognize when the person has a seizure. You probably know some people with epilepsy. Watching someone having an epileptic attack is very frightening. Everybody should know more about seizures and symptoms. If a friend or family member has epilepsy, you should know what to do in that situation. If you recognize someone having a seizure you can help that person. Knowing what to do-and what not to do-when someone has a seizure is very important. Seizures usually last only a few minutes and generally do not require medical attention.

Seizures are paroxysmal episodes of sudden, involuntary muscle contractions and alterations in consciousness, behavior, sensation, and autonomic functioning. The episodes may be partial simple or complex or generalized absence, myoclonic, tonic, clonic, tonic-clonic and are labeled epilepsy if they are recurrent.

Symptoms of seizure

Help required during seizures depends on: the type of the seizure, how long the seizure lasts, how the seizure affects the person's consciousness and how severe it is.

A person watching an epileptic attack should carefully note the nature of the seizure in order to tell the doctor. Symptoms of seizure can be motor, psychic and sensory. Motor symptoms include recurrent involuntary muscle contractions of one body part (face, finger, hand, or arm) that may spread to other or same-side body parts. Sensory symptoms are auditory or visual hallucinations, paresthesias and vertigo.

Psychic symptoms include sensation of deja vu, complex hallucinations or illusions, unwarranted anger or fear, pupillary dilation and sweating.

Someone may have an aura before a seizure. An aura could include patting body parts, smacking lips, aimless walking, picking at clothes, unintelligible muttering and staggering gait. The person before seizure may have 1 to 2 minutes of loss of contact with surroundings, hallucinations.

How to recognize when someone is having a seizure?

Seizures may occur several times a day to one every few years. Emotional disturbances also may cause seizures. Some people have odd visual effects (auras) before a seizure, but others have no warning symptoms. Seizures can occur during sleep or after stimulation, as a blinking light or sudden loud sound. Most epileptic attacks are brief. They may affect the entire body or a small area. The muscles may contract and relax violently or only twitch slightly. Mental confusion can last for several minutes or for hours or days. Petit mal attacks are marked by loss of consciousness for several seconds and eye or muscle fluttering. Grand mal seizures are the classic muscle contractions involving the entire body, loss of consciousness, and often loss of bowel control. Seizures are often followed by drowsiness or confusion. Some seizures may require basic first aid.

The person with generalized absence could have transient loss of consciousness, flickering of eyelids or intermittent jerking of hands. The person with myoclonic seizures may have rapid, jerky movements in extremities or over entire body, which may cause a fall. Someone with tonic seizures could have sudden abnormal dystonic posture, deviation of eyes and head to one side. The persone with clonic seizures may have symmetric jerking of extremities for several minutes with loss of consciousness. The person with tonicclonic may have aura of epigastric discomfort, outcry, loss of consciousness, cyanosis, fall; tonic then clonic contractions, then limpness, sleep, headache, muscle soreness, confusion, and lethargy; loss of bowel and bladder control. The person also could have irregular breathing and blue tinge around the mouth.

What should you do when someone is having a seizure?

  1. During seizure there are safety precautions to prevent injury, you should loosen restrictive clothing, roll the person on side to prevent aspiration, place a small pillow under the head and ease from a standing or sitting position to the floor.
    Don't move the person unless he or she is in immediate danger.

  2. If the person is unconscious, make sure nothing is obstructing the nose or mouth. When you are watching an epileptic attack you should stay very calm and try not to panic.

  3. You shouldn%26rsquo;t place a finger or other object into the person's mouth to protect or straighten the tongue--it is unnecessary and dangerous.

  4. Don't perform artificial respiration during a seizure, even if the person is turning blue. Most seizures are over long before brain damage from lack of oxygen begins.

  5. You shouldn%26rsquo;t try to hold the person still because you may injure the individual or yourself.

  6. If the person has vomited, you should roll the person on side so that any fluid can easily flow out of mouth and not obstruct breathing.

  7. If the person has a seizure may not hear you.

  8. Don%26rsquo;t give the person anything to eat or drink until the person is fully recovered.

  9. Don't give person medication by mouth until the seizure has stopped and he or she is completely awake and alert.

  10. You should be calmly reassuring.

  11. Stay with the person until recovery is complete.

  12. You should maintain a patent airway, note frequency, type, time, involved body parts, and length of seizure.
    It is important to monitor vital signs and neurologic status.

A person with epilepsy should wear a Medic-Alert tag.

What should you do when a seizure stops?

After a minute or two the seizure and jerking movements should stop.
After the seizure you should gently turn the person's head to the side to let the saliva flow out of the mouth.
Let the person rest or sleep. After a seizure ends, most people sleep deeply.
Be reassuring, and calm as awareness returns.
When the person awakens, he or she may be disoriented for a while. You should repeat any information the person has missed during the seizure.

Complications may occur as a result of the onset of seizure activity and can include injury from a fall or from jerking, as well as airway occlusion and aspiration. You could help and prevent these complications if you learn how.
You should know that a condition known as status epilepticus, in which motor sensory or psychic seizures follow one another with no intervening periods of consciousness, is a medical emergency. Status epilepticus is usually convulsive. The seizures persist for 30 minutes or more. The airway occlusion and aspiration combined with muscular contractions during a seizure puts stress on the cardiovascular system. The lack of oxygen may lead to brain damage. If person doesn%26rsquo;t get immediate treatment may have hypoxia, hyperthermia, hypoglycemia and acidosis. That may cause a death. You could save someone%26rsquo;s life.

When to call a doctor?

Call doctor if you know it is the person's first seizure. If the seizure last more than fife minutes, or one seizure follows another without the person regaining consciousness between them you should call an ambulance. If the person is injured during the seizure you should call a doctor. If the person is pregnant or has diabetes or high blood pressure you should find medical help. If the person has a seizure in water, call a doctor.
When you help someone you will feel better. When you know how, you should always help someone with health problem.