You probably know someone who has had a runny nose for more than a week, maybe even more than a month. New research has found that it may not be wise to use nose drops periodically, because it can be addictive. If you have a minor nasal-related problem, you should try some other solutions first, such as saline. If you have serious problems, seek a doctor%26rsquo;s advice. Most doctors include nose drops as a simple treatment option, but how easy is it to develop nose drops addiction?
Medical term for nose drops addiction
This is the adrenergic effect of the drops, whether taken orally or as nasal spray.
There are some common nasal sprays that can cause Rhinitis medicamentousm, such as Oxymetazoline, known as Afrin, Phenyleherine or Neosynephrine, and Xylometazoline known as Otrivin or Inspire. Any constrictor nose drop can cause you to become addicted. There is evidence that although Afrin shrinks the nasal tissue, BZK irritates it so that you need more Afrin. The important conclusion is, products without BZK may not cause RM. There is high incidence of RM probably because these medications are so readily available.
It is easy to tell the patient to stop using the product, but their misery is quite severe and often willpower does not work to keep them away from the addictive cure. One solution is a course of prednisone with antibiotics, which shrinks the nose and reduces inflammation.
What to do when you become addicted to nose drops
First, you might try with prednisone with antibiotics, as stated above, but you could also dilute the drops you are using gradually. You can get a program of gradual reduction of the nasal drops through a company known as Rhinostat Systems. They are able to make a solution for you so that you gradually reduce the dose. Since you are no longer getting the rebound effect, this is a preferred method.
In some cases where you%26rsquo;ve been using the medication for a long time and you are already addicted, the cilia fail to resume good movement right away. This is why the nose may still feel as though it is stuffy. Hot tea, chicken soup, or compresses to the sinus area may help relieve this symptom. The Hydro Pulse nasal and sinus irrigator pulses at a rate to best restore normal cilia speed, so you could try this as well.
Is there a way to prevent nose drops addiction?
If you want to prevent nose drops addiction, try to avoid nose drops altogether. If you do get a stuffy nose on the first day, just take it easy, and don%26rsquo;t rush to the medicine cabinet. Plenty of tea and rest may be all you need. Once you start overusing nasal sprays, you can wind up addicted. This happens not because you are weak, but because of the rebound effect of these medications. Doctors should emphasize that willpower is not the issue here. The RM caused by usage of nose drops is a chemical condition caused by the rebound of the medication. Patients with RM need assistance to quit the nose spray habit, but the best cure, of course, is not to get started. Cortisone sprays, saline sprays without benzalkonium, and Breathe.ease XL spray, do not cause Rhinitis Medicamentosum.
Sinusitis and addiction
Nasal decongestants may help the sinuses drain, but antihistamines may actually make the sinus infection worse, as they sometimes make the mucus thicker and harder to drain. Topical decongestants, such as the nose drops and sprays, make the child feel better but at a terrible price. Overuse of these products actually makes the lining of the nose addicted to them, so that the child cannot breathe well without using them. That is why a doctor should recommend staying away from nose drops as much as possible. A better treatment is salt water.
How to use nose drops properly?
Blow your nose gently, then drop the required number of drops into each nostril. The aim is to get the liquid to spread over the entire inside surface of the nose, including the upper surface. A good position is to lie on the bed with your head hanging back over the edge; you should stay like this for two minutes after putting in the drops, so that the liquid does not immediately run out of your nose or down the back of your throat, but stays for a while in the nose cavity. Kneeling or bending forward is an alternative, but it is harder to stay like this for two minutes. You should not put in nose drops by tilting your head back when standing or sitting. This way the upper surface inside your nose will not be covered by the liquid.
Each consumer of nose drops should ask a pharmacist or doctor for advice before starting a new type of nose drops. Between doses, you should keep the bottle closed and store in a cool, dark place. Do not let anyone else use your drops and do not use anyone else%26rsquo;s drops yourself.
Do not use nose drops more often or for longer than advised. In addition, everyone who uses nose drops should know addiction with nose drops is not like getting hooked on weed or pain pills. It is not as you get a mellow feeling and want to go for the drift off. With nose drops, you need more and more just to breathe, which is a serious problem. You can mess up your natural nose reactions and then you would need to spray just to get air in, so be very careful when you start using nose drops.