Feelings in pregnancy
You may be happy that you are pregnant or you may be scared that you are pregnant. You may find it hard to believe or feel you are too young, or you may feel like your life is out of control. You may need help with the money or housing, or anything you could do. That is why you should try to talk to someone you trust and who can help you.
Choices in pregnancy
You have a number of choices, since you may decide to terminate the pregnancy by having an abortion, or have the baby. If you decide to terminate the pregnancy, the earlier you do so the better; you can obtain counseling about pregnancy options from your doctor or agencies such as Planned Parenthood. If you decide to have the baby, you also have choices about what to do after the baby is born; you can keep the baby or you can place it for adoption. Consult with your family, doctor, a social worker, or a member of the clergy about your choices. However, the final decision about pregnancy is still yours.
Being a mother
Having a baby means getting used to a new way of life because your baby will need your care for much of the day and night. Caring for a baby can enrich your life but it also is a lot of work and a great responsibility. You should plan for the costs of raising a child because you and your baby will need a place to live and money for food and clothing.
You may also have other specific needs, such as a car seat, a stroller, or child-care.
Prenatal care
Prenatal care is the health care you receive before your baby is born, which includes medical care and counseling. The earlier you get prenatal care, the better your chances are for a healthy pregnancy, a healthy birth, and a healthy baby off course. At your first prenatal visit, your doctor or nurse will ask you many questions and you will have a complete physical exam, which may include a pelvic exam. The doctor will set up a prenatal care plan for you, so as your pregnancy progresses, you will visit the doctor more often. As part of your prenatal care, it is a good idea to take childbirth classes where most areas offer classes led by trained staff.
Recommended changes in pregnancy
There may be some changes in your lifestyle you need to make now that you are pregnant. You should eat healthy foods and avoid things that could cause harm to your baby. These substances are alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drugs very popular among teenagers nowadays. You have to eat well, because eating the right food can increase the chances of you and your baby staying healthy. Because pregnancy requires extra nutrients your doctor may prescribe a prenatal vitamin for you, and you should make sure you are getting enough folic acid each day. If taken in the first three months of pregnancy, folic acid helps prevent certain birth defects of the spine and skull known as neural tube defects.
Probably you know that alcohol, tobacco, and drugs can harm your baby. Therefore, if you use any of these substances, now is a good time to quit. Pregnant teens are more at risk of certain health problems, such as high blood pressure or anemia (low iron in the blood). They also are more likely to go into labor too early, more commonly then older women.
Planning your future
You can help make the future bright for you and your baby. You should arrange to see your doctor four to six weeks after the baby is born. Do it to make sure you are healthy and to talk about your future health needs, including birth control. Soon after your baby is born, you will need to visit your doctor for a postpartum visit, which is an important visit. It is very important to know all young women have the opportunity to plan their future, but still more than 60 of every 1000 teenage women gave birth. Still teenage pregnancy rates remain high, since approximately 1 million teenage girls in the US become pregnant every year. In order to lower teenage birthrates, teens must be educated about sex and the consequences of pregnancy. Teen pregnancy is an important issue because there are health risks to the baby. In addition, children born to teenage mothers are more likely to suffer health, social, and emotional problems. There is an increased risk of complications such as premature labor and socioeconomic consequences as well during teen pregnancy.
Health risks to the baby
Teenage births create health risks for the baby because teenage mothers are less likely to gain adequate weight during their pregnancy. This can lead to low birth weight, which is associated with infant and childhood disorders and a high rate of infant mortality. Low-birth weight babies are more likely to have organs that are not fully developed as well. That can result in complications such as bleeding in the brain, respiratory distress syndrome, and intestinal problems. Teenage mothers tend to have poor eating habits and are less likely to take recommended daily multivitamins to maintain adequate nutrition during pregnancy too. They are more likely to smoke, drink, or take drugs during pregnancy then older mothers, which can cause health problems for the baby. Teenage mothers are less likely to seek regular prenatal care, which is essential for monitoring the growth of the fetus, keeping the mother%26rsquo;s weight in check and advising the mother on nutrition, and how she should take care of herself to ensure a healthy pregnancy. In addition, children born to teenage mothers are less likely to receive proper nutrition, health care, cognitive and social stimulation. Because of that, they may have an underdeveloped intellect and attain lower academic achievement. Children born to teenage mothers are at a greater risk of abuse and neglect, boys born to teenage mothers are 13% more likely to be incarcerated, and girls born to teenage mothers are 22% more likely to become teenage mothers as well.
Other consequences of teenage pregnancy
Teenage births are associated with lower annual income for the mother; 80% of them eventually rely on welfare. Teenage mothers are more likely to drop out of school and only about one-third of teen mothers obtain a high school diploma. Teenage pregnancies are associated with an increased rate of delinquent behaviors in the fathers, including alcohol and substance abuse, lower educational level, and reduced earning potential. That is why each teenage girl and boy should know as much as possible about birth control.
Birth control
Abstinence (not having sex) is a sure way to avoid becoming pregnant again or getting any STD. If you choose to have sex, it would be the best to wait until your doctor tells you it is safe to do so. Teens must be educated and informed about how to change their sexual behavior and how to use contraceptives correctly. Therefore, they need basic information about how to protect themselves and their reproductive health. Teenagers must develop communication skills and sexual decision-making so that sex does not just happen to people as some of them might think.
Twenty-five percent of teenage mothers give birth to a second baby within 2 years. That is why we could see that teenagers must be made aware of the consequences of having more than one child at a young age. For teenagers that wish to control their life, there are various birth control methods available on the market, so teens should talk to their health care provider to determine the best choice for them.
Depo-provera, for example, is injected into a woman%26rsquo;s arm muscle or buttocks every three months. That birth control method requires a visit to the doctor or health care professional, but it works well, preventing pregnancy by preventing ovulation, altering the cervical mucus to make it more difficult for the sperm to reach the egg, and preventing a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus and developing. It also reduces menstrual cramps, iron-deficiency anemia, and risk of endometrial cancer. Side effects include irregular periods, weight gain, and tender breasts in some cases similar to birth control pills.
Norplant is an implant that is inserted under the skin and is effective for up to 5 years. It is made up of six matchstick-sized rubber rods and must be inserted and removed by a professional health care provider. There is an increased risk of pregnancy in heavier women, but Norplant failure is generally rare, although side effects include changes in the menstrual cycle, weight gain, and tender breasts similar to any other birth control method.
There is also a variety of low-dose birth control pills that are safe, and these pills reduce menstrual cramps and blood flow. The pill is also able to regulate the menstrual cycle and in some cases, reduce acne for some girls.
Condoms and contraceptive jelly reduce the risk for pregnancy and for sexually transmitted diseases or infections that are very common.
Emergency contraceptive pills, also known as morning-after pills are effective if taken within 72 hours after having unprotected sex; most medical insurance companies cover them, although a prescription is required.
However, you must know the most effective method of birth control is abstinence, which means no sexual intercourse at all. Abstinence is the only way that couples can be 100% sure they will not have to deal with pregnancy or STDs at all.