
Addressing Common Concerns About Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery is exceedingly popular among female plastic surgery patients. Many women desire a fuller bust line and better proportioned figure for their personal satisfaction. If you are a women considering breast augmentation, then you naturally have concerns about the procedure. Alt...

Breast augmentation surgery is exceedingly popular among female plastic surgery patients. Many women desire a fuller bust line and better proportioned figure for their personal satisfaction. If you are a women considering breast augmentation, then you naturally have concerns about the procedure. Although surgical enhancement of the breasts is safe and in fact routine, it does occasionally result in complications and raise concerns. It is best to fully understand the procedure if you are considering how it might be of benefit to you.

Breast Exams and Mammography

Monitoring the health of your breasts is an important part of your health regimen. If you are reaching middle age, then annual mammograms are on your horizon. You may wonder if breast implants will interfere with mammography. Breast implants will not prevent you from receiving a thorough mammogram. The implants are placed beneath the soft tissues of the breast or sometimes even under the chest muscles. However, it would be best to have your mammogram performed by an experienced clinician who can take care not to harm your breasts or the implants within them.

It is good to note that research from the National Cancer Institute has showed no significant increase in breast cancer incidence or mortality among women with breast implants. Some studies even show a lower risk of cancer in women who have breast implants, although the reason for this is unclear.

As for a self breast exam or a breast exam performed by a doctor or nurse, the implants should not interfere with the ability to examine tissue. The glandular tissues of the breast that are susceptible to cancer are on top of the implants. After breast augmentation surgery you will need to become familiar with the new shape and feel of your breasts so that you will be able to monitor for changes or abnormalities in the future.


Beverly Hills breast augmentation surgery will not eliminate your ability to nurse a baby. However, it is recommended that you discuss your future desire to nurse with your plastic surgeon to make sure that the surgical approach taken will limit disturbance to your milk ducts and glandular tissues. There is the possibility of difficulties breast feeding following breast enlargement.

Post Operative Infection

As with any surgery, breast augmentation creates the risk of a chance of post operative infection. Manufacturers of breast implants report a 0.5 percent to 1 percent chance of infection with their products. If an infection should develop after your breast augmentation surgery, antibiotics will be a necessary treatment, often along with removal of the breast implant or implants. The infection usually cannot clear up with the breast implant inside your body. After the infection has resolved, your breast implant can be replaced into your breast tissues after three or more months.

Breast Implant Leakage

At any time following breast augmentation surgery, even years later, an implant can develop a leak. Signs of leakage should be reported to your plastic surgeon as soon as possible because the implant will need to be replaced. When a saline implant is leaking, your breast will get smaller as your body absorbs the leaking saline solution that is harmless to your body. A leaking silicone implant may be more difficult to detect because sometimes the scars and membranes around the implant will continue to contain the gel. However, if the membrane also ruptures, changes in breast shape and firmness may result. Removal and replacement of the breast implant will be necessary.

Breast Implant Rejection

Although it is very rare for your body to reject a breast implant, it remains a possibility. If your body refuses the introduction of breast implants, then they will have to be removed and you are no longer a candidate for breast augmentation surgery.

Capsular Contracture

This is considered one of the more common problems that can arise from breast augmentation surgery. Our bodies naturally form a membrane or capsule around internal prostheses like artificial joints or breast implants. In some cases, the naturally forming capsule thickens and causes the breast to feel firmer or even hard as it puts extra pressure on the implant. Depending on the extent of the problem, treatment might include surgery to remove the hardened capsule and replacement of the breast implants.

Breast Rippling

Because your breast tissue will be spread out over the implant, irregularities in the tissue may be seen as rippling on the surface of your skin. This seems to be a slightly more prevalent problem with saline implants than silicone. The size of the implants that you select may also contribute to surface rippling. Larger breast implants require your tissues to be spread over them to a greater degree, which increases the possibility of rippling. You should consider this as you select your new breast size. The risk of this problem is generally thought to be lower with silicone gel breast implants.

Breast augmentation surgery is successfully performed hundreds of thousands of times every year. For the majority of patients it is a safe and satisfying plastic surgery experience. Before seeking surgery, however, you should carefully consider the possible complications and assess your comfort level with the risks. It should be noted, that among the Los Angeles plastic surgery procedures we perform, breast augmentation has among the very highest rates of patient satisfaction.