In this article we will discuss permanent facial hair removal methods: how they are done, how many treatments they involve and how much these treatments cost.
First of all, popular, body hair removal methods vary somewhat by the location, density, and color of the body hair to be removed. In this article we will concentrate only on permanent removal of facial hair, both in women and men. Facial hair can be embarrassing for women, especially if dark and dense, and can be annoying for men and may certainly take too much time shave every morning. Besides some men have problems with irritated skin because of shaving.
Let's see what can be do about all those inconveniences.
In men, shaving beards is by far the most popular option, but as we all know, it is by far not the one that lasts long. For male beards electrolysis can be permanent, but it requires a serious commitment of time and money. It takes very long time, not to mention money, and must be done by someone with a lot of experience, otherwise patient might get scarred, which is especially the case with heavier beards. Some even recommend laser for light skin and dark hair, but there is limited data on how long it will last and what is the success rate of laser.
The same is true for women, although they do not have heavy beards. Electrolysis is most recommendable, but it is important that electrolysis is done by someone with experience; or laser, which may also be found for women with lighter skin tone and darker hair, but as with men there is a limited date on long-term effectiveness and success rate.
Nevertheless, it is essential for both men and women to make their own research, talk with at least few doctors specialized in this field and then decide what is the best option for them.
Laser hair removal
Laser hair removal is done by delivering light at a specified wavelength from handpiece into the skin, where the laser targets pigment in hair. This is done in order to cause thermal and mechanical damage to a hair follicle while sparing surrounding tissues.
Laser hair removal can be achieved with the use of several available lasers. Hair removal that lasts several months can be done in almost all patients, however, permanent laser hair removal is possible only in low percentage of patients.
Laser hair removal is not painful, but it is uncomfortable: this is simply because every hair follicle is surrounded by nerve endings. However, anesthetic cream can be applied half hour before treatment in order to relief discomfort during the procedure.
It is simply not possible to benefit from one or two treatments, not in the long term. Most patients require three to six treatments, or when hair is darker and coarse, as with male beards even more.
Facial hair removal by laser requires very little time: upper lip takes about 5 minutes, while full face is done in about 15 minutes. Treatments are repeated approximately once a month, and we already mentioned patients requite three to six treatments.
The most evident advantages of facial hair removal is that there is a great chance of permanent hair reduction, but if regrowth of hair occurs, it comes back lighter in color or finer in texture. Laser is most appropriate for people with dark hair and light skin, but not for unpigmented (gray) hair or blond and red hair. or However, long-term data on safety and effectiveness has not been accurately established.
Improper laser treatment can cause burns, lesions, patchy patterned skin regrowth and skin discoloration which can last several months.
Cost of facial hair removal by laser depends on every clinic (how they establish the price), and of course it also depends on individual patient and his or her hair growth pattern: all patterns of hair growth are unique, therefore the cost of laser hair removal will also be unique. For that reason some clinics want to have consultation before pricing laser hair removal. Some clinics decide for price on flat free basis, which may be on a per treatment basis or a package of treatments basis, others decide on the basis of time, and some determine their fee according to pulse.
Electrolysis hair removal
Electrolysis is comparing to laser removal for most patients permanent hair removal, of course of performed correctly. Electrolysis is comparing to laser older hair removal method. Electrolysis was invented over 100 years ago in the United States. During electrolysis, a hair-thin metal probe is slid into a hair follicle and an electrical pulse is sent through the needle. (Proper insertion does not puncture the skin.) If this particular hair follicle is in the active growth stage at the time of treatment, it will probably not grow again.
There are three basic types of electrolysis hair removal:
- Galvanic - An electro-chemical current produces a bit of lye (Galvanic electrolysis works by causing salt and water in the skin around the probe to be chemically altered to produce a small amount of sodium hydroxide, or lye, which is the active ingredient in some crystal drain openers. If enough lye is produced, it can damage the cells that cause hair growth.)
- Thermolysis - A heat current is produced by and a radio wave (works by causing water molecules in the skin around the probe to vibrate, which creates heat, and if enough heat is produced, it can damage the cells that cause hair growth.)
- Blend - An electro-chemical reaction is produced more quickly by a combination of the above methods.
Comparing to laser electrolysis has by far the best and longest track record of results. It is very important that person performing electrolysis is well trained, otherwise you might end up with scars. However, there are some common side effects of electrolysis: pain during procedure (depends on the coarseness of the hair being removed, the sensitivity of the area- local topical anesthetic can be applied), redness, swelling.
Electrolysis is comparing to laser more effective on the long run, but it also demands more commitment and most of all more time. While one laser treatment for upper lip hair removal takes approximately 5 minutes electrolysis hair removal will take 20 minutes. Patient that has decided for laser removal will have to repeat approximately 5 treatments, while one who decided for electrolysis will have to return up to 20 to 45 times! One laser removal treatment for upper lip will cost $50-$150, while electrolysis $15-$30, which means that average cost for upper lip removal with laser will cost $400-$800, while average cost for upper lip electrolysis removal will cost $450-$1035 .