
A death sentence prognosis that never occurred

Claire Devon, a two year old, was given a death sentence by her doctor. She believed she had an incurable brain cancer. The first symptoms indicated she had the flu. After more observation it showed she had an aggressive form of cancer, usually in children, called ATRT.A cat scan had revealed a huge...

Claire Devon, a two year old, was given a death sentence by her doctor. She believed she had an incurable brain cancer. The first symptoms indicated she had the flu. After more observation it showed she had an aggressive form of cancer, usually in children, called ATRT.

A cat scan had revealed a huge mass in the brain. According to her doctor the survival rate was 0% to 10%. An oncologist recommended kimo therapy. However if applied it would be so toxic it would ooze out her skin. When asked what the prognosis would be if Claire didn%26rsquo;t get the treatment it was believed the survival time would be no longer than six months.

With the shrug of the shoulders Mrs. Devon left the doctors office. She was devastated and couldn%26rsquo;t imagine subjecting that toxic of a treatment on her daughter.

To ease her mind she took little Claire to the local mall. While there riding the merry-go-round she saw a small ad that immediately caught her attention.

The ad was for St. Jude%26rsquo;s Research Hospital. That wonderful hospital in Memphis, Tennessee founded by Danny Thomas. That%26rsquo;s where miracle cures have occurred many times over the years. She was so excited she called her husband immediately and asked him to call St. Jude%26rsquo;s right away to see if they could bring their daughter there for an evaluation..

Well Claire did go there and today she is cancer free. What they did for her I%26rsquo;m not totally sure. I just caught the tail end of the interview on the Today Show one morning. Ann Curry was interviewing Claire and her mother along with Marlo Thomas, Director of St. Jude%26rsquo;s. Marlo was asked by Ann Curry, %26quot;why wouldn%26rsquo;t a hospital or a doctor direct someone to go to a place like St. Jude%26rsquo;s%26quot;? Marlo said, there are %26quot;good hospitals%26quot; and there are %26quot;bad hospitals.%26quot; %26quot;They just never seem to make patients aware of such places.%26quot;

What is very disturbing to me is that the conventional medical establishment doesn%26rsquo;t make it a policy to tell people about alternative cures or treatments. All they seem to think about is just prescribing drugs for any disease or illness for their patients. That%26rsquo;s nothing more then a band aid treatment. The proper diagnosis has to come from getting to the root of the problem instead of treating the symptoms.

What is kind of frightening is if Mrs. Devon hadn%26rsquo;t seen that ad that day for St. Jude%26rsquo;s little Claire could now be dead. What is it going to take to wake up America to the fact that conventional medicine in most cases is a disgrace? This is a word that a prominent doctor of many years of practice used at the end of a report I found while researching for alternative medicine information.

I know for a fact that the alternative medicine method is beginning to catch more of the public%26rsquo;s attention than ever today. I guess those of us who are strong believers in those methods just need to keep informing everyone they know and meet of their beliefs. I%26rsquo;ve taken it even a couple of steps further. I continue to write articles encouraging people to become more educated about alternative medicine and then I advise them to take personal charge of their health. I also recommend if you are being treated by a conventional doctor make sure you scrutinize his findings and even get a second opinion preferably from a naturopathic doctor.

In addition to writing articles about health and preaching my philosophy to anyone who will listen I also publish a bimonthly newsletter with one page devoted specifically to health issues and now I have a new web site devoted entirely to health information. I%26rsquo;m on a crusade to do what I can to educate everyone I can of the merits of alternative medicine. Join me in my crusade I could use your help.

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