
Steroids are illegal. Why?

Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances abused for years now by various athletes. These substances are in fact versions of a male hormone testosterone. Both men and women naturally produce testosterone, males in the testes, and females in the ovaries and other tissues. However, like with all horm...

Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances abused for years now by various athletes. These substances are in fact versions of a male hormone testosterone. Both men and women naturally produce testosterone, males in the testes, and females in the ovaries and other tissues. However, like with all hormones which regulate the body's most basic functions, causing imbalance of testosterone can have wide-ranging consequences. Once viewed as a problem strictly associated with body builders, the abuse of steroids is now a widespread problem even in school children and business professionals.

Some people are taking dietary supplements that act as steroid precursors without any knowledge of the dangers associated with their abuse. These supplements are sold in health food stores, over the internet, and through mail order. These supplements have the same medical consequences as steroids and they too are illegal.

What are the anabolic steroids?

Anabolic steroids are a synthetically produced variants of the naturally occurring male hormone testosterone. The full name for this class of drugs is androgenic (which means that they promote masculine characteristics) anabolic (act on tissue building) steroids (this is the class of drugs).

There are many different variants of steroids as well as the street names. Some of the most abused steroids include:

%26bull; Deca-Durabolin
%26bull; Durabolin
%26bull; Equipoise
%26bull; Winstrol

The common street (slang) names for anabolic steroids include:

%26bull; arnolds
%26bull; gym candy
%26bull; pumpers
%26bull; roids
%26bull; stackers
%26bull; weight trainers
%26bull; juice

These substances are also legally prescribed by doctors for various conditions such as loss of function of the testicles, breast cancer, low red blood cell count, delayed puberty, and debilitated states resulting from surgery or sickness.

Steroids are also being used in veterinarian practice for promoting feed efficiency, and improving weight gain, vigor, and hair coat. They are also used in veterinary practice to treat anemia and counteract tissue breakdown during illness and trauma.

How are Anabolic Steroids Used?

Anabolic steroids can be taken:

%26bull; orally,
%26bull; by injection
%26bull; in creams or gels

Dosages can vary depending on the medical condition, its severity and the age of the patient. In illegal use of this group of steroids dosages are highly variable and can be 10 to 40, sometimes even a 100 times higher than the recommended dose.

Two or more types of the drug are often used, which is called 'stacking', as there is a belief that two or more interacting steroids produced an improved result. There are also periods when the drug is not used at all. It is believed by arranging the doses and drugs in this way that the body is allowed time to adjust and avoid the well documented side effects as the body can return to normal production of hormones.

Effects of steroids on humans

The short-term adverse physical effects of anabolic steroid abuse are fairly well known. It is proven that abuse of anabolic steroids may result in harmful side-effects as well as serious injury and death. The most important thing is that the abuser in most cases is unaware of these dangers. It is important to recognize this problem and take preventive measures to protect athletes and other users.

Several researches have proven that the two major effects of testosterone are:

1. an androgenic effect
The term %26ldquo;androgenic%26rdquo; refers to the physical changes experienced by a male during puberty. Androgenic effects would be similarly experienced in a female. This property is responsible for the majority of the side effects of steroid use.
2. an anabolic effect
The term %26ldquo;anabolic%26rdquo; refers to promoting of anabolism, the actual building of tissues, mainly muscle, accomplished by the promotion of protein synthesis.

Steroids are also purported to:

%26bull; increase lean body mass,
%26bull; increase strength aggressiveness
%26bull; they are also believed to reduce recovery time between workouts,
%26bull; increase their endurance, muscle size, and strength,
%26bull; reduce body fat

Short-Term Effects

The major effects of anabolic steroid use include

%26bull; liver tumors
%26bull; jaundice
%26bull; fluid retention
%26bull; high blood pressure

For men, additional side effects include:

%26bull; shrinking of the testicles
%26bull; reduced sperm count
%26bull; development of breasts
%26bull; baldness
%26bull; infertility

For women, additional side effects include:

%26bull; growth of facial hair
%26bull; deepened voice
%26bull; changes in or cessation of menstrual cycles

For adolescents, additional side effects include:

%26bull; accelerated puberty changes
%26bull; growth halted prematurely
%26bull; paranoid jealousy
%26bull; extreme irritability
%26bull; impaired judgment

Steroids abuse

Anabolic steroids are primarily used by bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts who claim steroids give them a competitive advantage and improve their physical performance. Body guards, construction workers, and law enforcement officers are also known to take these drugs. Some researches suggest that 2.5% of high school pupils in the US will have taken illegal steroids at some time. This is particularly worrying considering the very high risks of steroid abuse in those under the age of 18.

Steroids and addiction

Several recent studies suggest that long-time steroid users and steroid abusers may experience the classic characteristics of addiction including:

%26bull; cravings,
%26bull; difficulty in stopping steroid use
%26bull; withdrawal symptoms

Anabolic steroid side effects

Typical problems that can be found in people who abuse anabolic steroids include liver tumors and cancer, jaundice, retention of fluid, high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes, increases in LDL, kidney cancer, acne and trembling. Another common complication is gynecomastia. Condition characterized by growth of the breasts which is generally irreversible and plastic surgery is required to remove the breasts.

%26bull; Risks for women
Several researches have proven that women can start looking like men with growing beards, balding and voice breaking, while their menstrual cycle changes or stops, and the clitoris enlarges.
%26bull; Risks for teenagers
Steroid abuse is particularly risky for teenagers, because it forces the body rapidly to adulthood and causes the bones to stop growing permanently.
%26bull; Risks of infection
Steroid injecting carries all the other risks associated with injecting such as infection with HIV, and hepatitis B or hepatitis C.

Are Steroids Illegal?

STEROIDS ARE ILLEGAL and most of them are considered a Class C drug which means that, without a doctor's prescription for a medical condition, it's against the law to possess, sell, or distribute anabolic steroids.

The Anabolic Steroids Control Act of 1990 placed anabolic steroids into Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act. Under this legislation, anabolic steroids are defined as any drug or hormonal substance chemically and pharmacologically related to testosterone that promotes muscle growth.
The first-time possession of anabolic steroids carries a maximum penalty of one year in prison and a $1,000 fine. For first-offense trafficking in steroids, the maximum penalty is five years in prison and a fine of $250,000. Second offenses doubles this penalty. In addition to federal penalties, state laws also prohibit illegal anabolic steroid use. While the above listed penalties are for federal offenses, individual states have also implemented fines and penalties for illegal use of anabolic steroids.


There are several sources for purposes of illegal use. The most common illegal source is smuggling steroids into the U.S. from other countries such as Mexico and European countries where a prescription is not required for the purchase of steroids. Less often steroids found in the illicit market are diverted from legitimate sources or produced in clandestine laboratories.