Anxiety is an essential part of human make-up, which serves to prepare us for action. We all use anxiety to ready our mind and body for the task ahead. However, this evolved mechanism to motivate and protect us can come to form the basis of anxiety disorders and nervous conditions. We begin to focus on it and worry about it, try to avoid or fight it. In fact, behaviors seen in many disorders involve high anxiety, panic, obsessions, compulsions and despair. Psychological in basis, these disorders involve exaggerated fears and beliefs that are out of proportion to some actual situation or danger.
What is anxiety?
It is estimated that in America alone, around 20 million people suffer from some form of anxiety disorder, since there are many of those. The most common is social anxiety disorder or social phobia. That disorder affects over 5 million people, closely followed by PTSD and general anxiety disorder. Around one in 30-50 people suffer from OCD and around 1 in 10 people have a specific phobia. This does not include shyness, self-consciousness and other nervous conditions involving anxiety. These disorders may work in the same way though not severe enough to be classed as some form of disorders. For example, many people are shy enough to avoid certain situations. It happens particularly where they feel nervous and uncomfortable in the presence of other people.
Types of anxiety disorder
- Generalized anxiety disorder or GAD is characterized by long-lasting exaggerated and unrealistic worry about many things. It could be, for example, health or family and self-safety, finances, work, chance of accidents. This is usually accompanied by physical anxiety symptoms such as trembling, being on edge and body aches.
- Panic disorder are regular attacks of panic, for no apparent reason, involving chest pain, heart palpitations, trembling, sweating and fear of having a heart attack.
There are also reported cases of fear of dying or losing control.
- Phobias could occur as specific phobias, involving fear of a category of objects or dogs, heights, snakes, or sometimes more generalized fears that occur in many situations. An example is agoraphobia, the fear of outdoors or places where escape or relief from a panic attack would be difficult. Example is also social phobia or social anxiety disorder. That is the fear of situations where we have to do things in front of others and in which they could judge, ridicule or reject us.
- Obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD involves performing routines or rituals, known as compulsions. It could occur as obsessive hand washing, done to relieve the anxiety caused by recurring thoughts known as obsessions. It could also be the fear of being contaminated or contaminating others, along with anxiety and panic.
- Post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. Here, traumatic events, experienced are re-lived through such things as nightmares or flashbacks, can lead to avoiding similar situations or places. Emotional numbing and physical anxiety symptoms are also common disorders.
- Depression is actually not classified as anxiety disorders, but still many types of depression involve high anxiety. Here, the person bears the heavy weight of responsibility for negative events. Person with depression feels that they have no hope of coping with them, and as with all the disorders, the physical symptoms of anxiety can be present. Depression is a major additional diagnosis with GAD, panic disorder and OCD. Similar ways of thinking, feeling and behaving are seen across the anxiety disorders.
All anxiety disorders involve a state of higher than average physiological arousal, a nervousness, greater alertness, shown by heightened senses and a higher than normal resting heart-beat rate.
GAD and OCD both involve self-perpetuating thoughts relating to attempts to cope and gain control, while phobias and OCD entail panic when confronted by the feared object or thought. Feelings of inability to cope with negative events occur with anxiety and depression. However, those with depression feel responsible for the events while those with anxiety generally do not. Panic disorder, phobias and PTSD all involve some form of avoidance. Ranging from that due to the overwhelming urge to escape in phobias to the cognitive avoidance strategies used in panic disorders and the emotional numbing are common in PTSD to avoid painful feelings. In both social phobia and agoraphobia, the fear is increased in places where we feel trapped. For example, it is fear that occurs while waiting in queues or in the hairdressers and dentist%26rsquo;s chair. All disorders involve feelings of not being in control. Particularly, panic disorder and agoraphobia where exaggerated fears of losing control are prominent. Almost all anxiety disorders are preceded by negative life experiences. From the short duration, high-intensity traumatic events associated with PTSD to more prolonged long-term stressors involved in many disorders.
Symptoms of anxiety disorders
The most common symptom at the start of many disorders is usually a period of nervousness. They reflect the ways that humans have evolved to deal with stressful or dangerous situations. Almost everyone displays behaviors associated with these problems at some time in their lives, but half of the population experience frequent but irrational fears. However, these are not strongly enough to be classed as phobias or some other anxiety disorders. Public speaking and meeting new people are common fears among adults, which is classified as social phobia. Many people fear walking into crowded places; literal meaning of agoraphobia is fear of the marketplace. The majority of us perform checking, cleaning, tidying and ordering rituals daily, but not to the extent of OCD. Although anxiety is a part of all our lives, not everyone develops an anxiety disorder.
What is the fear of death?
Cost of living with fear of death
It is important to understand that a person living with fear of death has real costs to their health, career or school, and to family life. Avoiding the issue indefinitely would mean resigning these people to living in fear, missing out on priceless life experiences big and small, living a life that is just a shadow of what it will be when the problem is gone. For anyone earning a living, the financial toll of this phobia is incalculable because living with fear means you can never concentrate fully and give your best. These people commonly lost opportunities, have poor performance or grades and promotions that pass you by. Fear of death will likely cost their tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of their lifetime, let alone the cost to health and quality of life.
What is the cause of fear of death?
Like all fears and phobias, fear of death is created by the unconscious mind as a protective mechanism where in some point in the past, there was likely an event linking death or dead things and emotional trauma. Whilst the original catalyst may have been a real-life scare of some kind, the condition can also be triggered by myriad, benign events like movies, TV, or seeing someone else experience trauma. However, so long as the negative association is powerful enough, the unconscious mind thinks that whole thing is very dangerous. The fear of death clinic at the CTRN phobia clinic is entirely result-focused. Therefore, you are charged for the result you want as freedom from fear of death, regardless of how long it takes. The process of therapy usually requires no more than ten hours. In exceptional cases, the people who could help you can achieve a favorable result in two to three hours. However, because we guarantee the outcome, they will work with you for as long as it takes; five minutes, five hours, or five weeks. They work highly effectively by telephone, which allows their clients far more flexibility in scheduling appointments, and the results are every bit as good as meeting in person.